Tea Brewing Kit Start-Up: Suggestions On Where to Start

Well I ended up getting a pump from the local hydro shop...Guy working had the same one and says it works awesome...Has 4 outputs on it so I'll use 4 airstones....Going to use a 5 gallon bucket....

One problem I got is my gf's kid is coming to visit...that's a BIG problem...One time he came to our house, and actually dismantled a bar I built in our game room to get to our booze....I'm real worried about my stash....He does not know that I am growing supposedly but I am still taking steps....I changed the lock to the cellar door grow room so only I have the key....I am going to seal all the screw holes on my grow cabinet in case he gets in and tries taking that apart....

I am all excited to get brewing but I don't want to go down there when he is awake...So I am going to try and do it around 4am....However, due to factors I may not get back down there exactly 24 hours later...it could be a few hours either way.,..I know if you brew too long you can get bad enzymes or something....

What would be the minimal I should brew for and what would be the longest ? I only have 2 plants on the smaller side so I only need to brew about a gallon and a half for this brew.....Suggestions on how long to brew/not brew ?

thanks, SC..... sucks having a gf with luggage I tell you...If I don't marry this girl I will never date another chick with kids...never....I would rather be single than deal with this disrespectful generation.

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Well I ended up getting a pump from the local hydro shop...Guy working had the same one and says it works awesome...Has 4 outputs on it so I'll use 4 airstones....Going to use a 5 gallon bucket....

One problem I got is my gf's kid is coming to visit...that's a BIG problem...One time we came to our house, and actually dismantled a bar I built in our game room to get to our booze....I'm real worried about my stash....He does not know that I am growing supposedly but I am still taking steps....I changed the lock to the cellar door grow room so only I have the key....I am going to seal all the screw holes on my grow cabinet in case he gets in and tries taking that apart....

I am all excited to get brewing but I don't want to go down there when he is awake...So I am going to try and do it around 4am....However, due to factors I may not get back down there exactly 24 hours later...it could be a few hours either way.,..I know if you brew too long you can get bad enzymes or something....

What would be the minimal I should brew for and what would be the longest ? I only have 2 plants on the smaller side so I only need to brew about a gallon and a half for this brew.....Suggestions on how long to brew/not brew ?

thanks, SC..... sucks having a gf with luggage I tell you...If I don't marry this girl I will never date another chick with kids...never....I would rather be single than deal with this disrespectful generation.

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That's messed up man...

Sadly, that kid is probably in my generation. Don't let his actions make you think we're all the same...

Good luck. You and I both started our organic journey around the same time... I've been reading a lot and often don't have to ask a question because you already beat me to it!

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That's messed up man...

Sadly, that kid is probably in my generation. Don't let his actions make you think we're all the same...

Good luck. You and I both started our organic journey around the same time... I've been reading a lot and often don't have to ask a question because you already beat me to it!

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cool asf that we both are about at the same point in our journeys !

I just picked up 5 bags of plant compost...only $2.50 for a 40# bag !!! I am going to use that in my own super soil I am making up (of course I'll also use it in teas)...I've been picking up amendments here and there the last few weeks...I'm almost there !

haha that's funny about us having the same questions....

And, ya wish me luck my blood pressure is through the roof right now...My heart seems to be pounding...his bus gets here in like 2 hours...he's coming from 2 states away...my gf invited him without my consent...things are not good right now here...
cool asf that we both are about at the same point in our journeys !

I just picked up 5 bags of plant compost...only $2.50 for a 40# bag !!! I am going to use that in my own super soil I am making up (of course I'll also use it in teas)...I've been picking up amendments here and there the last few weeks...I'm almost there !

haha that's funny about us having the same questions....

And, ya wish me luck my blood pressure is through the roof right now...My heart seems to be pounding...his bus gets here in like 2 hours...he's coming from 2 states away...my gf invited him without my consent...things are not good right now here...

One good piece of advice I found was to use more than one source of compost. Don't put all your eggs in one basket so to speak...

My compost pile won't be ready till next year I think and it makes sense to use multiple sources for this essential ingredient to increase biodiversity as much as possible... I bought different kinds from a few different places to make up the 1/3 of my base mix. HTH

As for the kid, he needs to respect you and your things. I would hope your gf understands that...

My BP would be up too if my home was being invaded by a disrespectful twerp. Can you set ground rules with him and his mother? Certain rules and expectations with consequences for disobeying? He sounds old enough to not need to be babysat but sounds like you will be on edge regardless...

