Cover crops and indoor gardening


Well-Known Member
So I am going to be using cereal rye as a cover crop for my vegetable garden, and was wondering if it was possible to use it on my indoor soils. My idea is to take one of my plastic totes I use to mix and cook soil. Plant the ryegrass in the tote and leave it to do its thing outdoors. Then, either plant directly into, or till the rye under and then plant in it. I have no experience using cover crops and have only read about them.
Where can you find a lot of the cover crops? Garden center do you start from seed ... ?
I placed a special order at a garden center for a winter rye. Had to buy a 55# bag, which will last me an eternity. But yea its just a bag of seed, like would be any other plant. Should be able to find smallish bags online of just about any plant.
When yall companion crop do yall aloow in to continually grow while plants are in pots or just down times there or do you actually turn soil
When yall companion crop do yall aloow in to continually grow while plants are in pots or just down times there or do you actually turn soil
Anz you can do whatever. What generally happens in my pots is the cover crop dies out as the mmj canopy steals all the light. Usually a week or so before chop I'll add a little more cover crop to give it a head start.

You want to make sure you have nitrogen fixers. I have a friend that grew the 15 cover crop from BAS. It's ok, but the barley get's all out of control. Personally, I like just a plain red or white clover. Sometimes people get their egos in silly things like how many cover crops they have growing, how many cycles in a row they've no-tilled, etc.

As a certain someone says, 'It ain't rocket science' ;)
Anz you can do whatever. What generally happens in my pots is the cover crop dies out as the mmj canopy steals all the light. Usually a week or so before chop I'll add a little more cover crop to give it a head start.

You want to make sure you have nitrogen fixers. I have a friend that grew the 15 cover crop from BAS. It's ok, but the barley get's all out of control. Personally, I like just a plain red or white clover. Sometimes people get their egos in silly things like how many cover crops they have growing, how many cycles in a row they've no-tilled, etc.

As a certain someone says, 'It ain't rocket science' ;)

I have been noticing the barley getting a little out of control, but i think it because when u scoop a handfull of the 15 seeds, the little seeds fall to the bottom so you really only scoop thr bigger rye seeds. Ive been balancing all the seeds ratios and the are not over growing the other cover crops. I think its cool to have diversity, feels like a jungle :)
Clover Crimson (Trifolium incarnatum) seed by the pound organic this is what I ordered from horizon herb..
Per @hyroot for my cover crop
Hyroot I am learning from you thanks teacher(if you had a desk i would give you an apple) i have been reading the rols thread from beginning and wow what a ton of knowledge.
Anz you can do whatever. What generally happens in my pots is the cover crop dies out as the mmj canopy steals all the light. Usually a week or so before chop I'll add a little more cover crop to give it a head start.

You want to make sure you have nitrogen fixers. I have a friend that grew the 15 cover crop from BAS. It's ok, but the barley get's all out of control. Personally, I like just a plain red or white clover. Sometimes people get their egos in silly things like how many cover crops they have growing, how many cycles in a row they've no-tilled, etc.

As a certain someone says, 'It ain't rocket science' ;)
cover crop blend round 2... and yeah, it was rather vigorous there for a little while, lol. I was rather impressed (but maybe mostly because i hadn't seen it before). Not all of it died completely, but what didn't is just laying there looking like it wants to... so i figured it was time for another round.
Does powder coated seeds harm the soil? I noticed that the white clover in Home Depot is powder coated with something.. Forgot wht it was.... I would imagine its bad..
Does powder coated seeds harm the soil? I noticed that the white clover in Home Depot is powder coated with something.. Forgot wht it was.... I would imagine its bad..
Not sure what that might be, but you can probably soak/rinse it off... as is recommended prior to the SST process (something about growth inhibitors needing to be soaked off and rinsed out, prior to making a sprouted seed tea). I would recommend the soak and rinse part, even if you're not making SST w/ the seeds.