The forbidden TRUTH


ohhhhhh finally a stoner with a brain and uses it more then just for porn ............i been looking for u almost 2 years now ran into alot of nice ppl but no one has had a argument on that lvl .........mad props go out and make many many kiddies

Well, it is good to have you on this sub-forum, we could use a few more rational people around these parts...

honestly that makes no sense for the sheer fact it is not time travel it is viewing the events after it happens .........they travel to us it speeds up like in fast forward until it hits present .......they are here they travel away it goes into rewind the future can not be until it is for the sheer variables in life

Not quite sure what you are stating here. If you are referring to the simultaneous existence of past, present and future, it is a physical fact. Humans experience things in a linear timeline, but it is not how reality is layed out. The analogy I like is this: picture us as conscious characters in a finished novel; to the characters in the novel, it would seem to us that we are going about our lives in a linear timeline, making decisions (having free will) and going through the story line one event at a time, but since the book has already been written, each instance of these characters lives have already taken place. So, while many people know how the novel ends, the characters are unaware of this and are taking things as they come, from their perspective. Check out the video, Greene is much more articulate than I...

the cat thing was just to show that 2 possible futures can be or more if u want but until it is viewed (in the present) it is not set

and as for your study on the brain u are saying all minds are the same which we both know is not the case ..........some ppl are logical and take the impulse and think about it before the action is done sometimes they do it sometimes they do not .....then some ppl are ruled on sheer impulse they just act like animal on instinct and with the way ppl are raised so varied the ending result can not be predicted until the action happens .........and we are not even going to talk about lsd or anything on those lines plus the genetic mutations that happen over time

I'm not talking minds here, but brains (the mind is an emergent property of the brain). Human brains are all VERY similar, the same areas being responsible for the same functions, transmitting data in the exact same fashion, etc.. Many of the cognitive studies are done on FMRI, so we are able to see the brains' activity in real time. What I mean by we all become aware of our decisions after they're made is akin to stating that we all die. Although we are all different people with differing minds, we all die. When the human brain makes decisions, they all go through the same process...

the logical line of thinking for your stance is does not matter everything has already been decided and we are playing out a role i wrong on that

No worries. We all learn from each other...

the idea of the book if u are religious has been disprove by johan and the whale (god had to kick his ass to get him to do what he wanted .......proving freewill even over the creator )

time is a linear because we are everything is ...........with a start and end everything has it day all the energy from the big bang will be used up and the universe will collapse on itself causing a small powered big bang and the whole thing will go around again until one day it falls back in and nothing is left............think of a bang as still going on spreading things out using the gravity one day that will stop and the gravity will contract like a rubber band speeding up as it comes to the end and runs into the other half of itself and bang again

i will give u all original thought has already been thought by something we are just replaying it all in different combos to see the results until the truth is found

but the future is just that it is always influx by the choices made the world we see on this Plane of life/mind/being..........our choices alter the next part to come it happens every day ..............u take too many shots are the bar u are hung over at work u get fired ...........your choice effected the future

like arch duke ferdanann............if no one shot him no ww1 the timeline we know would be changed (was that ww1 or ww2 pretty stoned and terrible with names and dates )
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and brains ..............we both know the work they are doing is nothing but scratching the surface

it might apply to a section of the ppl but others it does not..............pathways formed/meals they eat/work they do/life they had

if it was the way u are thinking our actions could be predictable ..........they could find and target ppl that are going to go bad before they actually harm someone

that was disproved with the nurture winning out over nature argument ..............they did that twins thing for 30 years in adoptions some traits and habits were the same but nurture won out in what has the most power in making up the person

if i was to talk to a professional doctor they would deem me a crazy person because i do not think like the majority of the ppl and force me on high power drugs

my thinking patterns and chemical make up is not like yours the number of pathways and how i react under stress is different too ..........the study is moot with it not covering a every base to have the final comparison to drawl the truth out of the problem

i have been that guy stuck in the back of the line letting ppl cut so can figure out what to eat if thought was already made i would not have to make a choice ..........and alot of the times when i can not make mind up i flip a coin leave it up to a chance
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the idea of the book if u are religious has been disprove by johan and the whale (god had to kick his ass to get him to do what he wanted .......proving freewill even over the creator )

