Female ? from dumb male

Okay, so if you are truly as nice guy as that post then lock up your canna cookies. Srsly, dude, you sound like a sweet person. Women can be f'd up in their relationships, stressed with a kid, a man they don't love and they feel trapped. Want some excitement. By the time she's reconciled with her man or moved on, you won't even know what hit you.

When she mentions porn again, turn turn the tables and ask her why she's so interested? Make her a bit uncomfortable at her own game. Good luck.

tried that she is a kink .........wants to see the germen and japan porn after i told her what it was

i even told her about the chicken fucking .......she wanted to see the link i found...blame south park
hey i tried the trick the hookabelly said ...........thought of that on my own

she is the one that liked it i just wanted to know if ppl really did it or was it something made up for a joke i can not tell u how shocked i was to find out ppl like chickens

nope just ugh .............like ugh here he comes so just ugh
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ok i know this lady ............i been talking with her and hooking her and ppl at her work up with free stuff now and then .....moonshine for some .......cookies for others (the good kind with 58 grams to 1 lb of butter)

ok we known each other for about 3 years from this last few months she has been calling me up and asking me to stop by sometimes to ask me about stuff sometimes to just bullshit

well this afternoon she calls me and ask me to come over ..........she wanted some smoke for other ppl and her father .........so we end up bullshitting talking like normal

she askes me if i like porn ............i told her the truth .........i am male what is there not to like about porn.....so talk about that and tells me she is a kink likes the freaky stuff

now the ? is this a sign she wants me to ask her out ....................i been good about doing this since she works in the postoffice and runs checks on my name for me once a month to see if i am under investagation with me getting seeds every 3 to 4 months

so females .............can u tell me so i do not make a fool out of self or lose the help to keep my ass covered
males...........i know your answer tag it bag it and do it untill she saids no more sleep now
well being a lady myself ...i would uurmm ........i would like errrrrmm ???? You know ? ....i'd go and errrrm?..... Gosh my lady brain isn't working very well today ,,i'v had my hair blonded , and my tit's bigened..
well being a lady myself ...i would uurmm ........i would like errrrrmm ???? You know ? ....i'd go and errrrm?..... Gosh my lady brain isn't working very well today ,,i'v had my hair blonded , and my tit's bigened..

u confused the shit out of me .........but that is easily done

in return here is mine
a cop askes where u got your stuff from
u say the guy who can do the thing u know ............this makes them list off names and u can pick the person u hate the most ........in my case the guy is really named Guy we trade stuff
u confused the shit out of me .........but that is easily done

in return here is mine
a cop askes where u got your stuff from
u say the guy who can do the thing u know ............this makes them list off names and u can pick the person u hate the most ........in my case the guy is really named Guy we trade stuff
confusion should be illegal......what r u talkin about lol
confusion should be illegal......what r u talkin about lol

it is a little trick i picked up several years back

when ever a cop askes u about who your supplier is where u got your weed

say ............the guy who can do the thing u know ..............this confuses them and to get a answer they will list off the dealers they know about and are watching ..........this gives u names of ppl u did not know in the game and might even hear a name u know so u can warn them they are being watched

they think u are a dumb stoner talking drug talk so they never think about them giving up info on something they should not talk about
well i went back drop off what she asked for

offered to take me out for a meal ...... turned her down said i got a buddy coming over to help me with some of the projects

but to be nice i did give her a movie for her kid .....how to train a dragon 2
Was that story in another thread about you sharing a bho pen w a cop really true? That was one bizarre story. hope things werk out ok for ya.
Was that story in another thread about you sharing a bho pen w a cop really true? That was one bizarre story. hope things werk out ok for ya.

yes it was true ...........i went to ren fair in maryland got shitty on beer moonshine and vape pens....while i was there i ran into ppl i know and we were trading pens all day to try ppls stuff

i went to this place that makes good food for cheap and i thought this guy was one of the ppl with us at renfair so i offered it to him

he told his wife and she called the cops on me ...........they are saying i tried to sell it but i have buddies and family members to say no no no he would not do that he might offer because he was happy (ren fair is the one spot i fit in and not the odd ball person so i has happy as hell)

honestly the only thing that is going to save me is i am to nice for my own good ...........i need to leave this state and go to denver where i would be 100% legal
Epic story. That's why I don't drink. My judgement can already get kinda tweaked on the hi power flower, so alcohol is no longer a part of my life. Well good luck w the ladies, and don't get used by that one unless you get exactly what you want too.

hope it all works out for ya. yeah man get to a med state and you'll be lovin it!
Epic story. That's why I don't drink. My judgement can already get kinda tweaked on the hi power flower, so alcohol is no longer a part of my life. Well good luck w the ladies, and don't get used by that one unless you get exactly what you want too.

hope it all works out for ya. yeah man get to a med state and you'll be lovin it!

thanks .......i only drink 5 or 6 times a year ....but renfair is the one place i always do each year i go next time i get to drink is the halloween party then on new years

got drunks on both sides of the family so i am very careful not to be one ..............hell i brew my own moonshine 140% i have 2 gallons behide me and 2 more ready to run ..............i give it away to ppl as gifts who does not like to get a bottle of moonshine for free
Now Skunkdoc will chime in and tell you that crazy chicks are the best in bed

you're all fucking crazy
some are better at fucking/sucking
some are better at making sandwiches

dude recently was telling me about his bi-polar Xgirlfriend
during one of her breakdowns she thought he was a stick insect and stabbed him with a screwdriver
it was hard not to laugh when he said this, cos he does kind of look like a stick insect, long skinny bald praying mantis looking fucker

anyway he did say she would suck on his cock for 5 hours straight, curl up into a little ball and suck away
sounds like a pretty good deal
you're all fucking crazy
some are better at fucking/sucking
some are better at making sandwiches

dude recently was telling me about his bi-polar Xgirlfriend
during one of her breakdowns she thought he was a stick insect and stabbed him with a screwdriver
it was hard not to laugh when he said this, cos he does kind of look like a stick insect, long skinny bald praying mantis looking fucker

anyway he did say she would suck on his cock for 5 hours straight, curl up into a little ball and suck away
sounds like a pretty good deal

put it this way i already know we are all fucking nutz ........and i am not talking about females i talking everyone in general ..
it breaks down to men work off logic even if it is flawed ...........ladies work off emotions even tho they are always in flux
hence where all women are crazy and all men are assholes .debate

but yes i know crazy ones fuck the best they are willing to do things that make porn stars blush

i was trying to figure out if it was worth putting self out there and possible wrecking having her look up my name for me ..........because the last few times i seen her even i can tell she is flirting and i am really dumb when it comes to this stuff