bodhi seeds

One more thing:

Y'all have me so freaked out about bugs I've been obsessively checking. I looked at a perfectly healthy leaf under a microscope and saw a bunch of clearish "egg" looking things!!! :shock::shock::shock:

Subsequently I checked leaves from all plants....Top to bottom under the scope. EVERY leaf has it, but I haven't seen a pest and have ZERO signs on ANY leaf. Am I about to be WIPED out? Or am I an idiot who has never looked at a leaf under a scope? They also look EXACTLY like a capitate trichome.

SO.....Do I have billions of eggs with no parents or?????

Have I become so paranoid I'm gonna work myself up over NADA?
One more thing:

Y'all have me so freaked out about bugs I've been obsessively checking. I looked at a perfectly healthy leaf under a microscope and saw a bunch of clearish "egg" looking things!!! :shock::shock::shock:

Subsequently I checked leaves from all plants....Top to bottom under the scope. EVERY leaf has it, but I haven't seen a pest and have ZERO signs on ANY leaf. Am I about to be WIPED out? Or am I an idiot who has never looked at a leaf under a scope? They also look EXACTLY like a capitate trichome.

SO.....Do I have billions of eggs with no parents or?????

Have I become so paranoid I'm gonna work myself up over NADA?
Bro! I'm starting to wonder myself, I wondering if they are just glands, because I see them on top and on the bottom of the leaves, but no sign of mites or webs, or damage. I might have been haste in tossing my plants, but what the hell is it then? This is what they look like minus the spidermites. Usually eggs are under the leaves not both on top and bottom. And they are scattered not grouped together.


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Bro! I'm starting to wonder myself, I wondering if they are just glands, because I see them on top and on the bottom of the leaves, but no sign of mites or webs, or damage. I might have been haste in tossing my plants, but what the hell is it then? This is what they look like minus the spidermites. Usually eggs are under the leaves not both on top and bottom. And they are scattered not grouped together.

Same here. Minus the mites, any excretions, leaf damage etc. I'm starting to lose my mind. I had mites once from an infested clone (dispensary assholes). I hit them with azamax, stylet oil, and monterrey garden insect spray in alternating order. I HAD mites.
EEEEEEK! That's some shit guys. I wish you both luck. I've been reading quite a bit about rosemary seems like a good thing to add to teas. Turns predator bugs off.

I really can't say enough about my Bodhi plants man, some of the densest buds I've had. Things are smelling lovely. Getting more beautiful every damn day. They are taking quite a bit longer then I am used to but by the looks of them they are going to be worth it and only going to get better in the coming weeks. I left some stuff on the BT I normally would have taken off and they are just clumps of frosty denseness, small but dense as hell.

This Blue Tara is by far the frostiest girl I've grown. I figure they'll be done around Oct. 22 ish by estimation.

I've fed no tea's over this flower going to hit em with the first one in the next couple days.
That's good to hear, I've been talking to the SNS folks, they say they should be in Canada by early next year. Seems like good stuff. That 217 looks good too.

Been hearing great things about SNS. Threw some in the amazon basket JUST IN CASE.

Thinking about some caps bennies as well. Anyone? My former partner RAVED about it root-wise. Also upon researching today I found several people claiming it WIPED out root aphids and other pests.

I'll be honest. The last YEAR I have been complacent about my bug prevention. stupid of me.
Been hearing great things about SNS. Threw some in the amazon basket JUST IN CASE.

Thinking about some caps bennies as well. Anyone? My former partner RAVED about it root-wise. Also upon researching today I found several people claiming it WIPED out root aphids and other pests.

I'll be honest. The last YEAR I have been complacent about my bug prevention. stupid of me.
I've been the same way, I'm going follow @Hyroots lead and grab some rosemary and peppermint plants to grow in the cab and throw them in my teas.
Yes but it was several not as many as this time around. The sinmint one you seen in the picture was about 19 grams in a gallon pot on the periphery of the light footprint. It is fun in a lot of ways.
Twenty a plant in one gals, my rough calculations here tell me it is a better yield than big plants taking the same room, and then we subtact my 1200 watt veg areas use for five weeks and we have something approaching SoG for efficiency. Hmmmm. To paraphrase the Rolling Stones... Im going through chaaaangeeeeeees......
One more thing:

Y'all have me so freaked out about bugs I've been obsessively checking. I looked at a perfectly healthy leaf under a microscope and saw a bunch of clearish "egg" looking things!!! :shock::shock::shock:

Subsequently I checked leaves from all plants....Top to bottom under the scope. EVERY leaf has it, but I haven't seen a pest and have ZERO signs on ANY leaf. Am I about to be WIPED out? Or am I an idiot who has never looked at a leaf under a scope? They also look EXACTLY like a capitate trichome.

SO.....Do I have billions of eggs with no parents or?????

Have I become so paranoid I'm gonna work myself up over NADA?
It is sap, my Giant Steps (formerly Frida Kahlo) loves oozing sap. Those droplets can get visible with the naked eye and can be pretty sticky. There is no harm in getting a good Integrated Pest Management program going. Garlic, rosemary, canola, Tulsi basil, powerful Bio disruptors. Trichoderma produces chitinase protecting phyllosphere. Lactobacillus keeps microbes like molds away, fungi are a beacon for bugs with the enzymes they release so having a mycovorous organism around not only keeos roots healthy but gnats at bay too, the feed on fungus first then attack roots. Rosemary and all that before flower, no worries. During flower I will use Spinosad or Pyrethrum only. No smell, it is a biggie, rosemary can make you end up with like a 20 day withholding period it can stain leaves and also cause phytotoxicity Spinosad is actually safer, I think you guys get it as Azamax. I use it once every ten days in danger times, whether I see bugs or not. When pest management is a PROGRAM it really takes the effort and worry out of it. Make it routine.
I've been the same way, I'm going follow @Hyroots lead and grab some rosemary and peppermint plants to grow in the cab and throw them in my teas.
I personally take Mr UpInArms with a grain of salt. I enjoy his company but not the way he thinks about herb. Why would you want Bio disruptors in your teas? What about the microbes you are culturing in there? I wouldn't put azamax in my teas, why rosemary or mint? Alfalfa and nettle sure.
Best of luck eliminating them D619. I had those predatory mites, didn't fix my issue. They were cool though and could totally see outside how it would be easier to deal with fucking pests before they literally take over. Hatching hundreds of new spawn a day, destroying weeks of hard work....

Beautiful BT as well, makes me wanna go place an order.
Okay so if you are going to flower in small pots, avoid the girls from being root bound. It really takes a toll on the plant ever finishing.

Going to take down mountain temple and Snow queen this week as I already have clones and will run them properly next go round.
Okay so if you are going to flower in small pots, avoid the girls from being root bound. It really takes a toll on the plant ever finishing.

Going to take down mountain temple and Snow queen this week as I already have clones and will run them properly next go round.
What size pots you in? I'm in 2 gallons. But switched early. My yields definitely suffered, more so from lack of training though.

Edit: conversion is so annoying, apparently I am in 5 gallons, but I don't really believe that, the pots seem kind of small.
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