Members telling me my plants are hermies?


Well-Known Member
I thought there was a difference between a hemaphodite and true female plant that produces a male bannana at the end of the grow!

Of course a female plant has the ability to produce the male hormone without having male genetics, i mean just chuck some radiation or collodial silver or stress its way!

A female plant with no male genetics cant have hermie offspring because it can only pass on female genetics, come on where is it picking up the male genetics from to be classed a hermie... Wallmart?

So settle this for me someone whos a plant genetisist or similar, are growers mistaking a plants ability to produce a small amount of the male hormone trought col. silver, stress etc a hermie wrong and cant pass on hermie trait without obviously it having male genetics (because a hermie needs the male genetics or cant be classed a hermie or am i wrong to have bothered paying attention in class because my all female plants occasionally ptoduce the odd bannana and are hemaphodites?

Seems stupid were calling any plant and strain a hermie because it produces a bannan and even more stupid to say its a little bit herm when it either is (has both male and female genetics) or isnt (has just the female genetics...

How does a supposed herm pass on the male part when it has none!
I thought there was a difference between a hemaphodite and true female plant that produces a male bannana at the end of the grow!

Of course a female plant has the ability to produce the male hormone without having male genetics, i mean just chuck some radiation or collodial silver or stress its way!

A female plant with no male genetics cant have hermie offspring because it can only pass on female genetics, come on where is it picking up the male genetics from to be classed a hermie... Wallmart?

So settle this for me someone whos a plant genetisist or similar, are growers mistaking a plants ability to produce a small amount of the male hormone trought col. silver, stress etc a hermie wrong and cant pass on hermie trait without obviously it having male genetics (because a hermie needs the male genetics or cant be classed a hermie or am i wrong to have bothered paying attention in class because my all female plants occasionally ptoduce the odd bannana and are hemaphodites?

Seems stupid were calling any plant and strain a hermie because it produces a bannan and even more stupid to say its a little bit herm when it either is (has both male and female genetics) or isnt (has just the female genetics...

How does a supposed herm pass on the male part when it has none!
Where are your pics? If there are seeds and you have no male around there's gotta be a hermie somewhere. ..seeds can't be made without pollin. Pollin only comes off of male flowers...pollin don't just show up! And no its not something you can buy at Walmart!
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I'm chiming in although I am in no way claiming to be be an expert.
So many misconceptions get passed from person to person that it is easy to pass that wrong info along to someone as true info.
Most people cannot trace back to see if their female plant has been derived from a plant that has had male interaction throughout the generations whether it be from seed or clone. So the traits passed down can sometimes lay dormant. Is it possible for any of the female plants to have never been derived from a male plant?

That being said...
If you have a female plant and you find a banana, that doesn't make the plant a hermie. You can use that female pollen from the banana on a female flowering plant and make feminized seeds and grow female plants.
This is true if both plants are female.

A true Hermie plant would have female flowers and male pollen sacs on the same plant.

While I've been typing, I see that someone posted a link to a thread for you to read so I'll stop here before I get myself into too much trouble.
I'm sure I missed something here that someone will find to argue with, but that is just the simple jist of it. :peace:
So are you saying that if my female randomly pops bananas without being treated with CS or some other method to inhibit the female hormone, it's not a hermie?
To make it short and sweet! . If you put your plants threw hell or sprayed collateral silver on it.. it's feminized! if it just happened it's a hermie!
Ok now this makes more sense, were agreeing that male parts can form on a female thats not hermie...

It's a bisexual flower and still capable of pollinating your crop. So you can be technical and argue its not a true hermie but in the end, they both produce male pollen and can ruin your crop.
No i dont belive i said any such thing...

What i was saying was a plant can have two reasons to produce male hormones (bar the fact its a male) and they were

-Either it has male genetics

-It recieved stress triggering the plant to produce male hormonea and susequent bannanas, this could be STRESS, COLLODIAL SILVER, RADIATION etc

So are you saying that if my female randomly pops bananas without being treated with CS or some other method to inhibit the female hormone, it's not a hermie?
Bisexual, you have no idea really if your using that word for a plant please!!!

Either it has male genes or it dont...

It's a bisexual flower and still capable of pollinating your crop. So you can be technical and argue its not a true hermie but in the end, they both produce male pollen and can ruin your crop.
No i dont belive i said any such thing...

What i was saying was a plant can have two reasons to produce male hormones (bar the fact its a male) and they were

-Either it has male genetics

-It recieved stress triggering the plant to produce male hormonea and susequent bannanas, this could be STRESS, COLLODIAL SILVER, RADIATION etc

That was not meant for you but mmjmon and I posted a link that answers my own question as well as yours.
It's a bisexual flower and still capable of pollinating your crop. So you can be technical and argue its not a true hermie but in the end, they both produce male pollen and can ruin your crop.

I think you should write to the mendel institute and tell him he had bisexual peas and needs more ratios....
It's the correct term, please read the link I provided.

Mate if there were such thing as bisexual plants you need citation on this and to post a link to respected biological paper that has been proved before i accept it.

I agree i misread the rest and you were agreeing, my apology is +Rep for you.
I think you should write to the mendel institute and tell him he had bisexual peas and needs more ratios....

I think you should do your own research or better yet google bisexual flower. You asked for plant genetists and then want to argue with a term used in botany.
Mate if there were such thing as bisexual plants you need citation on this and to post a link to respected biological paper that has been proved before i accept it.

I agree i misread the rest and you were agreeing, my apology is +Rep for you.

I guess the first link I posted that described what a bisexual flower is in regards to cannabis wasn't good enough?

How about this one?

You are a plant genetisist?

I'm sure not but the fact you're trying to argue with me over an established term in botanical science after I provide source material rather than "bro science" shows you're not ready to talk with a genetisist.