i cannot even imagine what a 24/0 light schedule would do to my plants


Active Member
this is just a simple curiosity. I'm on my second grow, everything's going well enough. I learned a lot on the first go-round, particularly about growing conditions like temperature, humidity, and ph. One oddity has carried over from my last grow into this one though, and that is that at the end of the day my plants are really ready to crash. I have 3 in flower now - on a 13/11 schedule, and ONE of those females starts drooping about an hour before the lights go out, the other two don't. I have four in veg on a 9/15 cycle and the same deal happens with these - about an hour before lights out they start drooping. When the lights come back on in the morning, everyone is bright eyed again.

Now as I understand it, this could be normal. Maybe even a sign of healthy plants since they know their schedule so well. I'm using CFLs. I have 6 26w cfls on the veg table and like 10 in the flower box. Both a mixture of daylight and soft white. I have 4 fans blowing air in the same direction into and out of the veg area, and I have an air conditioning hose going into an air input area in my flower box and a 10 inline exhausting air into the attic. Long story short - temps rarely reach above 73 and haven't dropped below 70 even at night yet. btw my thermometer/hygrometer is right below the lights so it probably is in the high 60s at the root zone. The reason I mention the lights and temps is because I thought I might have been working the plants too hard with heat/light on my last grow, but since everything is dialed in, and I'm only using CFLs, this seems unlikely.

The curiosity I have is how many of you guys have similar experience with plants that just look tired around bedtime? I see a lot of people talk of 24 hours of light but by the way this looks to me that sounds like a death sentence for my plants, but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe with or without light they'd bounce back by morning IDK. This was probably too long a post for what it is, but does anyone have any input?


Active Member
canopy , above the lights , in the shade below the canopy, in the guest bedroom ?
all of that is in the OP dude. right under the lights. I've measured temps all around in there but always right under the lights. I have fans blowing right on the lights as well as an ac unit blowing cold air from the bottom. temps are fine.


Well-Known Member
if only one is doing it , then i would measure temp around that plant maybe its in a hot spot,
how much is that one drinking , can it be it needs to be watered about lights out ?


Active Member
good luck bro ....
thanks man, I watered today but im not overwatering. I wait until it needs water. this is just something ive noticed with my last grow as well. but that made sense as the temps were in the 80s on that one. The only real difference I notice with the cooler temps is I don't have any purple stems, but they still conk out.


Well-Known Member
I have 4 fans blowing air in the same direction into and out of the veg area, and I have an air conditioning hose going into an air input area in my flower box and a 10 inline exhausting air into the attic. Long story short - temps rarely reach above 73 and haven't dropped below 70 even at night yet. btw my thermometer/hygrometer is right below the lights so it probably is in the high 60s at the root zone. The reason I mention the lights and temps is because I thought I might have been working the plants too hard with heat/light on my last grow, but since everything is dialed in, and I'm only using CFLs, this seems unlikely.

o_O now where does it say the location of your thermometer????


Well-Known Member
am i speaking fucking chinese or you just trolling ? how can you possibly distort " can it be it needs to be watered about lights out ? " to you are overwatering ?


Well-Known Member
see where you messed up is acted like i didnt read the post ...... then back peddled and edited so you didnt look like a dumbass


Well-Known Member
Plants can be sensitive to a point that makes you wonder if there's something else you don't know.

Maybe it's too quiet? My plants did similar as well. Some were thirsty, others didn't like the high traffic and others did better with a little music in their day.


Active Member
Plants can be sensitive to a point that makes you wonder if there's something else you don't know.

Maybe it's too quiet? My plants did similar as well. Some were thirsty, others didn't like the high traffic and others did better with a little music in their day.
that really does make sense. Too loud would be more like it, as I have my plants in a closet in the room where I keep all of my guitars and my computer. I don't know if cannabis plants like the black flag either.