Somebody got banned?

Why did you deny being a member of the white supremacy group for so long when we all knew you were a member?

I thought the whole point was white pride with you retarded fucks, not shame.
I for one am glad you're back. Someone has to counter troll. The righties have been prolific but still offer nothing intellectual.
Drunk in public. He's been in the drunk tank for the past 2 days.

Two days? Did his wife leave him in the drunk tank that long?

I guess she needed the break. After all, she's the bread winner in the family. And she must be getting tired of him using her to support him while he sleeps all day and posts here all night.
The drunk little bitch is back... Everyone poke him with a sharp stick!! Dance monkey, dance!!!

Ladies and gentleman, we interrupt your regular program of dance music to bring you a special bulletin from the intercontinental radio news. "NLX is Butthurt".

That is all.
Ladies and Gentlemen... (who the fuck am I kidding??)

We dont need to interrupt your regular bitchfest to point out that Pinworm has fastened himself to bucky's balls in record time!!