the end

Definitely some downhill lately. Place is a bit of a roller coaster of sorts. Pretty heavy on the trolling if you're bait worthy, but for me it seems it's just a lot of people having fun in toke 'n talk with gifs most of the time so I don't get too concerned. I preferred when T'n'T was an area for the responsible members to stretch their legs, but it's not too bad, I find most of (well, some of) the same intelligent contributors kicking around in the other forums. In fact, there are plenty of productive conversations happening in sub-forums with more focus than this one could ever hope to attain, given it's casual atmosphere.

I think/hope trolling is sort of going out of fashion... it's a bunch of smart kids giggling in the corner together because they see their advanced perspective as superior. Meanwhile there are plenty of smart kids living their lives happily because they know that their advanced perspective (same one, some just choose not to be a dick about it) is universally attainable and nothing special. And then there's the rest of the crowd who inevitably catch up anyway. This is really just a desperate last-resort cave for the hermit-geek personality. They took away our secret-club-internets by becoming relatively computer and internet proficient. In response, we will take away their dignity by revealing our superior intelligence through complex gameplay.

Then again, there are a lot of ways to troll. The finest art is he who "patrols" (holy shit, root words tell a story there) for trolls, acting the superior troll, in order to tire the potentiality of lesser trolls who might feed on actual humans rather than other lesser trolls.

A lot of people think that trolls are relatively new. But ask around, trolls are not a new story. I'm not talking about under bridges, either. Trolling is "the oldest profession" and is the basic premise of the "secret life no one knows about" that each person is living "secretly" inside the room in their head that they think is truly private. (It's not.) ... Smirk away. But all is not good, in the hood, my friend. We do not fuck around these days. We have moved past the basic space and into the invisible network. Hone your instruments, you will need them.

Good day, sir.
whatever lionel

I'd say you've mistaken me for someone who values your opinion.
Text book example of how to piss off a troll. You know you've got one wriggling on the line when they're all up in your pants and you didn't even direct your anti-troll comments toward them.
Text book example of how to piss off a troll. You know you've got one wriggling on the line when they're all up in your pants and you didn't even direct your anti-troll comments toward them.
Nah...Im not mad @ ya...Do you alway's squint your eye's like that when your talking down to people?
there are no advertisement$ coming in as far as i can see , and if theres no money filling the coffers , how long can it last ?
They need some work in their Sales department, that is for sure. There are SO MANY companies that need RIU,, but no one apparently is contacting any. Why isn't there a sanni, or attitude, or mary jane ad on here. Somebody is dropping the ball for sure. If there is a Mod watching, which TY has pointed out is not likely for that matter( where is sunni or cannibear) PM me, and I will sell some space, guaranteed.
In my opinion rollitup is exactly the same as when I first joined but I gotta admit grasscity had a lot more activity such as new posts like every 30 seconds but the mods are dicks