RIU needs a science section


Well-Known Member
Did you know that there are 35 active volcano's in the world erupting RIGHT NOW?

Did you know over 100 other volcano's are at "Un-rest" and having minor activity?

So which came first, the Earth Warming beyond repair, or the Volcano's Warming the Earth beyond human repair?


Roll those numbers in your head--> over 135 active volcano's spewing hot stuff into earth's environment

So how can the humans stop all these eruption's ?

Take a hit off the bong, and realize 135 volcano's spewing is not good for humans.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................and no matter how big your ego is, and how powerful you think we as humans are, there is nothing you [or I] can do to stop the advance of lava, heat from the lava or the problems it will cause. Earth is warming, Really?
Did you know that there are 35 active volcano's in the world erupting RIGHT NOW?

Did you know over 100 other volcano's are at "Un-rest" and having minor activity?

So which came first, the Earth Warming beyond repair, or the Volcano's Warming the Earth beyond human repair?


Roll those numbers in your head--> over 135 active volcano's spewing hot stuff into earth's environment

So how can the humans stop all these eruption's ?

Take a hit off the bong, and realize 135 volcano's spewing is not good for humans.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................and no matter how big your ego is, and how powerful you think we as humans are, there is nothing you [or I] can do to stop the advance of lava, heat from the lava or the problems it will cause. Earth is warming, Really?
Volcano's can never be political
I was the understanding the the ash from the volcano actually cools our weather because it blocks some of the sun rays therefore cooling the planet.. Am I wrong, is this no longer true?
I was the understanding the the ash from the volcano actually cools our weather because it blocks some of the sun rays therefore cooling the planet.. Am I wrong, is this no longer true?

Yeah its not

Ever since al gore said it wasn't

Al gore is love
Al gore is life
At some point people will realize Al Gore didn't invent the internet either. At some point, probably after global warming, er, I mean, global climate change, has us all sporting really, really nice African-ish tans. Then we'll all be black and the race baiters will sob.
what a fucking abortion of a thread.
Would that be a mid term abortion
A late term abortion
or maybe a morning after pill for your friend

Either which way 135 volcano's spewing hot ash like UB spewing hot ass sheiot from his bowels ...over 135 threads... that would be epic and it is a load of crap for earth
Will Earth ever return to the global cooling from the 60's/70's ?
We can hope...............................................
Volcanoes just release what is already under the surface of the earth. They don't cause permanent warming any more than summer heat. It's temporary. Outer space is cold, MAN. Climate change is caused by gasses which trap in heat during summer and keep it out during winter, magnifying the existing warming and cooling effect caused by earth's position relative to the sun.
Either which way 135 volcano's spewing hot ash like UB spewing hot ass sheiot from his bowels ...over 135 threads... that would be epic and it is a load of crap for earth

the earth has carbon sinks both on land and in the ocean that eat up most or all of the CO2 produced through natural processes.


but the earth does not have enough carbon sinks to counteract the fact that we are taking millions of years of sequestered CO2 out of the ground and burning them into the sky over the course of mere decades.

that is why CO2, which has remained steady at ~250 PPM for the last tens of thousands of years, has suddenly shot up to 400 PPM in just the last 100 years.


or, to give you a better idea, let's go to the last 800,000 years of CO2 records:


this is elementary school level shit, OP.

but feel free to keep talking about volcanoes as if they were something new, ya fetid pile of dog waste.

this is why no one takes you seriously, and this is why this is an abortion of a thread.
this is elementary school level shit, OP.

but feel free to keep talking about volcanoes as if they were something new, ya fetid pile of dog waste.

this is why no one takes you seriously, and this is why this is an abortion of a thread.

You ... point out something very true, "Nobody Takes Me Serious!"

The stuff you post on the other hand, isn't even read... By me... or other "Piles of dog waste"...
You are on RIU to bring fancy happy dancing in the streets, by others that share your increasing sad commentary...
Remember "Debbie Downer" on SNL.... That's you... Nobody even listens to Debbie Downer, because everything she/you says is the same negative Bull Sheiot...

However keep spewing your hate message... because you just Must, be the one that points out where we all of us are so stupid....
I love you Uncle Buck... I really do, because I love life and all that is in it. So, yes, I love you. However I don't read a word you type or write...

So TY for being here for me to ignore....