Crisis in the Ukraine

Will there be war?

  • NATO will do nothing

    Votes: 32 80.0%
  • NATO will confront Russia

    Votes: 8 20.0%

  • Total voters
Talk about all talk. You just said a mouthful of not very much.

I have no civil duties imposed by you. In this world you win or you don't. Thus WE winners call the shots. Guilt is what the defeated try to throw against the victors, in hopes of some mercy.

If you think We the People turn a blind eye, then you may as well be Canadian.
You the people are the blindest bunch of fool's....There is no "WE THE WINNERS"...There is only the "FEW THE WINNERS".....It's your lack of a sense of civic duty btw I'm not attempting to IMPOSE anything ....Guilt is a responsibility shared by the many not the few...Winner's or Loser's. You must be voting for Romney huh?
Historical information for those interested.

Since the end of the XV century the Crimean Khanate, carried out repeated attacks on Russian state and Poland. The main purpose of the raids - the capture of slaves and their resale to the Turkish markets.

Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, marked the end of Ottoman rule and by the Treaty of Kucuk Kaynardzhiysky peace treaty in 1774 the Ottomans renounced claims to the Crimea.

April 8, 1783 Catherine II issued a manifesto about the decision "of the Crimean peninsula," as well as the part of the Kuban in Russia. The territory of the Crimea, Russian troops entered Suvorov, near the ruins of ancient Chersonese was founded the city of Sevastopol. The Crimean Khanate was abolished, but its tip (over 300 genera) became the member of the Russian nobility, and took part in local self-government of the newly created Taurian area.

United States as an independent state was formed relatively recently, as a result of the declaration of independence in 1776.

Russian Crimea is the same age as the United States, or even a little older.
The "history" the pro-Russia propagandist left out: Khrushchev ceded Crimea to Ukraine years ago. "Russian Crimea"? Really?
Seriously, the whole world is laughing at America.

How have you's not copped it yet??

They're laughing at Obama, not America. In two years, he'll just be an unpleasant memory. With good leaders, we were by far the most powerful nation on Earth. If we elect another libtard to take his place, then we'll deserve to be laughed at.
They're laughing at Obama, not America. In two years, he'll just be an unpleasant memory. With good leaders, we were by far the most powerful nation on Earth. If we elect another libtard to take his place, then we'll deserve to be laughed at.

I predict those 2 years are going to be kind of rough with Russia, China, South Korea and the middle east all pushing due to Obama's weakness. It is like the rush to cross the border before things possibly change.
Our enemies can see our "leader's" weakness and lack of intelligence. They will take advantage while they can.
Our enemies can see our "leader's" weakness and lack of intelligence. They will take advantage while they can.

I wouldnt call Obama stupid. I think he is a pretty intelligent guy. The problem is that he was thrown into the biggest most important management position in the world without one ounce of management experience. And he hasnt learned one thing. He doesnt get it and he isnt surrounding himself with people who get it. That is why all the departments are falling apart internally. 6 years of non-supervision.
The "history" the pro-Russia propagandist left out: Khrushchev ceded Crimea to Ukraine years ago. "Russian Crimea"? Really?
Better start redrawing maps because Eu ain't getting that country back...Im not russian but russian crimea has a nice ring to it.. like I might go on vacation there or something:p
I wouldnt call Obama stupid. I think he is a pretty intelligent guy. The problem is that he was thrown into the biggest most important management position in the world without one ounce of management experience. And he hasnt learned one thing. He doesnt get it and he isnt surrounding himself with people who get it. That is why all the departments are falling apart internally. 6 years of non-supervision.

Care to back that up?
I wouldnt call Obama stupid. I think he is a pretty intelligent guy. The problem is that he was thrown into the biggest most important management position in the world without one ounce of management experience. And he hasnt learned one thing. He doesnt get it and he isnt surrounding himself with people who get it. That is why all the departments are falling apart internally. 6 years of non-supervision.
"And he hasnt learned one thing. He doesnt get it and he isnt surrounding himself with people who get it." Sorry, I thought that was the definition of stupid.
He isn't smart enough to understand that it is impossible to prove a negative.
I told you...

Over three years, they taught the collie the names of 1022 toys by introducing them to her one by one, getting her to fetch the toy and then repeating the name to reinforce the association.

The team regularly tested Chaser on her entire vocabulary. Groups of 20 toys were chosen at random and put in a separate room from where Chaser had to retrieve them by name. The toys were in another room so the trainer would not unintentionally give Chaser cues about which toy to choose. According to Reid, the dog completed 838 of these tests over 3 years and never got less than 18 out of 20 right (Behavioural Processes, DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2010.11.007).
Funny, he said he was going to fix all those fuck ups. Not add to them. Your excuses are really lame.
At least Romney didn't mock Obama when Obama warned of Russian adventurism. No...wait.........
What excuse? Bush can legitimately be argued as the worst president ever.....Your argument's against obama are opinion based and no more..... maybe a little Ted Cruz with Dr Suess as his Vice will fix us as well? Romney is the worst thing that could happen to the middleclass....Who give's a fuck about Russia for real? I don't... Let Europe worry about Europe for once?Let Ukraine handle themselves or fall into the Russian fold .....Stop making your basis for a presidency off of one argument tell me why Romney would be the better choice? What would he have done so much better? Tell me how he would have sold out the middle class for the benefit of the 1%...Go on...I make good money and I for one am happy that Obama is going after people that make a decent living ...the job market is not fair...schooling is not fair..The whole fucking system is unfair.......and just because you make more money doesn't mean shit means you SHOULD PAY more to cover your percent lame ass.