CBD Mediplant from Dr Greenthumb-Medical Journal

Day 65 harvest...

Before harvest...

After harvest....

Bud shots...

in the box.....

One thing i've noticed is that when I resize the pictures they lose clarity...oh well.
Man Doc those are some massive main colas on those ladies. CBD cola lol. They looking really good. Have you sampled any? What's the smoke like?
What were the trichomes like when you harvested? Did you wait to see amber?
The 56 day harvest had about 1 in 40 amber trichs.
Day 65 had more but i didnt really get a good count.
The rest of it will be looked at today because its probably coming down....
Harvest is now complete and the final cut is drying.
I know I fall in love with each new strain I grow but this just might be one of my desert island strains.
Love the taste and high!!!

More pictures coming next week along with a lab test and smoke report.
Harvest is now complete and the final cut is drying.
I know I fall in love with each new strain I grow but this just might be one of my desert island strains.
Love the taste and high!!!

More pictures coming next week along with a lab test and smoke report.

Damn Dr those girls got chunky. Looks really good. Can't wait for smoke report and lab tests

Dr Greenthumb- CBD Mediplant

Final Weight---

Plant 1—10.07 oz's

Plant 2--21.9 0z's


Tester Name:

Dr Gruber, assisted by Dr Sharpe and friends.


CBD Mediplant

Chemdawg/Haze X OG Kush


Dr Greenthumb


Dr Gruber

Method Smoked:

Joints, glass pipes.

(Dr Gruber’s Personal Favorite-Joints)

(Dr Sharpe’s favorite- glass pipe)


Promix Potting Soil-(Drain to Waste)

Flower Time:

55-65 days

Grow Comments-

A very easy plant to grow. I didn't nail it 100% but I did pretty well with it and produced a great yield. They both stretched out quite a bit like you might expect a Sativa to do so I would probably top this one next time around. Not a single nanner on either of these even in late flower….very stable.


Smells a bit like Haze.


Associated smells of bud:




Fruit/ Spice

Dominant flavor:


Associated flavors:

Earthy Spice/Lavender

After you smoke this and leave the room for 10 minutes, when you come back the room is full of a spicy/lavender scent. Not the floral scent of lavender but rather, the spicy after scent lavender can leave. My wife uses a cleaning product called Fabuloso and it has a lavender scent. If you smell it right out of the bottle it smells like flowers but if you use the product on the floor and let it dry, the smell it leaves is a wonderful spicy/musty smell. The first time I smelled it I thought someone had been smoking my Bubba Katsu without me knowing about it. The CBD plant has the same quality after you smoke it. You can taste it somewhat while you sample it but the after smell is just fantastic and somewhat like Bubba K.

Flavor Intensity-(Sour Diesel or Bubba Kush would be a 9 or 10.)


Not the most intense flavor but still great nonetheless and you can taste it all the way through a joint.

Harsh/smoothness: (1-10, 1 being extremely harsh and 10 being extremely smooth) --


Cough factor? : Yes/no ---


I cough a lot but this one is pretty smooth.

BUZZ Profile—

Potency: (1-10, 1 being extremely weak and 10 being extremely potent)


Holy Cow!

Duration: (length of buzz, from first hit)

4 hours

Overall Plant Rating-(yield+taste+potency+etc)


Use: Daytime/Bedtime –


Although it does have a social component to the high and could be used during the day, it's sleepy quality makes it much better for night use.

Munchies: Yes/no----Yes



Having trouble sleeping because of pain? Try this one and feel your eye lids start to close within and hour of smoking it. It starts off slowly and creeps in after about 15 minutes. Suddenly, you are extremely high and time seems to stand still. You cannot tell if you've been sitting for 20 minutes or for all of eternity. If you stay sitting, then sleep will come. But, if you get active, you will get a lot done and have a fun and sometimes confusing time.

Absolutely great for my pain issues. I've been having trouble with my left hip because I sleep on it all the time and the pain is so bad I couldn't get comfortable. This helped where other strains didn't and it puts this as one of, if not my best, medical strains. I could actually sleep again! One of the most relaxing strains I've ever had the pleasure of sampling; it rivals Bubba Katsu in that department. I will have to see if this stands the test of time but as of now, I would rate this as one of my top 5 favorite strains, and perhaps my best overall medical strain. I plan to use this plant for my topical pain salve and various creams and lotions. The raw potency of these is outstanding and in my opinion, makes some of the hyped strains of the day seem lame in comparison.



Turpentine ()

Metallic ()

Ammonia ( ) - urine () - vinegar ( )

Bleach ()

Lotions () - plastics ( ) - glues ( )

Fuel ()

Rubber ()

Eucalyptus ()


fruity (x) - berry () - black/blue/raspberry () citrus () - orange () - lemon ( ) - lime () - apple () - mango () - grape () - cherry () - tutti fruity ()

floral () - perfume () - blossom ()

minty () - menthol () - spearmint () - peppermint () Caramel () Pineapple (x)


woody ( ) - incense () - hardwood ( ) - sage ( ) - juniper ( ) - cedar () - pine ()

basil ( ) - garlic ( ) - dill ( ) - clove () - parsley () - pepper ()

tobacco () - chocolate () Moldy () Coffee() Lavender Spice (x)


earthy () - loam () - dirt () - musty (x) - dusty () – Alberta spruce ()

animal () — bird () — rodent () — gamey () — sweet skunk () Skunk ( )

botanical () — hay () — autumn leaves ( ) — trees () Sour () Tangy () Manure ()

Final Comment- (edited)

I wrote this report before I had the test numbers back from the lab. The buzz feels so uniquely different to me from any other strain I've tried and I attributed that to high CBD. I do not have any experience with CBD strains and really thought it was the CBD that made me feel so relaxed and spacey but the sample came back with lower than expected CBD numbers.

