desert dude
Well-Known Member
Yay! The tard is back!!
Yay! The tard is back!!
Yay! The tard is back!!
this site is not the same without uncle buck. a political wizard that guy is...
I for one am glad you're back. Someone has to counter troll. The righties have been prolific but still offer nothing intellectual.Why did you deny being a member of the white supremacy group for so long when we all knew you were a member?
I thought the whole point was white pride with you retarded fucks, not shame.
So your wife paid your bail, eh?
Did Buck get busted?
[scanning for butthurt]
>scan complete (Target 98% Butthurt)
Drunk in public. He's been in the drunk tank for the past 2 days.
The drunk little bitch is back... Everyone poke him with a sharp stick!! Dance monkey, dance!!!
2 hookers and some crackDrunk in public. He's been in the drunk tank for the past 2 days.
2 hookers and some crack
now he is broke and possible has a STD