giving defoliation during flower a try

the only issue im seeing with your concept is you are removing leaves that are close to the light catching all the intense light ....... to open up a path for a tiny bud under the canopy which is much farther away from the light ......... it just doesnt sound right
the only issue im seeing with your concept is you are removing leaves that are close to the light catching all the intense light ....... to open up a path for a tiny bud under the canopy which is much farther away from the light ......... it just doesnt sound right

Not much farther I lst my plants.
And I don't remove All of them anyways Just a select few that are shading out parts of the plant that will benefit from the light. There's still plenty of upper leaves to do their job.
There is a trick you should do inside under lights around week 2. Ask the best if you can see there's around this time and chances are they will say no. It is what seperates people who know what there doing from the rest. Something I would have never thought to do until shown the light. But it does make a hugh difference. Promised not to tell because then all the cool kids would be doing it.
oh brother, lol!!! so now there's a "secret," grow method that "the best," know, but keep to themselves. geez! wake me when ur through...
Silly, I mean Silkey, for indoor, under lights, there is a procedure you can do around 10 days to 2 weeks into flower, that using the inverse square law and a few other tricks most don't know you can greatly increase your yield and size of your tops.
All I can say is it is not common knowledge. You would not know to do it unless shown.
For a long time, years, I thought I knew what to do, until I met someone who did.
Fell free to say what it is, if you know.
^^^you know, i haven't seen him around for a while, but uncle buck has this saying that i really love. i think it applies here, what was it exactly??? oh yeah, shut the fuck up!!!^^^
Actually waiting to see if Uncle buck or you can answer the question. He's a hint. Living in colorado gives you the ability to see things most could only dream about. One thing about some of the people here is they don't want to show or tell you how they do things because it is their living. They consider you competition so won't tell you shit. It's what seperates someone who reads high times and thinks they know what there doing and someone who actually does. This tip or secret was passed directly from Ed Rosenthal to someone who worked for him so chances are you don't have a clue. And it fly's directly in the face of what Uncle buck has already said. Not sure I want to share it with you after all but I'll wait to see if you or buck post it.
Actually waiting to see if Uncle buck or you can answer the question. He's a hint. Living in colorado gives you the ability to see things most could only dream about. One thing about some of the people here is they don't want to show or tell you how they do things because it is their living. They consider you competition so won't tell you shit. It's what seperates someone who reads high times and thinks they know what there doing and someone who actually does. This tip or secret was passed directly from Ed Rosenthal to someone who worked for him so chances are you don't have a clue. And it fly's directly in the face of what Uncle buck has already said. Not sure I want to share it with you after all but I'll wait to see if you or buck post it.
2 weeks into flower, indoor lighting.... sounds like maybe it has something to do with 12/12 stretch and somehow using dim light to stretch lower nodes up to the canopy. thats my only real guess... some training technique to produce more dominant and bigger bud sites.
been playing with a few different things... i agree with uncle ben on not defoliating and keeping a green canopy for max yeild. i have never smoked his bud and he has never smoked mine. with that said with my own personal experiences i have found that towards the harvest if i quit using nutes when growth has seemed to stop and switch to water and do a MILD DEFOLIATION OF LARGER FAN LEAVES that are yellow and easily plucked off the if it doesnt want to let go i leave it.last few days before harvest i stop watering all together unless the leaves droop. seems to dry better vs a freshly watered plant. doing this i get a more consistent ripeness across the plant but most importantly an increase in aroma/flavor with a minimal impact on seems to cure better too i can light up in popular seattle bar with 20 people smoking weed out front and they will come right over and start to comment on the smell and ask to smoke, no joke its that pungent it will over power other weed smells. growing weed is a artisian craft just like beer and wine(i make those too) the decisions you make during production can influence yeild, smell, flavor and appearance and their are a lot of bullshit opinions on how to do it. different strains do different things and often have different ways they grow best . i can and have kept the canopy green until the end several times and yes there is more yield (slightly) but the expense of more sugar leaves to trim and a degradation of taste. i have yet have the potency checked as a result of both ways and i would be really interested in seeing some gas chromatography data about the differences in potency if their is any but that would require testing of more than just 2 plants to get a decent data set. like i said i have tried both ways repeatedly on close to a hundred plants over time and a have found out my method gives me the most pleasing results for my personal consumption. once agian i only do this after the most or all of the bud growth has tappered off and is almost ripe. as some one who came to Seattle because of pot over ten years ago (thats all im going to admit) i have seen retarded amounts of pot valued in the millions from all types from growers all over the state as well as my own work. usually its better (i test on people with out telling them who grew it first mine usually wins but not always) its all different i can easily tell when some one kept the canopy green for max yeild. the bud takes on different smoking characteristics because well its different. sometimes is quality over quantity don't forget that. strive for what produces the absolute quality. its very satisfying when people say "dude you grew this?" vs people turning their nose up on big bag of green tasting bud. take a look at my pics on my sig from some kinda recent grows feel free to say poser that looks like shit im not worried. i have already proved my work those that matter, not trying to be a message board superstar
this will piss some poeple off too...i don't do massive flush either. just water only last 7-10 days. but yet its on par with cannibis cup growers. i know one personaly
well it is, im not the one that decided that either. next time all be more humble and say my stuff is ok....but hey im just telling the truth sorry to get carried away. anyways here's some pics of my crappy weedto back up my shit talk of quality over quality. and yes that is a naturaly purpling plant( i have also found that natural purpling can be increased imensly by combining hps, mh, and leds this experiment i have repeated several times.) 138.JPG 149.JPG 168.JPG 171.JPG 166.JPG again quality over quantity
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bongsmilieI always do it in a scrog set up and it always works people that dont do it are stuipid and are think the plants have feelings lol grow up !!
well it is, im not the one that decided that either. next time all be more humble and say my stuff is ok....but hey im just telling the truth sorry to get carried away. anyways here's some pics of my crappy weedto back up my shit talk of quality over quality. and yes that is a naturaly purpling plant( i have also found that natural purpling can be increased imensly by combining hps, mh, and leds this experiment i have repeated several times.) View attachment 3260339 View attachment 3260341 View attachment 3260343 View attachment 3260344 View attachment 3260345 again quality over quantity
I used to combine MH and HPS and can confirm that purple colors occur that otherwise would not have occurred under only HPS. I never the kind of purpling of the leaves like you but a majority of the hairs were purple under both lights.