How far back can you positively trace your ancestry?


Well-Known Member
I can go back about as far as my grandparents, which would amount to no earlier than around 1900ish

I've got some spotted records of great grand parents, but nothing positive

I'm German, Irish, English and Italian as far as I know. It would be interesting to get an actual DNA makeup, I plan on doing that one day..

What about you?
Potato famine time mine came over to the states. Irish and Polish here with a bit of German and Belarusian thrown in for fun.
grandparents on my mothers side came to the US in the early 1900's. Fathers side traced back to a german clock maker in the 1400's, eventually emigrating here in the late 1600's and part of the over-the-mountain men in the revolution against the brittish.
We are Russian peasant stock and so to go even 5 miles in 1967 was a big deal...3 miles was the end of the earth, now 2014 its kilometers now
...but I know its far

here: baptism of 'Vladimir of Kiev' in 989 ..a great uncle, rich bastard too
Holy shit!
Dark Ages genealogy :lol:
What Heck you think its easy taxing those arabs on the silk routes, having to rape and plunder your way thru life, then of course came that Plague,
the black death, we didn't have books but made lots of pictures from pot fragments and stuck to walls of the church ...still easier than typing
any strangers were killed, just for their food and clothes, then came the commies ..them was the times ...LOLOL
What Heck you think its easy taxing those arabs on the silk routes, having to rape and plunder your way thru life, then of course came that Plague,
the black death, we didn't have books but made lots of pictures from pot fragments and stuck to walls of the church ...still easier than typing
any strangers were killed, just for their food and clothes, then came the commies ..them was the times ...LOLOL

Heavy Dude Real Heavy ! School Age and white no room for ambiguity..those commies for you ...but a review in English on IMDB

I follow several threads of fine films. Most of these concern intelligent notions of structure, of architecture. Welles, Greenaway, Eisenstein, Kurosawa. These mend sense and intellect enhancing both.
But there is another thread, one that eschews selfaware structure -- where idea is anathema. Nature is celebrated. Rich intuition and meditative spontaneity are sufficiently nutritious in some hands, but these are amazingly few. The so-called 'new wave' tried it, at least initially. Lots of other appearances as well, mostly failures, some lovely. Among the attempts, I know of only two filmmakers who have mastered this tricky approach of avoiding knowledge: Tarkovsky and Malick. Of these, Malick is more abstractly sensual.

After all, Tarkovsky must deal with that dark cloth of Russian self-pity, that tradition of grand themes and epic fate, something which does not burden Malick. So the metaphoric content is heavy. That's fine, an acceptable skeleton for a nearly three hour meditation. All is self-referential: a set of images about an imagemaker: the actor's wife played the retarded girl who factors so importantly. During the production he was cheating on her with who was to become his second wife. The girl goes off with a Tartar, leaving Rublev. Many other scenes refer to Rublev's situation, resolved by Tarkovsky's action. For instance, we have a sequence where Rublev hesitates to paint a scene of fateful pain. This is followed by Tarkovsky doing just that. The extension of metaphor among parts of the film (ballooner and bellringer to Rublev's story) extends from the film to the filmmaker and thence from him to us.

What I found even more interesting was his confidence in complex compositions and long, long multiperspective tracking shots. Compared to other swoopers, this camera seems curious, impetuous, not at all as if the shots were planned. Hard to believe it is only his second feature. This alone expands one's imagination with only a couple viewings, but combined with the notion of folded metaphor (including visual metaphor) it becomes a truly great and singular work.

(Some classical symmetries touch multiple places: a jester within the play; solitude in the context of relationship; creating in the unknown; broken symmetry through one twin killing another. Some new ones: pagan fire and water underlying ritual exuberance, either sex or religious art.)

Alas, the DVD has a discouragingly vapid commentary. But then I guess that's the whole point, and with the loss of potatohead Soviets, we need to substitute the next best thing.
tedg ([email protected])
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Heavy Dude Real Heavy ! School Age and white no room for ambiguity..those commies for you ...but a review in English on IMDB

:lol: potatohead Soviets :lol:
I haven't seen the film in nearly 20 years (!!!) but your talk of pillaging, etc. reminded me of a scene in Andrei Rublev (the only part I remember...vaguely) where Mongol Tatar Hordes invade a town (it's in the beginning of part II, actually)
my great aunt did my mothers grandfather or my great grandfathers side, took about 35yrs , back to the yr 1000. seems that side is from french aristocracy .