The GrowBig and Tiger Bloom sound like good choices, respectively.
I calibrate before each new test.....just the neurotic bozo in me.
At your service.
Great, glad I was of help. Yeah, I remember well, nice to see ya. You'd be surprised how many of those posts I archived. Got too damn tired of repeating myself.
Yeah, I saw that. Let's put it this way regarding germinating a seed, Bounty and I don't get along.
You think that's bad, you don't know how many lowlife's have stole my dittys over the years, stripped the credits trying to pass it off as their own, even here. Check a few out, they're a hoot. I got so pissed at one site they banned me, hah!
"Pot God" my ass. Guess that guy never read the Ten Commandments - "thou shall not steal." Lifting text is bad enough, but I've also caught a few stealing my photos. Oh well, such is the internet, and such are some people's character.
Senior mod here did good by me on this one:
If you only knew how many times that got me censored (banned).

Oh mah principles ya know.
Good. Ya keep them leaves in a healthy condition as long as you can. cya!
I wouldn't bother. But, if you must, try topping a few to see what happens so you get a feel for it. Since I mainly grow sativas and they tend to get pretty leggie, I "developed" this to combat the stretch.
It's a yield issue. You don't have much foliage to get the yield you probably seek. Without healthy foliage and alot of it, ya won't get much yield.
"Recovery" is not the issue, foliage production is.
That seed staring at you from the bottom of the bag (floor in your case) may just be the next Haze.