Put your coffee cup down idiot, YOU offend US


Well-Known Member
Well, apparently, not all of us.

And no less Styrofoam ! For gods sake, have you not heard, STYROFOAM is bad for the environment?


Contempt for the system, and disrespect for the honor, is what I see.

This is the same to me, as him flipping the bird to those that serve.

Please defend him, please
This is an embarrassment to the office and a total disrespect for our men and women in uniform.

Pass it Around

Well-Known Member
Fuck obama, this shit pisses me off even more. Most disrespectful president to ever hit the stage. Son of a bitch couldn't give two shits about any traditions or respect. Plug this son of a bitch.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion Obama has way bigger problems than saluting like a retard but I saw this and found it interesting.

Should U.S. presidents return military salutes or not?

Longstanding tradition requires members of the military to salute the president. The practice of presidents returning that salute is more recent — Ronald Reagan started it in 1981.

Reagan’s decision raised eyebrows at the time. Dwight Eisenhower, a former five-star general, did not return military salutes while president. Nor had other presidents.

John Kline, then Reagan’s military aide and now a Minnesota congressman, advised him that it went against military protocol for presidents to return salutes.

Kline said in a 2004 op-ed piece in The Hill that Reagan ultimately took up the issue with Gen. Robert Barrow, then commandant of the Marine Corps.

Barrow told Reagan that as commander in chief of the armed forces, he was entitled to offer a salute — or any sign of respect he wished — to anyone he wished, Kline wrote, adding he was glad for the change.


Apparently Clinton was so shitty at it that 81 year old Reagan had to teach him to do it properly.

The old Army cavalry officer explained the hand had to come up slowly, like it was covered with honey, and then brought down sharply, definitively, as if it was covered with something far less pleasant. Clinton listened and soon the two men were standing in Reagan's office, practicing their salutes together.

The entire session lasted 70 minutes; Reagan awarded Clinton with a jar of jelly beans when it was over. The jar sat on Clinton's Oval Office desk for the next eight years.



Well-Known Member
Presidents should not salute the military unless they served themselves imo.
Saluting with a cup of coffee or a dog in your hand is very sloppy and gives the appearance of being aloof.

Seriously? Hahah ---- you gotta be kidding!