Mohican's 2014 Season

Outdoor Gardening Tips

You can add plants to your garden that attract beneficial predators like ladybugs and mantids. Earthworm compost is also talked about as a preventative for whiteflies.

I love watching the wasps of various sizes eating the aphids in the spring. In the summer about this time of year I get these blue wasps that go around hunting under hidden places to get spiders. It is so cool!

From Wikipedia:
The metallic-blue mud dauber, another sphecid, forgoes building a nest altogether and simply uses the abandoned nests of the other two species and preys primarily on spiders, including black widow spiders.[2] Blue mud daubers frequently appropriate old nests of black-and-yellow mud daubers. They carry water to them and recondition them for their own purposes. The two species commonly occupy the same barns, porches, or other nest sites.
