The UK Growers Thread!

At this point in time, immreally interested in the windows phone OS. People complain about the lack of apps, but ice been android for years, and sure, just like with apple, there are a billion and one apps on the store, and 99 percent of them are utter garbage. Android is great, but its a fun OS, not something for being serious and productive. Hopefully HTC release their next flagship with windows as well as just the M8, as hardware wise, my M7 is ducking insane. Even the iPhone 6 is a joke in comparison. Doesn't even have a 1080pm display unless you get the pointless 6 plus, that doesn't have a stylus, making it pretty much worthless for its form factor.

Well since u asked, can u tell us why mulitple regular members have been banned in the last cpl days? Would be nice to hear a rational explanation,
Well since u asked, can u tell us why mulitple regular members have been banned in the last cpl days? Would be nice to hear a rational explanation,

Or why the fuck have they cloned the uk thread and stuck a copy in tokentalk?????????

Them retarded yanks love the uk so much they took a copy for themselves lol
If someone was banned there was a reason.. you can p.m. rollitup yourself and get a straight answer.

Yeah, because that was definitely the case when dannyboy went on a ban spree and got banned himself for abusing his power...

Not saying that is the case, but the idea of people only being banned because of a valid reason is very laughable. Didn't Sunni abandon the place over that very fiasco?

I have nothing against you wbw, your ok in my book, but someone just pulled some shut that was out of order and what you are seeing is the consequence of such an action.