I dont know whats in dip n grow but every hydro shop cloning gel ive ever used or seen has left me unimpressed.
How fast your clones take root will depend on how precise your methods are & the enviroment in which the clones will be rooting.
I take a big ole pile of cuttings all at once then prepare as many peat plugs as i'll need by poking a hole in the wet peat plug with a drill bit,i then recut each clone's stalk under running water to keep out embelisms (air bubbles) within the stem,i then dip the wet cut in take root & insert in the peat plug being carefull not to disrupt the powder sticking to the stalk.
I press the peat firmly around the stalk & put the clone into a humidome,after all clones are done i lightly mist the clones & put the cover on the humidome,after 24 hours under the clear dome i remove the dome & let them grow in the air,i watch them daily for sighns of dehydration & if there is dehydration i re mist with ph'ed water,if there are no signs of dehydration i leave them alone.
I find that keeping the clones under the dome in an intense humidity enviroment only slows root production,if the clone is getting all the moisture it needs from misting & humidity there is no need for fast root development,taking the lid off the humidome forces root production faster.
My clones show exposed roots from the peat plugs in about a week while in an 80 degree enviroment.