To smoke or not to smoke...


New Member
Hello all. I'm very new here and I have a question for anyone that may be able to help.

I've been smoking for a year thereabouts, I was a total novice when I started and until recently I was smoking over a 1.0 everyday and this was usually limited to nighttime smoking due to daytime commitments, anyway. I had my first bad night sleep in an awfully long time a few days ago and for whatever reason I've suddenly come to the conclusion to take a t-break, don't know why, I woke up that morning and that was it, I took any smoking paraphernalia I didn't need and disposed of it, I'd smoked the last of what I had as to not tempt me.

I intend to start smoking again after this t-break but I've been off the sweet stuff for about 3 days now and I honestly haven't suffered with any withdrawal, hazy mind, anxiety, paranoia... Nothing at all. Everywhere I have read people suffer after stopping cold turkey.

I'm not saying I've avoided the symptoms but I am curious to know why it isn't affecting me, I feel exactly like I do everyday up until the point I smoke, but to counteract that I've just taken the hour I would have spent smoking and I'm just going to sleep a bit earlier.

Any insight would be nice, I don't know if I posted this in the right place either; but any which way...

Happy smoking to you all!


New Member
Lots of times it doesen't, sometimes it does....but by no means (when it does) is it anything like hard drug withdrawal. Coffee withdrawal is much worse
I know I shouldn't worry about withdrawal or anything like that but I was just curious as to why I haven't had any problems as of yet (touch wood).


Well-Known Member
lots of reasons....body type (fat value), length of time smoking, potency of what you smoke, your genotype, your metabolism.

Pics dude, this is the wrong section for the question, so ya gotta pay with pics

polo the don

Well-Known Member
I know I shouldn't worry about withdrawal or anything like that but I was just curious as to why I haven't had any problems as of yet (touch wood).
The main reason for not having withdrawal symptoms is the fact that cannabis is not physically addictive. You body does not form a dependence to it to function normally.