Is PS4 for liberals and XBONE for conservatives?

You guys tell me.

Seeing as the video game demographics shoot for 12-45 year olds, I'd say BOTH are for liberals.

Conservatives make up 45+, they probably have no idea wtf an XBOX or PS4 IS let alone play either of them..

PS4 & XBOX > Liberals

Ensure and Depends > Conservatives

Seeing as the video game demographics shoot for 12-45 year olds, I'd say BOTH are for liberals.

Conservatives make up 45+, they probably have no idea wtf an XBOX or PS4 IS let alone play either of them..

PS4 & XBOX > Liberals

Ensure and Depends > Conservatives


The leak protection is wonderful? is that why he is so happy!
Both companies require a subscription for full online connectivity, both charge the same for software and both create idiotic exclusivity agreements that damage consumers.

Looks like either one you pick describes both parties, over engineered, overpriced, doesn't work as promised and couldn't care less about you.

However, the Xbox would be more appropriate to be called the Romney of the two, changing stances on things after public opinion is revealed. A weathervane, just like Romney was.

Seriously, I was an early adopter and regret it. I have this stupid piece of crap knect that has close to zero functionality. 'It has to be connected.' they said. 100 bones for a useless IR camera and microphone array, then they sell a standalone console without the knect.
*shakes fist at sky*

That being said this is where I land politically according to
Consoles in general are for stupid people.

Buy gaming PC on a future proof main board, upgrade as necessary, profit.
Agreed, I prefer PC for obvious performance differences and price of software, a superior machine.

But that does explain it doesn't it?

Two parties squabble over the scraps, what does the PC represent in this goofy day dream?
Agreed, I prefer PC for obvious performance differences and price of software, a superior machine.

But that does explain it doesn't it?

Two parties squabble over the scraps, what does the PC represent in this goofy day dream?
The third and overlooked party which doesn't exist but should cos most people don't actually agree with the two parties they just vote for the less bad one?

The consoles analogy is still surprising apt for that.
Consoles in general are for stupid people.

Buy gaming PC on a future proof main board, upgrade as necessary, profit.

Well I would agree with you but the blatant ignorance in your post makes it hard to side with you at all. While the PC has all these capabilities it also comes with extra headaches. I prefer to have a system where all my buddies can boot up the game and we don't have to wait for others to set up their video, sound, controls etc. I prefer plug n play if that makes me "stupid" well I fear what you are.

When it comes down to it not everyones PC will be able to run the new game that comes out, while your waiting for your new video card or motherboard to arrive I am diving deep into the game and enjoying it.

I have had almost every system created, the sega master system is one of the only ones I never had the chance to own. I have had gaming PC's that blow shit out of the water for a year or two but after that they are sluggish and need an upgrade. A fools money is not hard to come by.
Agreed, I prefer PC for obvious performance differences and price of software, a superior machine.

But that does explain it doesn't it?

Two parties squabble over the scraps, what does the PC represent in this goofy day dream?

The PC would be the independent party or more likely the libertarian. Lots of pirating, modding, bragging and guns rights! (adding a rocket launcher to a game is guns rights!!!)
Both companies require a subscription for full online connectivity, both charge the same for software and both create idiotic exclusivity agreements that damage consumers.

Looks like either one you pick describes both parties, over engineered, overpriced, doesn't work as promised and couldn't care less about you.

However, the Xbox would be more appropriate to be called the Romney of the two, changing stances on things after public opinion is revealed. A weathervane, just like Romney was.

Seriously, I was an early adopter and regret it. I have this stupid piece of crap knect that has close to zero functionality. 'It has to be connected.' they said. 100 bones for a useless IR camera and microphone array, then they sell a standalone console without the knect.
*shakes fist at sky*

That being said this is where I land politically according to
This ...^^^ is the beat then the passwords get hacked ...
like so many times...
better spending the money for a console on real shit chopper training lessons, ..
heavy boat skippers ticket
or powder monkey ticket ..

.but hey! I'm over 45+..
This ...^^^ is the beat then the passwords get hacked ...
like so many times...
better spending the money for a console on real shit chopper training lessons, ..
heavy boat skippers ticket
or powder monkey ticket ..

.but hey! I'm over 45+..

My pops is 66 and he is still down with playing some doom with me
I confess in last winter I got my GF's old laptop running
and played QUAKE on the 47" led tv,...
it rocks..
as so little grunt required too,
these games will never die

Destiny is like Doom / Quake. That is why so many of the newer generation don't like it. Because its run around blasting at everything in your path and there isn't much more to it than that. But I get a certain kind of happiness inside after mowing down the whole arena.

Now I will admit that wolfenstein was much more my kind of thing because nazis are a real threat where as aliens are just "different". Kind of like uncle buck.
Consoles in general are for stupid people.

Buy gaming PC on a future proof main board, upgrade as necessary, profit.

I wish a future proof main board existed. When I fork out $400 for a m/board it's superseded like two or three months later when a new revision comes out.