Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

I was going through a phase and trying to find a stealthy portable smoke unit. Got a vape pen with a dome and a coil. It tasted like burning metal from the coil. No bueno! This thing is the easiest, fastest, cleanest unit I have ever tried. A friend said that he uses it with hash too :)

The hits are so clean and so strong! I am jonesing to use it but I am abstaining while I look for a new job.
I'd have to try it, see how easy/hard/confusing it is and then really like it.
The cartridge vape pens are really just pick it up and push a button=instant vape. the little cartridges are refillable or you can buy pre-filled...easy peasy...
I have not used it enough to say. The mouthpiece is removable and must be removed for a few tasks. Some people lose or break these. I think it is cool you can have a different mouthpiece for others.
I have not used it enough to say. The mouthpiece is removable and must be removed for a few tasks. Some people lose or break these. I think it is cool you can have a different mouthpiece for others.

Is there vaped weed left in the vaporizer if you only smoke the resins?