My dad is kicking me out help ?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like most of the responses are from people that don't have a clue what it's like to have aspergers. My nephew has it, he's a little older than you, about 19 or 20. He has 3 siblings, and great Parents. However, his disorder has caused a lot of pain to his family. People with this disorder can be downright a-holes, albeit unintentional. He will get fixated on one thing, ignoring everything else. He will argue a point unlike anyone I've ever seen. He looks odd, and is arguably socially unacceptable. There's been times when his siblings hated him.

My brother (now a retired Colonel) was very strict with him. Forced him to do well in high school, which he graduated with honors. Made Eagle Scout. He's now at a junior college and wants to go to the college his older sister went to. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear he will be able to manage that level of stress. He had a Walmart job for a short time, but had to quit. He simply couldn't function at a level necessary to be an effective employee. With the job pool being what it is lately, what employer would pick somebody with aspergers over someone equally qualified, without this disorder?

As for my nephew, his parents will probably be taking care of him for the rest of his life. I just don't see him moving out on his own and taking care of his life like someone without this disorder. Children sometimes come out flawed. Deciding to have kids means you acknowledge the risks of having a kid that is disabled. That may mean your life will be extremely difficult for a long, long time. Aspergers is relatively mild, considering the more extreme disabilities that some Parents have to deal with.

I've always wondered how my Brother can distinguish the behavior that is caused by the disorder from behavior that is unrelated. When is discipline appropriate? He's strict, but patient. I wouldn't want that job in a million years.

Sounds like some of the issues you have with your Dad (like smoking pot) have nothing to do with aspergers. Either way, it's a tough spot to be in. I'm assuming you were diagnosed as a toddler, maybe a little older. Dad has had plenty of time to obtain the necessary education regarding this disorder. He should know that he can't simply toss you out now that you're 18. I don't condone what he wants to do, but after spending time with my Nephew, I certainly understand it. It can be infuriating to deal with someone with aspergers.

Sorry dude, best of luck to you.


Well-Known Member
But, I should say I think you did a good job empathizing with him. Very cool bro.


Well-Known Member
You're from Texas so I assume you know about the western grip hand job. I'm sure you could give 10 of these a day for $20 a pop and that's $200 a day. $200 a day for 5 days a weak adds up to $52k a year. That's not bad for a first time job.


Well-Known Member
Those sparks would look pretty good when you rushin
your grow room could be a mini rave
rub vicks allover your face get the welder out bang down some mdma
Trust mate that room is a mini rave, the ladies are aaaaaalways buzzin!
Whats the deal with vicks all over your face?


Well-Known Member
Ahahah such a turkey style refugee situation. Rubbing vicks on the face? I wasnt taught officially or anything so i prolly didnt read that chapter. I learn through the back of a cereal box, you sent in 8 bar codes and theyd send you a wee booklet teaching you different skills. Thats also how i got my drivers license, among other useful life skills a growing boy man needs. I remember this booklet that taught you everything about shaving as well as dealing with all the noise the beard makes when it starts groiwing etc.Funny thing is that it tasted terribly horrible, but the booklets were pretty good.
Im actually pretty surprised the drivers license was still good when they changed to the new ones.


Well-Known Member
Ok. If you were my kid i'd be dragging you out of the house to do something with yourself. But, then again, i'd be more supportive about it than your dad is. You can't wallow in self pity and expect things to get better.
After the beleaguered part I thought maybe you lapsed into book or song lyric quoting so I googled the paragraph to get an idea of the book/song you were trying to relate your situation to and all I found was a yahoo answer page where a girl had typed a paragraph and asked for rewording help and someone answered by rewording it into that paragraph and that was four years ago so now I am seriously confused about what you are trying to relay...
Annnnd, if you were my kid, I would have to ask you why it is you can find these kinds of things on the internet but seem unable to find resources to help yourself on the internet...
So, what is it YOU want? What answer were you looking for that you didn't receive? Because, I have to say, after getting so many suggestions and brushing them all off so quickly, I believe you wanted someone to tell you something had an answer you wanted to hear and you didn't get it. So, what was that answer? Even if you don't tell us what that answer was, I know you know it. So think about that. What do you want and why do you want that and only that? And what will you do if you can't get that outcome? Will you just feel sorry for yourself and do nothing? This is where you start looking at your whole life. How you want it go. Believe it or not, the decisions you are making now will affect you in a very long term way. So try to think ahead as much as you can.
SHHHH !!!! They can't know about that


Well-Known Member
You're from Texas so I assume you know about the western grip hand job. I'm sure you could give 10 of these a day for $20 a pop and that's $200 a day. $200 a day for 5 days a weak adds up to $52k a year. That's not bad for a first time job.
Ive been living in tx for 3 years I'm originally from ESC, California


Well-Known Member
Sounds like most of the responses are from people that don't have a i clue what it's like to have aspergers. My nephew has it, he's a little older than you, about 19 or 20. He has 3 siblings, and great Parents. However, his disorder has caused a lot of pain to his family. People with this disorder can be downright a-holes, albeit unintentional. He will get fixated on one thing, ignoring everything else. He will argue a point unlike anyone I've ever seen. He looks odd, and is arguably socially unacceptable. There's been times when his siblings hated him.

My brother (now a retired Colonel) was very strict with him. Forced him to do well in high school, which he graduated with honors. Made Eagle Scout. He's now at a junior college and wants to go to the college his older sister went to. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear he will be able to manage that level of stress. He had a Walmart job for a short time, but had to quit. He simply couldn't function at a level necessary to be an effective employee. With the job pool being what it is lately, what employer would pick somebody with aspergers over someone equally qualified, without this disorder?

As for my nephew, his parents will probably be taking care of him for the rest of his life. I just don't see him moving out on his own and taking care of his life like someone without this disorder. Children sometimes come out flawed. Deciding to have kids means you acknowledge the risks of having a kid that is disabled. That may mean your life will be extremely difficult for a long, long time. Aspergers is relatively mild, considering the more extreme disabilities that some Parents have to deal with.

I've always wondered how my Brother can distinguish the behavior that is caused by the disorder from behavior that is unrelated. When is discipline appropriate? He's strict, but patient. I wouldn't want that job in a million years.

Sounds like some of the issues you have with your Dad (like smoking pot) have nothing to do with aspergers. Either way, it's a tough spot to be in. I'm assuming you were diagnosed as a toddler, maybe a little older. Dad has had plenty of time to obtain the necessary education regarding this disorder. He should know that he can't simply toss you out now that you're 18. I don't condone what he wants to do, but after spending time with my Nephew, I certainly understand it. It can be infuriating to deal with someone with aspergers.

Sorry dude, best of luck to you.
I don't have it to that level I just have problems socializing I suck at interviews