Random Jibber Jabber Thread

You are how old? What do you bring to this conversation besides the fact that you purchase shitty weed, and steal liquor to get fucked up? Do you have any goals? Are you striding to be a better peoples? Do you really even give a fuck about anyone here? or are you just talking shit to get the attention you can't get anywhere else? Do you think I, or anyone else here should put the effort into responding to you, if all we are supposed to expect from you is regurgitated bullshit that you've seen from shitty movies about weed? Do you care about ANYTHING? Are you really as hard as you claim to be?

Just asking the hard questions.
i don't purchase shitty weed we just aint too big on names here, it was just a misunderstanding, names of weed don't mean nuttin to dealers here. my buddy from the mainlands said the weed here was better then "og kush" "sour diesel" and all that shit. bragging about how we wouldn't be able to handle 1 hit of the "white widow" in where hes from, but he smoked one joint of the good stuff here and he didn't know what to do with himself. and i don't "regurgitate" stuff i see in movies about weed, all weed movies on inaccurate, makes all stoners look like lazy morons. and yes i have goals, to get a good job as a pipe fitter/steam fitter, grow weed, and have a sick ass weed smoking room with a big painting of tommy chong, hunter s thompson and bob marley in there. Woke up one morning and decided to do the humane thing, returned everything i ever stolen, dropped out of the gang bullshit. If it wasn't for this forum i wouldn't of realized how much of a sack of shit i was. I work, smoke weed (usually only wit my friends now not by myself all the time) and drink without stealing anything. I grew up i guess u could say, im trying to be a better person here, gimmie a break man.

don't look like shitty weed to me
i don't purchase shitty weed we just aint too big on names here, it was just a misunderstanding, names of weed don't mean nuttin to dealers here. my buddy from the mainlands said the weed here was better then "og kush" "sour diesel" and all that shit. bragging about how we wouldn't be able to handle 1 hit of the "white widow" in where hes from, but he smoked one joint of the good stuff here and he didn't know what to do with himself. and i don't "regurgitate" stuff i see in movies about weed, all weed movies on inaccurate, makes all stoners look like lazy morons. and yes i have goals, to get a good job as a pipe fitter/steam fitter, grow weed, and have a sick ass weed smoking room with a big painting of tommy chong, hunter s thompson and bob marley in there. Woke up one morning and decided to do the humane thing, returned everything i ever stolen, dropped out of the gang bullshit. If it wasn't for this forum i wouldn't of realized how much of a sack of shit i was. I work, smoke weed (usually only wit my friends now not by myself all the time) and drink without stealing anything. I grew up i guess u could say, im trying to be a better person here, gimmie a break man.

don't look like shitty weed to me

don't look like shitty weed to me

is that a pubic hair on the back of the nug?
So.... The new waitress at my local coney island annoys the living shit out of me.

She's far too informal and will sit down at my table while taking my order, she leans all over the table while speaking to me and always tells me her and her kid's medical problems because I work in the medical field.

I make it a point to be short with her in our exchanges.

How do I tell her that she is the worst waitress in the world? And that I feel obligated to tip her, although she disgusts me on multiple levels?

I'm generally a nice guy, but this woman ticks me off.

I love the coney otherwise, and I'm all for supporting local businesses, but this woman strains my patience on the regular.

What would you do?
So.... The new waitress at my local coney island annoys the living shit out of me.

She's far too informal and will sit down at my table while taking my order, she leans all over the table while speaking to me and always tells me her and her kid's medical problems because I work in the medical field.

I make it a point to be short with her in our exchanges.

How do I tell her that she is the worst waitress in the world? And that I feel obligated to tip her, although she disgusts me on multiple levels?

I'm generally a nice guy, but this woman ticks me off.

I love the coney otherwise, and I'm all for supporting local businesses, but this woman strains my patience on the regular.

What would you do?
Kick her in the cunt. Straight up.
Sound advice from a good man.

Might be hard to do considering the roll of blubber over the belt area.
lol honestly, you can be passive aggressive about it if you needed to. Tell her that her breath smells funky. Or say something abrupt, like, "your tits are looking great this morning". Just creep her out some, she'll give you distance. I fucking hate clingy broads.