Quantum Kush 38% THC?

He agrees with you on Muslims. You really should watch the clip. He's spot on. It's only a couple minutes

There are a ton of people who agree with me on the issues of our times. Probably as many as who do not.

There are a ton of people who like to smoke weed. I like to smoke weed. There are as many people who I'd enjoy smoking weed with, as those I would not, even if they brought their own buds right out of your stash.

See the parallel? :)

If Whoopi Goldberg had had more than minute cameos, I would have quit watching STtNG,
in spite of Counselor Troi's impressive cleavage.
There are a ton of people who agree with me on the issues of our times. Probably as many as who do not.

There are a ton of people who like to smoke weed. I like to smoke weed. There are as many people who I'd enjoy smoking weed with, as those I would not, even if they brought their own buds right out of your stash.

See the parallel? :)

If Whoopi Goldberg had had more than minute cameos, I would have quit watching STtNG,
in spite of Counselor Troi's impressive cleavage.


This may be more to your liking. :bigjoint:


This may be more to your liking. :bigjoint:

Not bad !

The best part of the O'Reilly Factor, is the quality of some of the regular contributors - when he allows them to speak. I wouldn't cross a street to see his traveling show w/ Dennis Miller.

Here's a guy you should like: he makes the case [ in this report ] that FoxNews - in particular Hannity, O'Reilly, and Glenn Beck - conspired for the benefit of Obama, who he calls the long legged mack daddy. :clap:. Lots of video clips, but the summation at the end is highly entertaining.

I don't mind 'nuts', as much as I do a 'comedian' who isn't funny. Kinda like.......Whoopi Goldberg...or ....

Not a fan of Whoopi either. Can't lie as I wouldn't mind seeing Wanda Sykes live. I'm a fan of live comedy. Seen so many different comedians but my favorite was Dave Attell, and I absolutely loved Sarah Silverman
Not bad !

The best part of the O'Reilly Factor, is the quality of some of the regular contributors - when he allows them to speak. I wouldn't cross a street to see his traveling show w/ Dennis Miller.

Here's a guy you should like: he makes the case [ in this report ] that FoxNews - in particular Hannity, O'Reilly, and Glenn Beck - conspired for the benefit of Obama, who he calls the long legged mack daddy. :clap:. Lots of video clips, but the summation at the end is highly entertaining.

That guys a nutter for sure in preaching much like stand up you need a point of view for people to grab onto, he found his I guess. Bet he makes a fine living off the Jesus taking other folks money.
Just bakey wakey here [mid day nap ]....and watching news clips. Another beheading - French guy this time.

See how this works? Pretty soon, we build up an immunity from horror based on repeated acts. Another day...another beheading.

But I was wondering - 'cause I'm baked - why do these guys, knowing what's about to happen to them, read a propaganda statement before getting their heads sawed off? Have the captors told them by doing so, the life would be spared? Maybe they said they'd use a sharp blade instead of a dull one?

But to you readers and contributors of this thread: what do you think you'd do....if you were in that position? And before you hurriedly reply - take a minute or 3, and at least that many tokes, and try to imagine your life the past 24 hours, knowing what's ahead. Let it kind of sink in.

Would you read propaganda as your last act on earth? Would you cry and beg for mercy? Would you shout "Allah, akhbar!" ? Do you have no idea, because you can't bring yourself to imagine it?


Colleen had an unexpectedly bad day at work........

Welcome to the first Islamic beheading on U S soil: 9-26-14

Moore Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis says police are waiting until the 30-year-old man is conscious to arrest him in Thursday's attack and have asked the FBI to help investigate after co-workers at Vaughan Foods told authorities that he recently started trying to convert several employees to Islam.

The man, whom The Associated Press is not naming because he has not been charged, stabbed Colleen Hufford, 54, severing her head, Lewis said.

"Yes, she was beheaded," Lewis told The Associated Press before a Friday news conference. "



He was fired and was converted, think thisnis more of a copycat than anything organized so this doesnt me think they are operating in us with a plan or anything
I wonder how many of these are going to happen before the entire middle east is turned into a large radioactive beach with tons of free parking ?

I think these people should all be put on row boats with maps and pushed out to sea.
I wonder how many of these are going to happen before the entire middle east is turned into a large radioactive beach with tons of free parking ?

I think these people should all be put on row boats with maps and pushed out to sea.
Just curious if by these people you mean muslims in general or just extremists, and whats the criteria for being an extremist? I am asking because from your reply it would seem that you would almost support a muslim internment camp so we can round em all up and keep a closeeye on them...
No i think all the extremists as just as shunned by real normal muslims as the rest of us.
I was thinking about a video i watched the other day about brittain and the poor girl trying to talk to them while they marched through the street screaming aboyt burning non muslims and how the laws of the country they are in dont have to be followed by them.

True muslims dont believe half the things these extremists are preaching.
There should be a simple questionaire asked to them during these rallies or whatever u want to call them.
Wrong answer.....pack ur bag and enjoy the boatride back to wherever it is u came from where ur religion gets to overturn laws.
I havent read the quran nor do i plan too but anyone who thinks that they have the right to hurt innocent people because of their beliefs should not be tolerated
He was fired and was converted, think thisnis more of a copycat than anything organized so this doesnt me think they are operating in us with a plan or anything

Does it matter to the beheaded woman if it was an organized plan, or an single 'copycat' event?

For years, the traditional means of exacting workplace revenge has been to return with a gun or 4 and blow away a few folks until you're stopped.

Today, a beheading, and working on a 2nd when he was stopped.

True muslims dont believe half the things these extremists are preaching.

Just a coincidence what 'faith' the beheaders always are, right?

They act as tho they have ruling power over wherever they are.

They have given unto themselves justification over life and death.

Let that sink in. No moral compass. Every act versus women, bound men, and children allowed, encouraged, and celebrated.