Leafs 'drooping' when lights are off, Is this normal?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I'm new here needing advice from experienced growers before I can become one myself.

I wondered if any of you could give me some insight as to why leaves may become 'droopy' if you know what I mean. It only seems to happen when the lights are off, they tend to hang down.

Is this normal?


Well-Known Member
During the night the leaves will droop. A typical part of plant processes that is not generally an issue. As long as temps and hydration are in order there should not be a problem. Good luck with your grow. :peace:

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I'm new here needing advice from experienced growers before I can become one myself.

I wondered if any of you could give me some insight as to why leaves may become 'droopy' if you know what I mean. It only seems to happen when the lights are off, they tend to hang down.

Is this normal?
When the lights are off don't open the closet door, light is a no no during the dark period!

I assume you musta bin bothering them during their rest time to know this about their leaves!


Well-Known Member
I check on them all the time, I'm in love with my girls. Don't touch them just look. So that is normal. Cheers bro


Well-Known Member
I check on them all the time, I'm in love with my girls. Don't touch them just look. So that is normal. Cheers bro
Don't disturb the dark period. It must be 100% light-free at all times.

Your leaves are likely 'droopy' in dark period due to the higher level of humidity in the air in lights-out. As long as they look good when lights are on, you're ok.



Well-Known Member
It will be ok lol. I tend to screw up every so often and leave the timer in manual mode or forget to turn on main, never had a plant throw out seeds. Really dont think it is the end of the world to turn on lights every once and while. If it were all of my grows would be he she's lol. As for leaves drooping, yup normal.


Well-Known Member
Interrupting your light cycle while vegging has minimal impact, while flowering will lose the entire nights worth of flowering growth. In worse case scenario's turn back to vegging or herm.

But I agree with BugEye, Probably over-watering.

Your plants should reach for the sky all the time; and droop slightly when they need water.


Well-Known Member
You'll be perfectly fine, a lot of indica doms really sag when it's dark even if there is artificial light around. I agree with the comments above but I find we stress more then our plants do lol. You need a optimum light source (full sun,growing lights etc) to disturb vegging or even flowering, simply opening a door with background light isn't helping but won't destroy the progress, with some of my outdoor grows I have no choice but to have some dull lights "disturb" my plants at night and I get the same harvest as when I would be as tight as a nuns cunt about it. When I was younger I would be into the science of growing, how pruning,pinching,light cycles,sun,fert etc can effect a plant, it's a great background to have well you need to have it but as you gain experience you realize aslong as you've got the proper setup (indoor,outdoor,hydro) proper lighting, food, ventilation and minimum skills, it's all you need. You'll meet thousands of people with ways to do this and that and always take what you can from them this is my opinion do what you want with it. Happy smoking :)


Well-Known Member
Nice one Ryeguy, I like it how you say we stress more than our plants do that is definitely true. I take everyones advice with a pinch of salt. Some more than others. Thanks man


Well-Known Member
When a plant that is transpiring at full rate sees a temp drop it will often take on an over-watered look for a short time even though it is not over-watered. Lights off equals temp drop.
Transpiration would not be at its fullest during the night though. ;) :smile:


Well-Known Member
Transpiration would not be at its fullest during the night though. ;) :smile:
I know, it is at it's fullest right before the lights go off though. The temp drop then closes off the leaf stomata but the roots are still sending water so the leaf takes on a temporary overwatered look until everything re-balances. I see it all the time when a thunderstorm comes in and my temps drop.


Well-Known Member
When the lights are off don't open the closet door, light is a no no during the dark period!

I assume you musta bin bothering them during their rest time to know this about their leaves!
my plants are in my tool room in my basement. when i need to go in there and get something i turn the reg light on. you dont want a continuous light on them during the night cycle but if you need to turn a light on for a min its not going to hurt anything..i would go firing up your cab/tent lights but....people way over think shit.


Well-Known Member
Interrupting your light cycle while vegging has minimal impact, while flowering will lose the entire nights worth of flowering growth. In worse case scenario's turn back to vegging or herm.

