how to check soils ph?


Well-Known Member
What would be the best to check the ph of soil? Runoff? Let it soak in water and drain water and test? Soil tester? Currently I only have the gh liquid ph kit.

What would be the best to check the ph of soil? Runoff? Let it soak in water and drain water and test? Soil tester? Currently I only have the gh liquid ph kit.
Take 1 liter of water add 50g of soi - mix well. Then add the bottle of pH up, a pair of your briefs, and mix well. Wring out briefs and put on promptly. If it doesn't burn, your soil is fine...

Seriously, wtf? Testing the water coming out of the bottom of the pot will tell you NOTHING about what is going on in the rhizosphere. Why don't you tell us what the problem is and post some picts and I'm sure people will give you great ideas. Wasting your money on this crap is just stupid.

Take 1 liter of water add 50g of soi - mix well. Then add the bottle of pH up, a pair of your briefs, and mix well. Wring out briefs and put on promptly. If it doesn't burn, your soil is fine...

Seriously, wtf? Testing the water coming out of the bottom of the pot will tell you NOTHING about what is going on in the rhizosphere. Why don't you tell us what the problem is and post some picts and I'm sure people will give you great ideas. Wasting your money on this crap is just stupid.

hahaha! i think i wil try that.! well i just wanted to check the ph of my new soil because two weeks now its not warm so was wondering if its close to be able to use.?
nice thanks so much brother thats what i need.!
These dont work...
haha i want to learn that. i bet you can Definitely taste a difference. thanks. and yeah i remember them now at lowes.
Not sure if your being sarcastic..
yeah i can send it to the state for free but dont want to do that really, it having cannabis fragments and decomposition. thanks
First off, cannabis decomposes. And if your still afraid, send it to build a soil, they specialize in building soil.

But hey what do we know, buy a bag of bullshit fox farm, that stuff is ph'd and doubled checked by their idiots that use ph probes and shit..

Good luck
I'm getting tired of posting this, read at least the first several pages of the Recycled Organic Living Soil thread. Checking ph is the dog wagging the tail. Build a good soil, quit wasting your money.

i already have. i just want to see if its almost ready to use or wait two more weeks. already read through all those threads and built my soil accordingly. i just want to know if its hot and needs more lime.
These dont work...

Not sure if your being sarcastic..

First off, cannabis decomposes. And if your still afraid, send it to build a soil, they specialize in building soil.

But hey what do we know, buy a bag of bullshit fox farm, that stuff is ph'd and doubled checked by their idiots that use ph probes and shit..

Good luck
Haha and is still hot soil when you get it. Yeah I know but I don't know if they are able to tell if there were cannabis fragments composted, and warrant search.

And haha yes I am dead serious, our Fore Fathers and Mothers Knew SO MUCH MORE about Everything than we have any idea! And most folk lure, Actually Does hold true and have significance to it. Like harvesting trees in August after full moon, because they Literally last 50years instead of 25 because it was cut down on the ebb of the earth when the sap is leaving the trees, and vice versa for handles chop the wood in April may when the sap is flowing and the handle has much more tensile strength. That's just One of a multitude of "folk lure" that Does Actually Work and even is Scientifically proven.

So I Am sure, in fact I Am pretty much Positive, tasting the soil if you know what you are tasting can tell you the acidity or alkalinity of the soil. I mean look at the expert wine growers over seas they Taste the soil and can even tell what wine was grown in what kind of soil.

But the meter as snapsprovolone says it is just a good Idea of where it is at, which is what I need. Just an idea.
These dont work...

Not sure if your being sarcastic..

First off, cannabis decomposes. And if your still afraid, send it to build a soil, they specialize in building soil.

But hey what do we know, buy a bag of bullshit fox farm, that stuff is ph'd and doubled checked by their idiots that use ph probes and shit..

Good luck
Never tried to test my soil before, But I am curious as to why they don't work?
These dont work...

Not sure if your being sarcastic..

First off, cannabis decomposes. And if your still afraid, send it to build a soil, they specialize in building soil.

But hey what do we know, buy a bag of bullshit fox farm, that stuff is ph'd and doubled checked by their idiots that use ph probes and shit..

Good luck
Like another example of how precise and intelligent our Fore Fathers AMD Mothers were, and now industrious! They used to build HUGE Apple press from Nothing but wood, No nails, just wooden pegs and shims, and the beams well at least the press beam was about 2-3' in diameter or something crazy like that!
And the reason for no nails or metal was because they believed the metal would Ruin the cider if it was to just touch it.

Oh and kids drank cider, Real Hard Cider for Breakfast!!!
Never tried to test my soil before, But I am curious as to why they don't work?
I guess its just a guesstimate because it is uses electromagnetic pulses to read it... But I mean professional soil testers have to test some way...!!!!! So I would bet money its something just like those meters.
Never tried to test my soil before, But I am curious as to why they don't work?

Not 100% sure,

But try this experiment, put the meter in 3 diffrent soils including a "controlled" soil. guarantee you will be kicking urself after you realize the probe is only good for a paper weight.

And for the OP, if your building a soil, and really read rols, then simply follow the recipe, and your soil will be good 3-7 weeks composting. To test try put in a weak clone and or cover crops too see how it grows. Once agian, follow the recipe, and your soil should be good. If your still worried, thats because you know you skipped a step and or ingrediant, in which case i hope you wrote down, if not, the geussing game is sometimes fun....

Anyways, send a sample to build a soil . Com

If its new soil you just put togther then you shouldnt have cannabis in there, so you shouldnt be worried.
Not 100% sure,

But try this experiment, put the meter in 3 diffrent soils including a "controlled" soil. guarantee you will be kicking urself after you realize the probe is only good for a paper weight.

And for the OP, if your building a soil, and really read rols, then simply follow the recipe, and your soil will be good 3-7 weeks composting. To test try put in a weak clone and or cover crops too see how it grows. Once agian, follow the recipe, and your soil should be good. If your still worried, thats because you know you skipped a step and or ingrediant, in which case i hope you wrote down, if not, the geussing game is sometimes fun....

Anyways, send a sample to build a soil . Com

If its new soil you just put togther then you shouldnt have cannabis in there, so you shouldnt be worried.
I would have to buy one, which I won't do because I'll take your word for it. How about the first pic, where you put the soil and water in the tube? Tried those?
Read this if you want to accurately measure soil pH:

Otherwise, best not to worry about it.

If you want to know if your soil is ready, this is the best test I know of:

- Stir it up a little

- Stick your nose down in there and take a big, deep whiff.

- If it smells like clean, fresh, earthy soil, you're good to go. Think of that wonderful earthy smell you get in a forest right after it rains. (What you're actually smelling are the spores of actinomycetes, a type of filamentous bacteria).

- If the soil smells at all strange; if you smell ammonia or rotten eggs; if you can still pick up any smells of the soil amendments you've added (i.e beefy blood meal smell, fishy fish bone meal smell, neem smell, manure smell, alfalfa smell, any smell other than that crisp, clean after-the-rainstorm smell)... Then your soil is not ready. Mix it up a little to aerate it and let it sit for another couple weeks.

When it's ready, it will smell right. At this point, the pH isn't terribly important, believe it or not...