@D619 I think we may be trippin. Had a friend who's garden is the picture of cleanliness and health. Dude has an awesome schedule for prevention.
He looked at a healthy leaf of his under the scope and said he saw the same shit..... Then freaked out a bit! LOL. Not sure if many of us have examined under a leaf with a scope before.
I then checked my testers at a completely different location. Same thing.
SO....It's either part of the plant or you, my homie and myself all have tons and tons of eggs WITH NO PARENTS.
What started all of this was y'alls talk of broadmites. I then saw a fungus gnat looking thing in one of my sticky traps. I had just talked with a buddy who had root aphids and warned me it wasn't a fungus gnat but a "flyer" root aphid. (over the phone he didn't see it)
WELL that caused me to FREAK for the last few days. I had a feeling of impending doom and have been actually having bug nightmares (a giant spidermite was sucking my face off last night

Upon insane amounts of research I have realized they are NOT RA's. Much tinier with a very thin butt and NO "exhaust pipe" things. Some dumb gnat that likes promix.
So I have 0 leaf issues, cannot find ONE mite ANYWHERE in the entire garden and have caught about 3 of these gnat things on the traps. This was a HUGE lesson in being proactive again about pests. Have some SNS 203 and 209 on the way....Already have the azamax, monterrey garden and stylet oil. Back to be part of the routine.....
I moved to a location with high altitude and cold temps. There simply are not the amount of bugs I was used too. It made me complacent. NO MORE!

But so I don't give myself an aneurysm I've decided not to freak out until I actually see SOMETHING indicative of a problem.