Good luck to you! Wish you the best!

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One good piece of advice I found was to use more than one source of compost. Don't put all your eggs in one basket so to speak...

My compost pile won't be ready till next year I think and it makes sense to use multiple sources for this essential ingredient to increase biodiversity as much as possible... I bought different kinds from a few different places to make up the 1/3 of my base mix. HTH

As for the kid, he needs to respect you and your things. I would hope your gf understands that...

My BP would be up too if my home was being invaded by a disrespectful twerp. Can you set ground rules with him and his mother? Certain rules and expectations with consequences for disobeying? He sounds old enough to not need to be babysat but sounds like you will be on edge regardless...

Good luck to you! Wish you the best!

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thanks, ya my gf is telling me everything will be ok since he is "older" now. We'll see...

hmmm...the problem seems to be finding decent compost with no chemicals, etc.....Any idea if there are any decent and cheap ones that are OK at depot or lowe's ? The hydro store had a smallish bag of Alaskan Forest Floor Humus but it was pricey @ $20/bag.

I'm definitely down with using a variety of amendments...mixing it up has to be a good thing...I know I wouldn't want to eat the same food everyday.
to be honest i try not to shop at the big stores like HD or Lowes...

I'm in Michigan and aim to support local businesses as much as possible.

I used compost from a local horse farm, compost from a neighbors yard, mushroom compost i picked up at a feed store and also some bagged compost from a nursery down the road.

i don't know if any of these on their own are decent enough, but i'm hoping in conjunction with the other ingredients in my mix that it will be sufficient.
thanks, ya my gf is telling me everything will be ok since he is "older" now. We'll see...

hmmm...the problem seems to be finding decent compost with no chemicals, etc.....Any idea if there are any decent and cheap ones that are OK at depot or lowe's ? The hydro store had a smallish bag of Alaskan Forest Floor Humus but it was pricey @ $20/bag.

I'm definitely down with using a variety of amendments...mixing it up has to be a good thing...I know I wouldn't want to eat the same food everyday.

Lowes sells some mushroom compost in bags...its organic and good in teas...this year I made my own soils..I bought 10 yards of cow/horse manure composted 2 years..plus i have my veg compost all from past harvests..grass clipping...leaves...and veggie scraps...

when i make a tea...I use the manure compost..the veg compost...some EWC..some ancient forest...little quano depending on either veg state or flower state...some kelp...little fish emulsion...molasses...and a shot of mycos to boost it...it all goes in paint strainer bags...I run 2 huge air stone in each bucket..I run 3-4 5 gallon buckets...I have a 1150 cfm air pump and it just bubbles the water great...I run it about 36 hours and its foamy as hell...smells like dirt when done....I use it straight in the soil or as a foliar spray...plants love it...they get it twice a week...
No, No, and NO!!! You will NOT achieve the same results shaking a bag. This is a science and has been tested time and time again. The goal here is to breed aerobic microbes. I know this is deep, but you're going to need AIR to breed aerobic microbes. You do not want to put your inputs into a bag.

If you want to know about Compost teas, read MicrobeOrganics.com. Tim uses science to test teas and show the microbial multiplication.

thanks for the link to tim"s page, I learned a lot, and also had my question answered as to which pump to get. Once again, you're the man Pattahabi
Lowes sells some mushroom compost in bags...its organic and good in teas...this year I made my own soils..I bought 10 yards of cow/horse manure composted 2 years..plus i have my veg compost all from past harvests..grass clipping...leaves...and veggie scraps...

when i make a tea...I use the manure compost..the veg compost...some EWC..some ancient forest...little quano depending on either veg state or flower state...some kelp...little fish emulsion...molasses...and a shot of mycos to boost it...it all goes in paint strainer bags...I run 2 huge air stone in each bucket..I run 3-4 5 gallon buckets...I have a 1150 cfm air pump and it just bubbles the water great...I run it about 36 hours and its foamy as hell...smells like dirt when done....I use it straight in the soil or as a foliar spray...plants love it...they get it twice a week...
may want to wait on the myco, if you brew it with the myco in it, they are eaten, if you want to use myco (and you should) just use it in your soil, or put it in the tea at the last second, but from what the tea gurus tell me, it's not a good idea to do it with beneficial microbes, even at the last second, ya gotta remember if you brew your tea right, it's full of bennies, and they are hungry
I add the4 mycos just before I use it,,I am in 100% compost so there is plenty of room for every body ..lol...plus I gow in 25 gal dirt pots so the is plenty of roots in there ..its solid...
I add the4 mycos just before I use it,,I am in 100% compost so there is plenty of room for every body ..lol...plus I gow in 25 gal dirt pots so the is plenty of roots in there ..its solid...
Grease's info is solid. Mycorrhizae without roots = food stock. Watering mykos in, is like throwing spaghetti at the wall. Some might stick, but you'll get far more bang for your buck hitting the roots at transplant. Mycorrhizae colonize root tips and take time to colonize. Therefore, it is best to apply directly to the roots as soon as possible.