I am an atheist...

time is a linear because we are everything is ...........with a start and end everything has it day all the energy from the big bang will be used up and the universe will collapse on itself causing a small powered big bang and the whole thing will go around again until one day it falls back in and nothing is left............think of a bang as still going on spreading things out using the gravity one day that will stop and the gravity will contract like a rubber band speeding up as it comes to the end and runs into the other half of itself and bang again

You are speaking of what physicists have termed a Big Crunch. For the last couple of decades, all data has been pointing to a Big Rip. This is where the expansion of the universe will keep accelerating until all matter is ripped apart by dark energy, and all energy will be dispersed until there is nothing left (except space itself and random particles popping into and out of existence).

i will give u all original thought has already been thought by something we are just replaying it all in different combos to see the results until the truth is found

That's a pretty cool idea. Another modern view, supported by mathematics, is that we exist as part of a multiverse, where all possibilities are occurring in many separate universes simultaneously in different dimensions. Cray-cray...

but the future is just that it is always influx by the choices made the world we see on this Plane of life/mind/being..........our choices alter the next part to come it happens every day ..............u take too many shots are the bar u are hung over at work u get fired ...........your choice effected the future

like arch duke ferdanann............if no one shot him no ww1 the timeline we know would be changed (was that ww1 or ww2 pretty stoned and terrible with names and dates )

Right. From our perspective, this is true...
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and brains ..............we both know the work they are doing is nothing but scratching the surface

it might apply to a section of the ppl but others it does not..............pathways formed/meals they eat/work they do/life they had

if it was the way u are thinking our actions could be predictable ..........they could find and target ppl that are going to go bad before they actually harm someone

You are referring to a concept called Laplace's Demon. A nice aspect of the future already existing is that while things are determined, that are not determinable from our perspective. So, although things are set to turn out a certain way, we can never be sure what that will be. I feel this makes things more interesting. This is not simply my way of thinking, but physical fact...

that was disproved with the nurture winning out over nature argument ..............they did that twins thing for 30 years in adoptions some traits and habits were the same but nurture won out in what has the most power in making up the person

Nuture being a stronger influence than nature wouldn't be surprising, but I fail to see what is disproves...

if i was to talk to a professional doctor they would deem me a crazy person because i do not think like the majority of the ppl and force me on high power drugs

my thinking patterns and chemical make up is not like yours the number of pathways and how i react under stress is different too ..........the study is moot with it not covering a every base to have the final comparison to drawl the truth out of the problem

Not sure what you are referring to here, but it sounds cool...

i have been that guy stuck in the back of the line letting ppl cut so can figure out what to eat if thought was already made i would not have to make a choice ..........and alot of the times when i can not make mind up i flip a coin leave it up to a chance

Since we become aware of our decisions only after we make them, your consciousness isn't the agent making the choice. Regardless, to survive you must eat something and you ultimately do. The choice of what you end up eating exists already, but it's a pleasant illusion to go through the process in a linear fashion. I know what the concepts I'm relaying here are a mindfuck, they were to me when I first learned them. Did you have a chance to view the short video I posted about these things?

no on the video yet today is thrusday nothing for me to flip around too i will watch once my buddy leaves this afternoon

haha i got u to say it the multi verse ...........if u fallow that line of thinking then u have to admit the future does not exist until it is in the present with all choices being played out in the other bubbles ...........untill the action happends to make it true the furture was not there time traveling into the future can not be done until the future has been picked what bubble it will fallow .................have u even seen doctor who
ok i got time now to go little deeper down the hole with yah

the nurture vs nature thing disproves that the brain is predictable i think there for i am the sum of the person life exps is what dictates their actions and choices no matter how much one mind might match another mind the whole process different

