Lucid Dreaming

Aren't you dying? This is what you would rather do with that time......o_O

I hope somebody shit's on you...Like big nasty Diarrhea on your chest ....I dream better then you, most people do... the dream is called "GOALS" and they strive to accomplish them and live how they want to thus they are "Living the dream".....F@ck You ...
what ever happened to " hi okallright how r u today"
instead of " arnt you dying cunt " lol
what ever happened to " hi okallright how r u today"
instead of " arnt you dying cunt " lol
LOL :lol:

You came into MY thread talking shit, that is YOUR job when you come to me, sorry if I didn't REPLY any nicer than you came at me.

I don't give 2 shits how my trolls are "doing today".
LOL :lol:

You came into MY thread talking shit, that is YOUR job when you come to me, sorry if I didn't REPLY any nicer than you came at me.

I don't give 2 shits how my trolls are "doing today".
you are slowly going down hill buddy...whodat said this you divvy
I love how all of you are so great at dreaming, but all you have to say about dreaming is that "I do it naturally" and you have no great experiences that come from that.

Instead you decide that my replies are somehow "defense" then proceed to troll.

:lol::lol: :lol:

Please don't kick your dog today, any of you.
I love how all of you are so great at dreaming, but all you have to say about dreaming is that "I do it naturally" and you have no great experiences that come from that.

Instead you decide that my replies are somehow "defense" then proceed to troll.

:lol::lol: :lol:

Please don't kick your dog today, any of you.
what do you mean by this, , ?
I will be taking another Zyrtec tonight to see what happens, and I might try Benadryl later in the week. I looked it up and people are saying that Benadryl causes vivid dreams.
Just btw, if anyone throws up while taking Ayahusca, ask the person who made it if they put caffeine in it. And if they say they did (which many shamans do, via plants like Ilex) tell them to never give you that again.

Some people seem to think the "Purge" is good, which it can be. But people inducing it with Caffeine are risking people's lives. If someone is going to purge from Caffeine, it should be because they drink so much regularly that it is still in them when they get to the ceremony. That is the Ayahuasca telling them "don't drink so much coffee", instead of it being induced by the person you are supposed to trust.
I mean that if you are going to come into a lucid dream thread and claim you are awesome at dreaming, maybe post about a dream or 2.
i jumped off 5 skyscapers , landed on my feet , and it didn't hurt, it was exhilarating!!!

and i was lucid, knew everything i was doing, and loving ever bit.

there you go i posted a dream for you ok
If you want to have vivid dreams and remember them, stop doing drugs, herbs etc. I quit smoking MJ a month ago and I have been having crazy dreams lately and remembering every detail about them. Last night for the first time in my life I realized i was dreaming but think i woke myself up when i realized it. I think i had a dream in a dream and that was what triggered me figuring it ou.
If you want to have vivid dreams and remember them, stop doing drugs, herbs etc. I quit smoking MJ a month ago and I have been having crazy dreams lately and remembering every detail about them. Last night for the first time in my life I realized i was dreaming but think i woke myself up when i realized it. I think i had a dream in a dream and that was what triggered me figuring it ou.
classic" i realized my dream and it woke me up"

it's just the amazement and curious shock that woke your self up....

been there

next time just keep your cool.....seriously