Public Tripping


Well-Known Member
that's a long, strange one.. i was high for over 2 days on 3 hits of some DO(?), and we definitely spent some time in public. went to the gas station to get gas at 6 AM, left with no gas and 3 jungle juices, i threw one out the window almost imediately


Well-Known Member
that's a long, strange one.. i was high for over 2 days on 3 hits of some DO(?), and we definitely spent some time in public. went to the gas station to get gas at 6 AM, left with no gas and 3 jungle juices, i threw one out the window almost imediately
how did you come to realize it was "do?"?


Well-Known Member
I took DOC once..... I had work, got off and then dosed 3mg. After a few hours, others were tripping but not me, so I took another 4mg. I was off work for 2 entire days and didn't need to go back until noon on the 3rd day. I was still tripping when I went to work.

oh wait, I've had another DOx but can't remember which... it was on a spiderman blotter 5 years ago, and it was more enjoyable/shorter duration


Well-Known Member
how did you come to realize it was "do?"?
well it was the first time i'd tripped, and there were 3 hits on a sugarcube for like 10 bucks. I have no fucking clue what it was, but it lasted foreverrrr and was extremely visual. i don't know of other common psychedelics that last that long, but who knows.

Skuxx maybe it was DOC, i've had DOI before and it wasn't as cool nor did it last as long. DOI was ugly and uncomfortable


Well-Known Member
id say it was the first time you say "6-8" hours on lsd,but ive taken regular trips on high grade lsd that would have me fucked up for 12hours..not coming up or going down,just a good 12 hour peak..granted it was wash up,so...
not saying it wasnt..but dox is rare in its own right,correct?..not ultra rare,but not common as a "dummy"?..
i know if i ate 3 drops of 300ug liquid my first time,my trip would def be into the next night..


Well-Known Member
Funny thing, I was skateboarding in a parking lot Friday night, and this kid walks up to me and starts asking me questions, do i smoke? do i like acid? etc.

and i was like well what are you talking about is it real L?

and he says, "na man, that's the thing. it's DOC, it lasts 48 hours! my life has changed a lot in the last 2 weeks."

then goes on to tell me, "yeah, I can get 'tasteless', but the dude's charging me 90 a ten strip." while the DOC was like 225 a sheet..

overall weird situation for him to walk up to a complete stranger and tell me all that shit. people use the word 'acid' to describe any kind of psychedelic on paper, it's funny. he called real L "tasteless"


Haha when me and my buddy had lucy a couple months ago we walked up the main highway kicking and marching... we had so much euphoria haha we ended up going to Quickcheck to get a arizona ice tea that we were calling 'The Prizeeee!" it ended up being a awesome walk with some unusual looks and a nasty arizona full of high fructose corn syrup.