4x4 tent need help cooling her down!!!!

Did it fluff up? Or what would be the damage if grown in hot temps like that?
And also thinking of my feeding cycle and how it may affect yield
Also does anyone grow in coco perlite "ready grow aeration" botanicare? Or something of the similar mix.. If so do you guys flush every 3 weeks? Or just one time before flower and before harvest or what is the most effective way to grow the best meds I hear and read to many back and firths
So I raised the filter and my result were different than with it down so I just need to know where I need adjusting ..
Filterup : 84f-86f and 52-54 rh
Filter down: 82-83f and 44-46 rh ... What's better or easier to fix?

Where was your thermostat located when you had filter up ?

From the indication of the picture u have thermostats ( when down ) in the wrong area. Don't put thermostat near filter does not give accurate reading imho, put on there side of tent not near filter at plant canopy level get better and more accurate reading . But I could be wrong weird that temp rose when filter was up.
My thermometer is in the canopy that's just the display .. If you follow the connected wife you'll see it's in the canopy about 1ft away from light and from filter
Also today I noticed temps dropping and there was more negative pressure in tent when filter was down .. I'm goin to continue running it low temps are now 81f 41-42% rh

Hmmm I am confused which this statement - " there was more negative pressure when the filter was down". I don't see how that is possible unless there was a kink in your ducting. A fan has a static pressure so up or down negative pressure if you have one should not change.
My thermometer is in the canopy that's just the display .. If you follow the connected wife you'll see it's in the canopy about 1ft away from light and from filter

O ok I see I don't know accurate those but use what you have. I am out of ideas honestly. But in term of grow if your having better temps down keep it down. And as I said before just be patient it will pump up.
My feeding cycle is feed feed water . I water with RO cal mag water to help flush I don't aim for any run off but when I do .. I check it ... This medium says to water 6 times but I dnt have time for that and the re design and transplanting .. To much
I will hang the filter tonight
Only reason I had it down was because I read it cooled the hood more if it was sucking cooler air from bottom of tent instead of the top hot air but it also makes sense to exhaust that first priority

If you are venting into the attic, bale the filter
So my white widow I flush and start feeding again .. 2days later seed pods start forming!! It's a hermie it's out !!!!!!!and started 2 GSC in eb and flow aeration in gro pots all nutes from botanicare feeding twice a day 47% rh 80 f 10 gallon reservoir anyone with ideas on how to pH the reservoir and how often?
This is my last attempt at growing.. To many fails variables and bs if anyone can walk me through and help have a successful harvest I would appriciate it
Idol what I'm doin wrong ... There's always something if not spider mites it's mold and if it's not that Idk what it could be ... I'm 1 week in and it's a 50 day strain and I see no signs of budding
Im Using 4x4 tent aeration formula(feed, feed, water) all botanicare products
Your temps are too high. Period.
Get an AC.
Or dedicate an exhaust to the outside and a fresh air intake. Get temps under 80*f.
Then. Get some soil. Find a thread on a simple nutrient line and follow someone's lead. When you get proficient in natures way then switch to aero or whatever.
Get some solid , proven genetics from a reputable breeder. Don't fvck with clones that come with issues. Pop some seeds in the dirt and find a keeper that likes your style. Best of luck.
And one week in ? I have strains that don't show flowers for 28 days. Start counting those 50 days when you see flowers forming, not from when you dropped it in 12/12. Also plants in stress flower slower.
My plants I'm running this grow are from seed ... I ordered girls scout cookies from cali connection feminized
And I'm not running on aeration I'm using coco and perlite mix by botanicare called "aeration" mix
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image.jpg What should my rh be at? This is my planning for a top feed system with a 75gph pump in 10gallon res. feeding 4-5 times a day at the aprox ml estimations on my mini sketch for only one minute at a time with a backup res to catch run off which should only be 10-15% ... Anybody have any suggestions please help me out here ..
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Those cfm ratings on axial "duct booster" fans get thrown out the window under static pressure(resistance to flow, such as a carbon filter). They belong in the garbage.

Buy yourself a 6 inch centrifugal fan, problems solved.

- Jiji
Btw this is how they look still 80.0f ... Waiting on the cool days that's should be here in this area by now but it's Mother Nature so 44-50% humidity image.jpg
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Well a 6 inch fan at full speed the ratings are a little over 400 cfm generally.

Is your carbon filter rated for that? You don't want to pull too much air too fast over a small carbon filter.

I always oversize mine.

I'd use it still anyways then go from there.

- Jiji