your eatting as a need is partly true but what if u forget to eat ..........i only eat 1 time a day and that is because if i do not i feel like shit in 36 to 40 hours with out eating pain in belly .............i have no other thought about until i force myself to think about and even then i still not hungry unless i am stoned out of my mind with the munchies that alone alters my thinking and removes me from any models because the of the factors they rely on as constant is not i know i can go 10 days before the pain is crippling ............and it is the same thing with my sleep patterns i can sleep 18 hours a day if i want or run off nothing for 113 hours (had to know my limits so self experimented )........that is 2 constants they relay on as basic pattern profile for all ppl

i know for a fact that not normal if i say something to doctors about it they want to poke at me and dope me on shit that well basically the side effects of them are freaky as hell and i want nothing to do with them ........fucking balded already at least my kidney and liver function are decent .........they labeled me all kinds of shit over the years but the sheer fact is i been playing with them test psych test personality test ............i did what i wanted to do and made up shit to see reaction because bored and pissed off that i had to do it ..............those blot test one time i told them 2 (just the number 2 ) and satin fucking a whore for every blot ..........that was fun...............i have made 5 different shrink change their jobs they are no longer in the feild

like u said it all comes down to how the person see the world and i see it much differently .............freewill exist and i am proof of that .........i do random things just because i had a impulse triggered from someone saying the right words .......when ever i hear it if i can help the person i do done this since i can rem .....other times it turns into a major debate because i can account for factors i should not understand enstine i can see little movies in my head and run thought experiments ...........the idea of the mutli verse is the best way to explain the future but wants it becomes present that is locked in a set point in the timeline .............if u were to try to travel into the future u would end up in a black void where all the possibles worlds ar but u would not be any part of it because it is not set ..........u would need interdementional travel to cross over into the possible future and something to stablize it to allow u to interact because with u able to enter anything in the future u might be entering in one where u have no form to keep u from being rejected like a virus u would need some sort of anchor to that spot

traveling back to from where u left is possible at this point too u just need to return before u left so that point in the timeline that is playing out on this plane of life because it is a set fact .............this plane of life is set by all of us .......a force of willpower defining what they see by naming it it becomes .......and this is everything ppl cars plants dirt because we all vibrate at the same freq

now this is where it can get freaky ............we are all energy thought/soul what ever u want to call it if everything is set to the same Freq could it all form one giant mind hive mind / cloister ........and would that mind itself be greater then the sum of it parts and could be called god explains why reiigious ppl say god is in u god is everything in terms a scientist can accept
have u ever done that test with 600 plus ?s

but it is just the same 70 90 ? just reworded .....................i did 120 of them and turned the test in telling them they can fuck them self if they think i would sit here for 4 plus hours answering the same ?s over and over again and that was age 10 ........i walked out of school and walked home 7 miles tho cornfields that got me kicked out for 2 weeks but it did not matter when i went to class i got the worksheet from the teacher did it in 10 mins turned it in get 100% then alot of them let me leave class to go to library to read what ever i wanted and play in the computer lab until next class ..........i did it with everything but English dyslexic .......hence the grammar.... skipped words.... doubled up words and words that are the next one in my head i type instead of what i ment to

hell one teacher had never seen someone do it ..........i had to retake a test in the meeting room of the school in my boxers to prove i was not cheating ......closed my eyes do the math in my head write out the answer and done in 15/20 mins with 100%
just got tho part of what u are talking in the video and no even at near warp speed (assuming warp is speed of light) u will not slice at a angle and see inwards will be like in a car u can see the objects only to a certain point the rest are blurred from motion but even it u take a snap shot of it would only show it as what it is at that second of the present

when u are in motion u are making your own time vs what the rest of us because u are already moving at a high rate of speed u just do not notice it due to living with it all your life ........the plane in the air is going from 300 to 500 miles faster then the rest of us slowing the rate of time flow down for them but the rest of the world is the same do to the movement van wrinkle effect your time slows down as the rest of the world stays at a higher rate ....... that is not time travel or seeing into the future that is prolonging the time u have before u are dust ................the true test of this is simple the la gerage points (i know i got it wrong) but the 4 points in the solar system where the gravity is perfectly balanced out send a clock there then link with from the planet they will get a better understanding those points no motion no gravity but its own so this would be his perfect set clock to the time of the universe ..........then for shits and giggles send one to the moon and mars

