The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like fun lol.....sae mate u gotta tey one of these dominos there fuckin bostin man I'm ordering a shit load more in next week so let me know if you want any matey


Well-Known Member
Shit is it that bad mate....well its better do get out of something your not happy with sooner that later mate....hope all well man...if there's anything I can do lemme know bro


Well-Known Member
Can't u ride it out any longer sae or has the time come and that's that? Hope u get all sorted man

Shark kid what ubwant me to tell Rambo for ya?


Well-Known Member
[QUOTEy11, post: 10867814, member: 260286"]Yeah probably m8, my mate has asked me to try get him a g of it as well, think I need to hit it a bit more nxt time to get a full breakthrough[/QUOTE]

Yeh everytime I've done it its been a little different for a breakthrough for normal people might be 50-100 but were serious stoners I'd say 150-200,mg is breakthrough material... next time I'm not gonna fight it just gonna let it donwjat it is.......oh and highhlyreccomend smsmoking it when on a pill lolol so loveley