SHOE was telling me cuts have wiped out a few grows he knows of due to broad mites. Apparently bit of an epidemic on the coasts. Sounds bloody awful. EDIT: is Avid a Spinosad product? Becoming quite a fan of Spinosad. Fermented bacteria, who knew.Fuck broad mites! Seriously they are the worst!
While I know some hate the idea of using pesticides, I found avid (hey its a natural fungus derived poison, organic lol) to be the only thing possible to wipe those bastards out. Honestly I tried everything but poison, and it was the only thing to kill and keep them killed. Haven't had them ever since.
Always know the person you take cuts from. Know that they are good growers who can be assured their gardens are clean.
Fuck broad mites... dirty cocksuckers!
Ahhh man. Sorry to hear that. This is the reason that I am no longer taking clones in to my garden.
I would hope that the place you got the clone from was unaware of the broad mites, otherwise that's a major dick move to hand out an infested clone.
Thrips I believe.
SHOE was telling me cuts have wiped out a few grows he knows of due to broad mites. Apparently bit of an epidemic on the coasts. Sounds bloody awful. EDIT: is Avid a Spinosad product? Becoming quite a fan of Spinosad. Fermented bacteria, who knew.
SHOE was telling me cuts have wiped out a few grows he knows of due to broad mites. Apparently bit of an epidemic on the coasts. Sounds bloody awful. EDIT: is Avid a Spinosad product? Becoming quite a fan of Spinosad. Fermented bacteria, who knew.
Here's what I know for sure, Avid will kill mites and but not the eggs. Forbid 4 will kill the eggs. Use together is a guaranteed eradication. I have avid, forbid , pylon and kontos sitting around but would only use it to spray a bare room using an atomizer. Can't in good conscience apply them to my garden. Hence why I trashed everything and started over.
The new an upcoming nightmare.. " Ditylenchus dipsaci "
For mites we get an insanely good organic one. 'Ludwig's Insect Spray Plus ' It is a combo of pyrethrum, which breaks down super rapidly but is poison make no mistake, extracted from chrysanthenum, then garlic extract and canola oil as a base. The canola oil smothers eggs and kills young mites, and gods know what the garlic does but it smells like an Italian restaurant so not too bad rofl. We can get pure pyrethrum spray as Pyrol, total kill zone but phytotoxicity is an issue. As long as you have a good sprayer they work first time. I inherited my granpas Chapin, that thing made all the difference for bugs. Never saw the point they are super pricey but if something happens to mine I am getting a new one same day. Atomizes the spray into this fine mist that gets in absolutely everywhere. Respirator essential. EDIT : I saw a video where a guy uses a vacuum cleaner to suck mites off his bud. Never tried it but in flower I will definitely give it a go. Worst that can happen is a few messed up fans...Here's what I know for sure, Avid will kill mites and but not the eggs. Forbid 4 will kill the eggs. Use together is a guaranteed eradication. I have avid, forbid , pylon and kontos sitting around but would only use it to spray a bare room using an atomizer. Can't in good conscience apply them to my garden. Hence why I trashed everything and started over.
The new an upcoming nightmare.. " Ditylenchus dipsaci "
Fuck broad mites! Seriously they are the worst!
While I know some hate the idea of using pesticides, I found avid (hey its a natural fungus derived poison, organic lol) to be the only thing possible to wipe those bastards out. Honestly I tried everything but poison, and it was the only thing to kill and keep them killed. Haven't had them ever since.
Always know the person you take cuts from. Know that they are good growers who can be assured their gardens are clean.
Fuck broad mites... dirty cocksuckers!
Fuck broad mites! Seriously they are the worst!
While I know some hate the idea of using pesticides, I found avid (hey its a natural fungus derived poison, organic lol) to be the only thing possible to wipe those bastards out. Honestly I tried everything but poison, and it was the only thing to kill and keep them killed. Haven't had them ever since.
Always know the person you take cuts from. Know that they are good growers who can be assured their gardens are clean.
Fuck broad mites... dirty cocksuckers!
read any scientific study and fact of the matter if you are using pesticides it must be in rotation to avoid resistants to a single application mode. I understand it worked in your situation.That's why you want to use it as directed. The second application should kill any mites that hatch after the fact. They recommended a third treatment but I was tired of being on the couch and couldn't find any remaining mites after the first treatment, let alone a second treatment. I have a very small bottle that is barely used and hopefully will never use it again
read any scientific study and fact of the matter if you are using pesticides it must be in rotation to avoid resistants to a single application mode. I understand it worked in your situation.
So last night i cut a lower bud off Blackberry Lotus and quick dried it on my cable router. Just smoked a bowl. EXQUISITE. I was moving at the time and couldn't be bothered to take clones. Lame.
SHOE was telling me cuts have wiped out a few grows he knows of due to broad mites. Apparently bit of an epidemic on the coasts. Sounds bloody awful. EDIT: is Avid a Spinosad product? Becoming quite a fan of Spinosad. Fermented bacteria, who knew.
You can always reveg if you have the plant. I chuckled at the thought of a bud just chilling and drying on a router
Didn't know what a chapin was. Looked it up. SWEEEEEEEEEET! I want.For mites we get an insanely good organic one. 'Ludwig's Insect Spray Plus ' It is a combo of pyrethrum, which breaks down super rapidly but is poison make no mistake, extracted from chrysanthenum, then garlic extract and canola oil as a base. The canola oil smothers eggs and kills young mites, and gods know what the garlic does but it smells like an Italian restaurant so not too bad rofl. We can get pure pyrethrum spray as Pyrol, total kill zone but phytotoxicity is an issue. As long as you have a good sprayer they work first time. I inherited my granpas Chapin, that thing made all the difference for bugs. Never saw the point they are super pricey but if something happens to mine I am getting a new one same day. Atomizes the spray into this fine mist that gets in absolutely everywhere. Respirator essential. EDIT : I saw a video where a guy uses a vacuum cleaner to suck mites off his bud. Never tried it but in flower I will definitely give it a go. Worst that can happen is a few messed up fans...