got jacked


Well-Known Member
I'm camping at the grow and still someone has BIG FREAKING BALLS. Got a couple nice 4 footers, and they cut one in half last night. First time was 4 days ago just a bud, didn't even give it a second thought, now same perfect clip on plant, I know it was someone, the same person.

Don't know how, I was 10 feet away, sober the whole time. Plus it's all fenced in with one way in and out right next to my tent.

I'm pissed.

What's the laws in Colorado about protection. Can I fire shots next time they come back ( you know they will)? Not really interested in shooting anyone but much less interested in being robbed and not to mention I'm on my private property here.

Any suggestions ideas advice please!
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dude. ready for the right answer? hopefully its possible

no trespassing signs along the fence, and the smile, youre on camera sign.

whoever is stealing it, knows about the ganja, and that its not ready yet. your unk smokes doesnt he?
Kinda sucks having someone steal your weed, but don't pull a gun, that's the worse you could do, you could end up in jail, setting traps maybe a good idea but you could get sued for causing bodily harm, I feel for you, best take pics and confront him or as said tell all his friends he's a thief, however I have to ask, how does he know abt your grow?
Isn't bud legal in colorado? Shoot that motherfucker. Where I live if someone is on your property and trying to hurt you or steal from you, you can shoot them.

I'll bet they are watching you and your schedule (especially sleep), so cameras wouldn't be a bad idea.
I'm camping at the grow and still someone has BIG FREAKING BALLS. Got a couple nice 4 footers, and they cut one in half last night. First time was 4 days ago just a bud, didn't even give it a second thought, now same perfect clip on plant, I know it was someone, the same person.

Don't know how, I was 10 feet away, sober the whole time. Plus it's all fenced in with one way in and out right next to my tent.

I'm pissed.

What's the laws in Colorado about protection. Can I fire shots next time they come back ( you know they will)? Not really interested in shooting anyone but much less interested in being robbed and not to mention I'm on my private property here.

Any suggestions ideas advice please!
If you shoot your going to jail I live in Colorado harbor freight has motion sensor chimes like on store doors works great
If you shoot your going to jail I live in Colorado harbor freight has motion sensor chimes like on store doors works great

Colorado has no laws to protect a person or his property? What a shit place to live. What about the "make my day" law? If someone sneaks up on me inside a fenced area I'd be pretty alarmed. Shoot to kill, dead men don't testify.
Cameras to find out if you know them. Paint ball gun? You can bruise the crap out of them but make sure they know what it is and not a real gun. Trip wire face planting into shit. You gotta shit somewhere so why not put it to use. Bahahaha
Isn't bud legal in colorado? Shoot that motherfucker. Where I live if someone is on your property and trying to hurt you or steal from you, you can shoot them.

I'll bet they are watching you and your schedule (especially sleep), so cameras wouldn't be a bad idea.
Bud is legal and so am I, I think I have a right to protect myself from creeps running into my yard stealing shit in the middle of night.
I'm way off the beaten path, 45 miles from town, my uncle grows more than I do and he has no need for weed and he gives me weed. It is some low life piece of shit who didn't want to do the work themselves. I AM being watched as that is the only way someone could find the grow because only my uncle has been here no one else invited ever.
set up some fishing line trip wires low to ground with aluminum cans attached, so you'll hear anything move. good luck. on you property, shoot them in leg.
Good advice got the fishing line up everywhere today, good calls on the cans will definitely throw those up tomorrow.