Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Posted 16 July 2014 - 09:46 AM
Had a weird past couple days.
#1 and #3 had growths that looked alot like ball on stick and I was certain I had boys. I ignored #3 for a few days and then I come downstairs to this.

A leaf growing where a preflower should be!!!
Apparently this is common in some hybrids.

Well..... i had almost chucked #1 an #3 because of those misleading preflowers. Cannabis is always throwing curveballs.
Serious question.... hopefully it doesn't get deleted.

Where are the positive reviews of Gage Green gear? I've yet to stumble upon one except from people that test for gage. I'm sure the gage forum would be loaded with people raving about the gear, but what about here on RIU? Shit, I see plenty of people raving about seed companies that supposedly have bad reps like Greenhouse, Barney's Farms, G13, TGA, etc.... but nada for Gage.

The rub for me is the price point. If you're going to charge that much for seeds, there had better be some winners. Shit, even Dr Greenthumb gets positive reviews on his insanely priced gear. Where's the love for Gage?

Granted I haven't gone searching for GGG reviews, but I spend most of my time in the seed and strain review section, you'd think I would have come across a few good reports by now. Maybe Flaming Pie will have a good outcome on her run.....

My Bright Moments is a good plant in many ways. I don't like it. But others do. Frosty, decent yielding, vigorous etc. Just too mellow for me. Definitely not great day time which it was sort of advertised as. Perhaps if you had anxiety it would be good in the day? I wouldn't grow it again or anything crossed to Grapestomper though. Just not my bag.

Also, the Iranian x OG was decent for me but not great, I'd never grow it again. Iranian x Haze same deal. Both indoors. Not much care given but overall they just weren't that amazing. Anesethesia finished quicker indoors and was much much higher quality. It's also going to finish faster outdoors based on the guy who put a wack load of Iranian x OG/Haze outside. They are all well behind my Anesthesia. All in all, based on the experience I doubt I'll be fucking with DrGT's genetics ever again. Maybe if he didn't massively massively massively overcharge for them.
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I f2ed black widow
Had a male out of them
That grew stems where pistils were suppose to be
i used it to breed with
wonder if it was a good thing or bad thing
Anyone know
There are bright moments grow journals and photos online.

Here is one. I would try googling it. Bright moments gage/grow.

Also photos on instigram.

i was just asking to see if anyone on this forum has grown it besides OG. ill be searching more when i pop them.

im really looking for info on grateful grape. i googled the shit out of that one. just a few pics and no grow info. im looking into stretch, phenos, light or heavy feeders, few other questions when i remember. iv been deflated on this mission.... i love how your links arent erased but mine were gone instantly as well lol just noticing is all.

edit i also searched lightworker as thats the name before it was grateful grape. nothin...
One more thing about Bright Moments - both plants were quite similar and both smelled very grape. It's a fine product for those who enjoy that kind of smoke.
This was just like my review for grape stomper og,I did not care for the type of high I was getting from the cross,but the rest of my people,really enjoyed it..

She had this sweet skunkie grape funk to her..
I just know the feeling I get when I see a pic of some buds,or a plant in its moment
And I try and capture that for all eyes to take in..

This one cat did a pic with the 3D motion thing..or something...I looked at that pic for ever.

I had a good run with Mindscape, no complaints.
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