the end


Well-Known Member
Is this the end of RIU

I mean we lost two great mods

We have someone who is multiplying accounts like agent Smith in the matrix

No one is on much anymore

We have absolutely no mods on

Like this town is lawless

Im sure I chould post a dick pic and it whould get deleted for several days

I mean thats fine I dont care if I see a dick as long as it actually is funny or makes the convo more interesting

Im just shocked that all this shit JUST happened the the mater of a couple weeks

Just wondering if anyone else thinks that this is the end of RIU

I mean ill be the last to go on this site

I love it so much

But im just saying that it seems like its the end
When I first came here

(7 months ago)

It was fun

There was more people

We had alot of funny ass people

Now imo its dead compared to when I first came here
And why would someone pay to advertise on a site who's owner clearly doesn't give a shit. With this new software that supposed to be oh so shiny and wonderful, it seems like its been decided that that is enough, and it easily outweighs all the negative shit, such as using it on mobile phones, don't even bother. And bizarrely the admin has gone out of his way to make it unusable on mobile phones, he specified so much in the support thread.
Its not going anywere the old website was so horrible and trash I am suprised everyone did not leave towards the end of that mess. it was horrible. But people will come amd go. I wish there were more funny s.o.b.s. Instead of the pricks the trollers and people that no nothin literally but claim everything the assholes they think there shit dont stink etc . I have seen it all. We did not have advertising on last website and still made it.... and of course the owner is still the same
Well im not using the app and it seems to work alright for me except I can't see people's signatures or how many views a thread got
In the past couple of weeks I've noticed an influx of new members
joining up so I look at this as a very good sign
that RIU is in fact getting better each day and Mod absence is ok.
I just stick to the rules and all is fine so far except for a few real
idiots that have recently joined RIU and you know who you are and if
you don't it wouldn't surprise me.

Thump , Clayton where are you!?
I'm new - I like it here. I'm sure it's different than the "way it used to be". But...I don't know any different - and I like it!

Some people on here are gonna be dicks.

Some people are going to be annoying as fuck.

Some people are going to be awesome...

Not fun enough on here anymore? Stop your fucking crying and say something funny...

Less this:
Crying-screaming-sobbing-guy-gif-first-world-problems.gif glee-crying-santana-first-world-problems-gif.gif

More this:

large.gif hilarious.gif