How to raise ppm without dropping ph

You're in the wrong place UB. The stuff some of these frequent hydro sub forum posters write makes the organics forum look scientific. Apparently people can grow on various hydro systems for years and have thousands of posts yet still be clueless about what they're doing. It just shows what a wonderful plant cannabis is and how it can produce regardless.
No it's not. It is not a substitute at all for potassium hydroxide aka "PH up".

Assuming you had one of your usual brain farts and meant Dyna-Gro is not designed to adjust pH. It was designed to add silicon and provide a small hit of K.

Right. A capful in 300 gallons is going to make a HUGE difference plus thicken stems and ward off nasty diseases.

You are full of shit..........
I use 150ml of silica blast to a 50gal res then adjust ph and at the correct ratios it does work well. These guys seem to not understand that the plants will absorb the silicon out of the res where they will not suck out pH adjusters.
And yet some people still don't understand that the PH goes up automatically when nutrients are absorbed so when the silica is absorbed it helps to stabilize the PH in your Rez.

I learned it from a forum that is not full of a bunch of dipshits. Guys that are killing it in BIG grows. I tried it, works great. Don't do it you don't want to. I'm just not a fan of wasting money on PH adjusters.
If your pH automatically goes up because nutrients are taken up, why would you need to waste money on pH Up? o_O

Apart from ph down after a refresh I use water + base nutrients to control and stabilize the ph, unless I'm too lazy to do that and use pH Up aka potassium hydroxide...
potassium hydroxide in powder form is on my shelf
Same. I've got potassium hydroxide flakes. Cheaper and safer than liquid pH up, and it's a very good source of potassium

These guys seem to not understand that the plants will absorb the silicon out of the res where they will not suck out pH adjusters.

pH adjusters are macro nutrients. Potassium hydroxide is nearly pure potassium (the rest is hydroxide). pH up and down are food.
Thanks Uncle Ben! I've been at this hobby for about 4 years, and just now feel like I'm getting a handle on things. It's frightening to think of the dead end roads I would have traveled down had it not been for your advice. From the start, I never wanted to be a slave to a whole line of products to produce results. I wanted to, as much as possible, understand what was producing those results, with as little product as possible...still learning every day, and am so thankful for the work you've put in on this website helping us all.
okay super stoner was right with this one ph ppm to different things i was a newb to this when i posted this. my ph kept swing do to lack of nutrients basicly you want atleast 250 ppms to start with it will drop ph down .thats when you use ph up to get it in the 5.5-6.0 range for hydro .also mix nutrient in a bucket b4 u give to plant .the reason i couldnt get it down was i was playing it too safe with ppm being too low .im talkin i had r.o water put my ppms to150 i give it to plants my ph would move over nite b cuz my plant ate almost all the nute .so the more nutes the more ph up the harder it is for the plant to make ph swings