Random Jibber Jabber Thread


I pulled out the PC to see what you see...

When I click quote on your post this is what pops up...

Copy from where it says quote to /quote, including the [ and ] , and the information containing who posted will remain in the quote.

Don't copy and paste the post. Copy and paste the quote.

Get it? You're farther along than you were 10 minutes ago, in another few minutes you'll be multi-quoting like a pro...

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Rollitup mobile app
No, an mac. I just hate being a dork and posting too many quoted posts in a row like a fucking rookie. LOL


when i reply to your post and i want to quote it, i click the reply button on the lower right corner of your post. It brings me to an area where I can reply to your post.I can see above that there is your post, surrounded by [QUO TE], [/QUO TE] without the spaces. If I had typed it without the spaces then it would have just been a box with a comma in it, like this

so just copy and paste that whole QUOTE bit in a message and you are good to go!
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