But I agree with BugEye, Probably over-watering.

Your plants should reach for the sky all the time; and droop slightly when they need water.
they go into a resting state at night.....almost all plants do...

by turning the lights on for a few min will NEVER ever ever ever make them revert back to vegatative cycle from flowering, they needs days of continuous light to start that process which takes 4-12 weeks depending on how far into flowering they are..the further along the longer it takes...

when a plant reverts back to veg it essentially takes all the calyx's it has grown and converts them into fan leaves and new branches.

if they are perking back u during the day then overwatering is not the issue, temp drops will also make them droopy. If they maintain the droopy look after an hour of lights on chances are its not normal, when they see that light they usually perk up pretty fast readying themselvs for a days work


Well-Known Member
they go into a resting state at night.....almost all plants do...

by turning the lights on for a few min will NEVER ever ever ever make them revert back to vegatative cycle from flowering, they needs days of continuous light to start that process which takes 4-12 weeks depending on how far into flowering they are..the further along the longer it takes...

when a plant reverts back to veg it essentially takes all the calyx's it has grown and converts them into fan leaves and new branches.

if they are perking back u during the day then overwatering is not the issue, temp drops will also make them droopy. If they maintain the droopy look after an hour of lights on chances are its not normal, when they see that light they usually perk up pretty fast readying themselvs for a days work

I don't know where to start with that...

As I said, one peek will just lose the growth you were going to get that night. Yes your correct it would take many interruptions to revert it.

Calyx's don't transform into leaves, that's absurd. It simply switches growth mode, any flowers include pre flowers that are already there will stay there.

You are correct there are many variables that can cause drooping. None the less a perfectly balanced; healthy plant just waiting to burst out in growth will reach for the sky 24/7.
Even the heaviest Indica leaves the size of your face can and will reach for the sky. Plants may appear healthy but have many deficiencies just like humans.

Unless your balancing you Boron, Silicon, Calcium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium and water perfectly; you will have deficiencies. Most are not obvious and cause things like lower yield, slow growth, less bug and mold resistance. Some more obvious with yellow leaves, weak plants, purple branches.

OP it could be any number of reasons why its droopy. Best thing is to keep a log of every grow and everything you do in it. That way you will soon be able to identify the root cause of any issue you come across and be making suggestions to us! :weed:


Well-Known Member
so your saying that my personal observations of watching a plant re vert back to veg and watching the calyx's unwind and tunr into small fucked up looking fan leaves is a hallucination?

ok good to know.

every grow i have done inside and out when i look at my plants before or at lights on are droopy, some much woese than others and cold seems to play a big role in that but even pn the warmest summer nights the plants always rest the leaves at night..again this is a personal observation but i guess those are incorect.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
my plants are in my tool room in my basement. when i need to go in there and get something i turn the reg light on. you dont want a continuous light on them during the night cycle but if you need to turn a light on for a min its not going to hurt anything..i would go firing up your cab/tent lights but....people way over think shit.
I guess it depends on the strain your growing. ..Some hermie from light leakes from poorly made zippers or cheap stitchinin cheaper grow tents.. ...so even tho your right for your situation. . In general your wrong...it's not overthinking it's just a correct statement in general. ..but like I said your right for your situation and your strains. ..that's not to say there are not strains that won't hermie from your abuse!!because there are , you just don't grow sensitive plants!! Hope this makes sense.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
they go into a resting state at night.....almost all plants do...

by turning the lights on for a few min will NEVER ever ever ever make them revert back to vegatative cycle from flowering, they needs days of continuous light to start that process which takes 4-12 weeks depending on how far into flowering they are..the further along the longer it takes...

when a plant reverts back to veg it essentially takes all the calyx's it has grown and converts them into fan leaves and new branches.

if they are perking back u during the day then overwatering is not the issue, temp drops will also make them droopy. If they maintain the droopy look after an hour of lights on chances are its not normal, when they see that light they usually perk up pretty fast readying themselvs for a days work
Reveg??Of course not! But you can make it hermie...com on Bro we all grow weed here!