moldy meds from Tilray

You must tell Conroy. The more people who tell him what the fuck is happening the more ammo we have. Just call leave your name number and issue and if he wants to call back he can. This is so important. These fucking outfits are getting away with selling substandard product. It's almost irrelevant that it's for medicinal purposes. That just ads insult to injury.
Doesn't really surprise me since all the cuts tilray got were from Mmmar growers and as we all know mold mildew and mites transfer, wonder how tilray
Is handling their mite outbreak a former employee told me about hey used to go around in crews wiping with alcohol everywhere
Doesn't really surprise me since all the cuts tilray got were from Mmmar growers and as we all know mold mildew and mites transfer, wonder how tilray
Is handling their mite outbreak a former employee told me about hey used to go around in crews wiping with alcohol everywhere
This whole MMPR things just goes from bad to worse. I wish the photo's were clearer but I get phone is a compromise. What would happen if that got smoked. Anyone know that?
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:lol: Same thing I tried to point out to Johnny. He had some on his but he couldn't see it.
Doesn't get any more obvious than that.
Have a look Johnny. See that white fuzz. They are not crystals.

TILRAY PRODUCES MOLD FOR MEDICATION. !!! They can kill you with it too.!
Awesome stuff Tilray, you should be taken to court for trying to poison patients!!!
I can almost promise that we have all smoked some mold spores from time to really can't see it in some cases. However this is still highly unacceptable. One of the biggest supporting arguments for the MMPR is the quality control aspect..the weed will be clean and contaminant free they said.....
and I was gonna switch to Tilray..
A buddy of mine used Bedrocan. Vaporized last night with some of his stuff. It seemed pretty good. Although I was already QUITE cookie'd.

I haven't gotten any Tilray product shipped to me since about mid August. I don't think there was any MOULD then, but I don't actually have any Skywalker left - so I couldn't really tell ya.

Totally sucks about the mould though...DEFINITELY they should be sending you new product.
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I know in the past i have bought weed that had some mold on it. All I would do when 8 found it was separate it from the rest and see if any grew on the other stuff. If it didn't I would use it. That being said the guy I was buying of off didn't tout it as medical grade, sterile weed held to exceptional standards far beyond something I could produce in my basement. It's a living organism. There will always be living things trying to invade and sometimes no matter what you do they will take hold and populate.
Thanks Symptum. Well I've smoked a lot of weed in my life and none of it ever seemed to harm me. So no worries. Pretty hard to kill old Hippies anyway as we are made of mostly sinew and grizzle and Well I figure that must be the case as whenever I disagree they call me a hater.