That's the stoner version of first world problems right there lol. Woe is me with my sticky dank buds bleeding resin everywhere fml
What's that awesome semi-abrasive hand soap that mechanics use? Always wondered how that'd go - if it shifts caked on engine grease you'd think it'd have a chance.
Where do you guys get big pure bottles of iso? Awesome multipurpose cleaner, but I'm sick of paying crazy pharmacist prices for tiny bottles.
Try trademe for the iso, keep it under 15L otherwise you've got to fill out ad declaration thing and give contact details, reason etc, wouldn't go buying large amounts frequently either might raise suspicions, modify a pressure cooker and you can recover %95 of the iso and reuse it saves a lot of $$$ if your doing lots of runs.
hey Dimebong sounds weird but for sticky resin fingers use butter (not marg) and rub your hands and fingertips good with it for a couple minutes and a rinse in warm water its gone, just a lil trick I learnt from an old timer, or else a bit of iso or the missus nail polish remover but you still get a sticky feel afterwards but no smell