Do not use mykos with high trichoderma counts (or any if possible, there are some). They will inhibit mykos root colonization.


In the present study, the interaction between the saprophytic fungus Trichoderma harzianum and the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus intraradices was studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to delineate precisely the relationship established between both partners. An axenic system, divided into four compartments, proved useful for studying the interaction between T. harzianum and the extramatrical phase of G. intraradices. This experimental model, based on root-organ culture to obtain typical mycorrhizal infections, was selected as a reliable means of obtaining mycorrhizal spores and mycelium in root-free compartments. TEM observations of samples from the interaction region showed that hyphae of T. harzianum proliferated abundantly at the spore surface and penetrated the thick host wall through local hydrolysis of the wall polymers. Hyphae of the antagonist also were seen in the subtending hyphae of the AM fungus, and they grew actively in the main host hyphae. This massive colonization was associated with marked cell damage, involving partial to complete disorganization of the cytoplasm, which led in most cases to loss of the protoplasm and apparent bursting of the main hyphae of G. intraradices, resulting in the release of the actively proliferating Trichoderma hyphae. At an advanced stage of the colonization process, the main hyphae of G. intraradices were perforated in many places. The use of wheat germ agglutinin/ovo-mucoid-gold complex for the localization of chitin monomers resulted in regular labeling of the host cell walls even when spores, subtending hyphae, and main hyphae of G. intraradices were colonized massively. Chitinolytic degradation was seen only in areas adjacent to the sites of Trichoderma penetration. According to our observations, the interaction between T. harzianum and G. intraradices involves the following events: (i) recognition and local penetration of the antagonist into mycorrhizal spores; (ii) active proliferation of antagonist cells in mycorrhizal hyphae; and (iii) release of the antagonist through moribund hyphal cells.

There is another study using Glomus Mosse that I can't find atm.

I use a old 2 gallon sprayer..I took the spray nozzle off the wand...now what I do is stick the wand deep in the dirt and inject my teas and ferts in that way..I hit around 8 spots in each pot....every thing is delivered right into the root zones....been working great all year....and I agree water in mycos on the top soil level is useless...
I use a old 2 gallon sprayer..I took the spray nozzle off the wand...now what I do is stick the wand deep in the dirt and inject my teas and ferts in that way..I hit around 8 spots in each pot....every thing is delivered right into the root zones....been working great all year....and I agree water in mycos on the top soil level is useless...

I wonder if the pressure differential and the velocity changes due to changes in tubing diameter etc would affect the microbes.

As in, I wonder if forcing them through tubing at high velocity and high pressure will be detrimental to them...

Food for thought.

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I wonder if the pressure differential and the velocity changes due to changes in tubing diameter etc would affect the microbes.

As in, I wonder if forcing them through tubing at high velocity and high pressure will be detrimental to them...

Food for thought.

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I had wondered the same thing. MicrobeMan did an experiment running compost teas through a sprayer. He concluded they do in fact survive.

it is not high pressure at all..there is no restriction..there is no spray nozzle...just the tube it connects to...the nozzle it self makes the back pressure to create a spray..with out it on it just flows out like a hose...
it is not high pressure at all..there is no restriction..there is no spray nozzle...just the tube it connects to...the nozzle it self makes the back pressure to create a spray..with out it on it just flows out like a hose...


I thought you meant one of those things that you hand pump to build pressure so you can spray pesticides or whatnot...

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Pinworm, take the brass nipple off the pump, use a hacksaw to add some lines, and then get a clamp to hook your hose right to your pump. This will increase airflow by up to 20%. Lmk if you want more instructions I'll post up picts.


Pat if you dont mind would y Po u ioad those pics jisy so I can be sure I do it correctly. I have a bigger pump but more air is better.