~!Schultz TakeRoot..Cheap,Readily Found..But Good Enough??...~

my clones usually root and start new growth in about 7-10 days from cutting.
How do you clone?What are your exact methods when using Schults RootTake..also how long have you used Schultz for?
workes for me clones take root in about a week i keep there tray warm also

What are your methods....how warm..and what medium do you clone in?

Do you guys recommend Schultz RootTake for cloning..does it compare to the nice expesnive ones at Hydro stores:twisted:?...:evil:
peat pellets. i keep my tray close to 80 f check my grow journal i used to dip emstrait in the powder but the last ones i did today i diped in water first is was kinda cold water so ill see what happens
Do you think it would be better to pour some powder into tap water that has been left out...?

I mean making a "tea"and then jsut dipping the cutting in there for like 20 minutes..it should be water soluble right?And if it is,the stems will absorb it..will this work better than dipping the cutting in water,then dipping into some powder?..
Qood questions man..Shultz has alot of readily found nutrients and addtives..I picked up some Nutrients from Walgreens..super cheap..and look decebnt enough to maintain young seedlings and mother plants...
Do you think it would be better to pour some powder into tap water that has been left out...?

I mean making a "tea"and then jsut dipping the cutting in there for like 20 minutes..it should be water soluble right?And if it is,the stems will absorb it..will this work better than dipping the cutting in water,then dipping into some powder?..

I don't think it's designed to work that way. You maybe could make a paste, but just dumping it in water, I don't believe, would work very well.
Schultzs' TakeRoot is all I've ever used for cloning.
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I don't think it's designed to work that way. You maybe could make a paste, but just dumping it in water, I don't believe, would work very well.

So how good do you think this powder is for rooting cannabis clones?...I plan on getting a cutting..dip in water,cut the stem,then cover end completely with the Schiltz Rooting Powder...sounds good??

Then I want to stick cutting in a small cup filled with half perlite/half cour...

And I plan on having some cfl's over the clones..will they root?:mrgreen:
So how good do you think this powder is for rooting cannabis clones?...I plan on getting a cutting..dip in water,cut the stem,then cover end completely with the Schiltz Rooting Powder...sounds good??

Then I want to stick cutting in a small cup filled with half perlite/half cour...

And I plan on having some cfl's over the clones..will they root?:mrgreen:

Shultz Take Root is the only rooting powder i'll ever use,it's main ingredient is Indole-3 Butriac Acid which is a plant growth hormone.

I have a near 100% success rate using Take Root.
Shultz Take Root is the only rooting powder i'll ever use,it's main ingredient is Indole-3 Butriac Acid which is a plant growth hormone.

I have a near 100% success rate using Take Root.

Wow..you have given me inspiration.I thought this rooting hormone was useless with cannabis..may I ask what are your methonds..how do you clone??
Also,how fast would you say Schultz TakeRoot works??

Is it as good as say..Dip N Grow??:evil::evil::twisted:
So how good do you think this powder is for rooting cannabis clones?...I plan on getting a cutting..dip in water,cut the stem,then cover end completely with the Schiltz Rooting Powder...sounds good??

Then I want to stick cutting in a small cup filled with half perlite/half cour...

And I plan on having some cfl's over the clones..will they root?:mrgreen:

They should root . . . you could skip the dip in water part and just wet the part you're gonna cover with rooting compound. Be sure to powder/bury the lowest nodes.
There's a lot of cloning info on RIU.
Happy gardening!
Wow..you have given me inspiration.I thought this rooting hormone was useless with cannabis..may I ask what are your methonds..how do you clone??
Also,how fast would you say Schultz TakeRoot works??

Is it as good as say..Dip N Grow??:evil::evil::twisted:

I dont know whats in dip n grow but every hydro shop cloning gel ive ever used or seen has left me unimpressed.

How fast your clones take root will depend on how precise your methods are & the enviroment in which the clones will be rooting.

I take a big ole pile of cuttings all at once then prepare as many peat plugs as i'll need by poking a hole in the wet peat plug with a drill bit,i then recut each clone's stalk under running water to keep out embelisms (air bubbles) within the stem,i then dip the wet cut in take root & insert in the peat plug being carefull not to disrupt the powder sticking to the stalk.

I press the peat firmly around the stalk & put the clone into a humidome,after all clones are done i lightly mist the clones & put the cover on the humidome,after 24 hours under the clear dome i remove the dome & let them grow in the air,i watch them daily for sighns of dehydration & if there is dehydration i re mist with ph'ed water,if there are no signs of dehydration i leave them alone.

I find that keeping the clones under the dome in an intense humidity enviroment only slows root production,if the clone is getting all the moisture it needs from misting & humidity there is no need for fast root development,taking the lid off the humidome forces root production faster.

My clones show exposed roots from the peat plugs in about a week while in an 80 degree enviroment.
I dont know whats in dip n grow but every hydro shop cloning gel ive ever used or seen has left me unimpressed.

How fast your clones take root will depend on how precise your methods are & the enviroment in which the clones will be rooting.

I take a big ole pile of cuttings all at once then prepare as many peat plugs as i'll need by poking a hole in the wet peat plug with a drill bit,i then recut each clone's stalk under running water to keep out embelisms (air bubbles) within the stem,i then dip the wet cut in take root & insert in the peat plug being carefull not to disrupt the powder sticking to the stalk.

I press the peat firmly around the stalk & put the clone into a humidome,after all clones are done i lightly mist the clones & put the cover on the humidome,after 24 hours under the clear dome i remove the dome & let them grow in the air,i watch them daily for sighns of dehydration & if there is dehydration i re mist with ph'ed water,if there are no signs of dehydration i leave them alone.

I find that keeping the clones under the dome in an intense humidity enviroment only slows root production,if the clone is getting all the moisture it needs from misting & humidity there is no need for fast root development,taking the lid off the humidome forces root production faster.

My clones show exposed roots from the peat plugs in about a week while in an 80 degree enviroment.

This is very similar to what I was planning on doing...except Ill be using small styrofoam cups filled with perlite/coir....will this root as quick as peat pucks??If not better?

Also,I plan on laying a layer of wet perlite in a clear tub,and having 3 cfl's over the cuttings..will this suffice?

Ive also heard that misting cuttings and keeping them in a too humid enviroment is bad,as this does not promote rooting..due to the fact that the cuttings are obtaining water by the leaves and not trying to seek moisture by making roots.

So does anyone agree that I should stick with this powder,and forget about trying to order Dip N Grow from the internet?
This is very similar to what I was planning on doing...except Ill be using small styrofoam cups filled with perlite/coir....will this root as quick as peat pucks??If not better?

Also,I plan on laying a layer of wet perlite in a clear tub,and having 3 cfl's over the cuttings..will this suffice?

Ive also heard that misting cuttings and keeping them in a too humid enviroment is bad,as this does not promote rooting..due to the fact that the cuttings are obtaining water by the leaves and not trying to seek moisture by making roots.

So does anyone agree that I should stick with this powder,and forget about trying to order Dip N Grow from the internet?

def stick with takeroot, works good and is cheap:blsmoke:
i built this cloner GROWFAQ and use the takeroot just dip the end in and put in the cloner for about 1-2 weeks and i get 100% success every time. some strains take longer to clone than others so be patient