u can not travel into the future with out the future being picked...........someone from the future could go to the past as their time line is set now if they altering anything in the past they might reset the timeline from their present altering the course things fallow

it is the famous ? if u could time travel would u go back and kill hitler as a young man ............the answer is no because by doing so u alter everything else on a massive scale ppl that died would live and make new ppl that will alter who is born because one person true love might of died in the war so married the 2 or 3rd choice matter how much u might want to alter something u can not do to the ripple effect will have a event like that fixed the course of history as we know changing any detail of it will alter the results making something else

this timeline would effectively erase itself and the new one would set in the only person know it happend would be the person that caused it do to the fact they would need to be shielded to effectively pass back into the past with out being well god know what since i never seen it done or read notes ............personally i think if u do u will revert tho your timeline back to sperm and egg never making it to the end

and just for fun ,,,,,,,,check out the mayan math it is more actuate then atom clocks ......and they even admit but do not use it for own problem solving

enstines one quote that never sat well was
“God does not play dice with the universe.”

implying that he thinks it is all planned out like u and we are playing roles .........but as the universe shows up with life every day it is chance ....trail and error adaptation to what is around us
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These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

I see you Nephilim shapeshifting Demons

David Icke and Alex Jones are Demon shapeshifters also...

-7:47 Actual footage of shape-shifter Demon

Death for me is a Promotion is it for you? P.S If you Demons can get a hold of Bill Nye I would love to have him transform and beat him down for the glory of THE LORD with my own bare hands I know you know my address you have been calling and threatening me and having witches show up at my house. LOL You really don't know me.
Anyway, Ghost on ignore now so I won't be responding to his inane bullshit any longer. He's been PM'ing me tonight, calling me a demon and all this other batshit crazy, nonsense.

So, this is it. lol I have neither the time nor patience to deal with this idiot/troll any further.

I honestly advise all of you to do the same. He'll just leave if no one listens.

man u need to think outside the box
Nephilim ..............not all of them are bad or demons a good amount of them are just regural ppl trying to live i life here

yes back in the day they went a little nutty with power .........but no worst then a avg human would have done when they are 30 feet tall and no one had any method of controlling them
now a days with poisons and weapons a 30 foot one shows up it is dead

Nephilim are offspring of angels and humans ...............the watchers are the ones that fucked the girls because they were hot ( the guard angels watching over the planet )
There's more than likely no such thing as nephalim, demons, or angels. Period.

There's never been any real evidence to support their existence, why both believing in them at all?
When were these skeletons tested by biologists? Why were the findings not shattering the scientific world?

the first one i ever heard about was found in china as for the others i am not sure

why has it not turned it upside down for the same reason it never changes because it does not fit into main stream thinking so there for anyone that works on it is a crack and any info that points to something other then what they have decided in their minds is nothing but craps

Egyptian history is all fucked up .........look at the lotus bowl (famous thing that the craftmans work on is so great it could not be reproduced today with out modern tools ...............or explain how they could work inside a mountain on a tomb with out torches (they know no torch has entered certain chambers because no marks from the soot or fire on ceiling ............and limestone burns

or the Mayan .........their stone work is so on the money a razor blade will not slide between the 2 stones (no mortar they are free set stacked stones .........alot of ppl think they were poured into molds)

history is full of crap they tell u to fallow their line of thinking but if u look at everything for yourself and listen to all the ideas ...........theres do not hold water to many holes to many things they just throw out because it does not fit the veiw they want
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in school u are taught to think of the ppl in the past as fools ............but if u look at the history of inventions those men were maybe smarter then us

it was named the golden age for a reason .............if i was good with names i start ranting them off but i rem what they did
solar death beam
underwater concrete
water powered factories
solar forges