Well-Known Member
so potentially,for curiositys sake,what would all this equate to on the streets..i dont do opiates,but im curious is this known about by users,and if so,whats the average compensation for a personal dose?
wonder if itll be like a perc or like a tramadol. lol whos gonna test it out?
Damn your loud? Can you make 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate?hey 2ci. i wanted to get in contact with you because im a fellow chemist. I actually came up with the first clandestine method of using h3po3 )phosphorous acid, in synthesizing Methamphetamine instead of red phosphorus. Well at least thats my main claim to underground fame. But im very interested in talking to you. Ive never messed with Bromadol, Mew has created Meth, MDMA, and i actually have quite a bit of ANPP on hand, which when reacted with Propionyl chloride gives Fentanyl. However, Im interested in some of your methods. I think your method of adulterating the opiod is ingenious. It used to be u just mix the fentanyl analogue with methanol, mix with lactose and evaporate, but always worried about hot spots... your addition of mixing the compound with water to dissolve, is genious because that will 100% ensure even seperation, of course this only works with a Hydrchloride or sulphate sult. But thats what most are. Anyways please contact me, on here if possible, as i only joined this site mainly to talk to you. Im much more a member of WD, and the old Hive if you remember that. But anyways hope to hear from you soon. Later