There is a awesome new resource every noob should know about ..........

haahaahaa ok im going to bed... thank u both TDK & ELVIS ill be sure to search more when i have questions & post updates on this final month... look for my threads
im sorry but ........... when someone posts " can i feed my outdoor plants nutes "
its whittling away any hope i have of the future generations ........... my son is going to grow up surrounded by dumbass's
If they can't post it here where will he get accurate help to grow the herb he deserves, anyone willing to take the time to learn deserve a chance, you don't have to respond it's your choice :) I have learned a TON here and have asked some dumb ones on the way
If no one asked questions there would be no answers to search for. Plus, every year we learn new things, maybe the same question that was asked in 2008 has a different answer now. Maybe there are different people around to read the question now, who could give a more informed answer. Maybe people don't know exactly what questions they need to be asking until they ask the wrong ones and get advice from people willing to help guide them in the correct direction. If you are sick of hearing a question, it is pretty easy to ignore it and not answer. If no one needed to ask questions about things you can look up, we wouldn't need schools, or teachers, or colleges, or anything, because they only teach you things you can look up. Teachers answer the same questions every day, every year, by new kids in new classes, and good teachers LOVE being able to answer those questions, not frustrated that they keep being asked. The teachers who do get frustrated are the shitty ones who shouldn't be teaching in the first place. We should encourage question asking, not berate it. This is the newbie section, if you can't feel safe to ask any question here, that is a really shitty thing, and I for one don't want to foster that attitude.
Ya know...I did all my research before growing. Hours and hours and hours of researching, watching YT vids and I never asked anyone for answers because itsALL MOTHERFUCKIN RIGHT THERE ON THE NETS!!!!
Young ones starts up wants instant pudding. I put my time in researching, it shouldnt just be so easy for others. The stupid questions posted on here, I'm going to troll fuck it, its rediculous .
Maybe some people just enjoy having a conversation . And come to a place meant for people who know nothing and post in order to spend some time talking with some one . What would be the point of this forum if people stopped asking questions . Searching is good but sometimes it's nice to kill some time having a conversation and meeting other forum members . The noobie forum is for people who enjoy helping people who don't want to search u could always hop over to general or advanced growing
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