5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition


Well-Known Member
This paticular bike, once lol, parts are good tho, frame is fucked.

Lol i may have hipster friends but i no hipster lol, i ride breakless track, hipsters ride to look cool lol
I remember you bent the front rim in half around 6 months ago or soemthing


Well-Known Member
I'm a non comformist hippy. Not a hipster. I don't wear amber crombi and I don't drive a prius and I don't drink wine. I'm not captain one upper. I'm just very awesome at everything I do.
Ditto for me too hyroot, I'm a peace loving dope smoking non conformist hippy from way back plus the other stuff you said too. And sorry to hear that foreverflyhi, I had the same thing happen with a car and broke my foot. And now it's week 5 update time. Lowered the light last Sunday and upped the nutes again and finally started growing again. Down to 2 now, both regs were male. I thought seedsman super skunk was starting to flower but just more leaves. Does have some preflowers though. Bubbles on the other hand has flowers starting all over. Probably going with her but still waiting on the other to show something. Here's some pics for you hipsters and nonconformists.image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg image.jpg


Well-Known Member
couple years ago I was bombing down a hill on a longboard, and an unmarked police vehicle blew through a stop sign (no lights) and decided stop halfway into the intersection... My only choice was try to jump.... needless to say it didn't work. I slammed into the front quarter panel and flipped over the hood of the car.... The police officer inside said "my bad" and then drove off.... I couldn't get a good look at the plate, I laid there with 3 broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, and a broken phone with screen glass stuck in my leg until someone actually got out of there car to help me to the sidewalk...
Later that day I went to the police department to file a report, they said that "dashboard cameras are not evidence enough to incriminate a L.E.O..... in the event that a "crime" is committed by a police officer they are officially required to report it, and since there was no report made by the U/C officer in question, I was basically told that I was lying....
The desk jockey said if it did happen, it was probably my fault anyway, and flat out refused to write a report for me....


Well-Known Member
We all got stories. I have road rash stories galore from skateboarding and biking. I've been hit by a car. I've crashed into a jaguar and rolled over it. Slid on my face on asphault for 20 feet and on dirt for 20 feet. When I was 5 I ran straight into a ford truck. When I used to bmx race (sponsored). I was knocked unconscious a few times. Road rash on my face and all over my body. Couldn't walk for weeks. Monkey bumps on my elbows. Fell flat on my back from mid air from a 15 foot quarter pipe.. Gnarly back flop lake jumping. flew into a light post while being taken out in mid air at the track. Peddles stuck into my shin. Etc.......


Well-Known Member
Car vs bike accidents have gotten so out of hand in California we now have a 3 feet of room law between vehicle and bike or its a ticket. And a lot of them are hit and runs. Seems like everyday they mention another one on the news. Sad.


Well-Known Member
Yup. 3ft!
I forgot to mention; after i got hit, cops came. Listen to white ladies story (that. Hit me)let her go, got my side and right away put blame on me, cops gave me a ticket for running a stop sign....


Well-Known Member
Yup. 3ft!
I forgot to mention; after i got hit, cops came. Listen to white ladies story (that. Hit me)let her go, got my side and right away put blame on me, cops gave me a ticket for running a stop sign....

umm You're white. If you weren't though, the cops would have shot you.


Well-Known Member
Weekly update. Guess its time to choose my entrant, since they're both showing lady parts. Look how tall the HP on the right got! Its a lanky strain...tasty as ever. I'll re-pot it and grow it out...do a little light bondage on it to keep it down. The ALxHP isn't short by any stretch. She's more even keeled, and the top flower thats developing is nice, so far.

Think I'll declare her to be my bitch in this comp...homebrew glory and all: