Will do thanks, Mo. My plan is to take some clones on Friday possibly Saturday. I have everything needed except for motivation, lol. I was trying to push it off until the flower room is a little closer to being finished. My problem last round is the clones rooted to fast, hahaha (never in my life did I think that would be an issue).I would take clones. It takes a generation or two of clones to really see the potential of a seed grown strain
Dang. I already made them 3:1 Perlite:Vermiculite. I have a brick of coco too. Oh well, maybe I'll chem them out when it is time to switch out the mothers.IF you have easy access to it you can consider a Coco-Hempy. It's been getting more popular. Lots of people swear by it and prefer that to a perlite/vermiculite Hempy.
Read up on Coco-Hempy, I'm sure you'll make it work wonderfully =)