The fact that this buzz feels so different to me made me look into the other cannabinoids to see if something would explain why it felt so unusual. I noticed on the report that it had a pretty high CBG content and looked into the effects of CBG. The average strain tested at Iron-labs has .3% CBG and this has just over 2.00%, or about 6.5 times as much as most strains, so I would assume that is a significant difference. While it hasn't been studied that much, CBG is thought to produce the same effects as CBD, and some think it may actually be the most important cannabinoid of all. Go figure.

Well, it just goes to show me that we (I) don't fully understand the relationship between the various cannabinoids and they effects they produce. Whatever it is, it's really good medicine and I plan to use it in my topical lotions and salves!

Medical qualities:





Still testing for anxiety.

Way above average for pain and sleep.


Knew I should've waited...

He even changed the name of the strain and its description. It's now just Mediplant. 8 weeks in and it's a different strain... Can't believe this shit. Dude just decides to invent that a strain has high CBD content. This one has less than average.

That is fucking low. I could've grown something that would've helped me in that time. Now I'm out of CBD for at least four months. Fucking liar.
cbd does not help me so i can only guess but
tests on plants from seed grow
even from a tested clone do not always follow as the clone did

what % will have the same characteristics are i think variable

that is a beautiful plant with high thc and interesting cbg %
dr gruber did say he found it good for some of his ailments

maybe the finished mediplant plant will help yours?
Knew I should've waited...

He even changed the name of the strain and its description. It's now just Mediplant. 8 weeks in and it's a different strain... Can't believe this shit. Dude just decides to invent that a strain has high CBD content. This one has less than average.

That is fucking low. I could've grown something that would've helped me in that time. Now I'm out of CBD for at least four months. Fucking liar.

I understand your concern but lets look at a few things before judgement.

1) Doc knows I test every strain and make the results public.

2) It doesn't make sense to release a strain that you know doesn't have the numbers just to rename it 8 weeks later. Thats more headaches then the sales would be worth.

3) In no way, shape, or form, does this help him more then hurt him. Doc may be many things but he is not a fool.

4) The shady thing would have been to keep the name and CBD claims the same. To change the name and remove the claims shows he is not lying. He could have just said "keep pheno hunting and you will find it" That would have stretched things out and given him more time to make money.

Did Doc make a big mistake? He certainly did, and from what i can tell, he is suitably upset and embarrassed.

But, what does that mean for you?
Well, i can tell you that this is truly an awesome plant and no matter the results, im very happy that i grew it. If you absolutely need CBD then its not going to be your plant but it may be worth a run for you anyway.
cbd does not help me so i can only guess but
tests on plants from seed grow
even from a tested clone do not always follow as the clone did

what % will have the same characteristics are i think variable

that is a beautiful plant with high thc and interesting cbg %
dr gruber did say he found it good for some of his ailments

maybe the finished mediplant plant will help yours?

So, that means that if i grew out a Cannatonic #4 that had high Cbd and took clones from it, I would have no guarantee that they would have the same numbers? That sucks!

This CBD thing is so far from perfect that Im not sure if its worth all the hassle looking for it. With no guarantees that i could keep it in my garden without having to test and retest every clone.
I have a Cannatonic #4 that i will be running soon....wonder if it will have anything it it???
I understand your concern but lets look at a few things before judgement.

But, what does that mean for you?
Well, i can tell you that this is truly an awesome plant and no matter the results, im very happy that i grew it. If you absolutely need CBD then its not going to be your plant but it may be worth a run for you anyway.

Remember this?:

"Doc mentioned this very thing. He told me this plant consistently produces high CBD unlike a lot of others he tested. Doc's stuff is usually very uniform and I would expect these ones to be as well."

What it means for me is 4 months of regular panic attacks and 4 months of kneeling and carrying buckets of water and bending over and trips to the store for "not what I bought". It also means I can no longer trust him. He said that it consistently produces high CBD, it contains the equivalent of no CBD. Honest mistake or not, I don't care. Can't trust him anymore.
Remember this?:

"Doc mentioned this very thing. He told me this plant consistently produces high CBD unlike a lot of others he tested. Doc's stuff is usually very uniform and I would expect these ones to be as well."

What it means for me is 4 months of regular panic attacks and 4 months of kneeling and carrying buckets of water and bending over and trips to the store for "not what I bought". It also means I can no longer trust him. He said that it consistently produces high CBD, it contains the equivalent of no CBD. Honest mistake or not, I don't care. Can't trust him anymore.

Yes i do remember that...and its what i thought would happen but didn't.

But, I do understand where your'e coming from and Im sorry to hear about the panic attacks. Someone very close to me suffers from that and I know how awful it can be. Truly one of the worst afflictions. Im not sure this plant would have worked either way for panic issues though because of the high THC content but you never know until you try it i guess. Have you ever had good results form a high THC and high CBD strain? If you don't mind could you tell me which strains have worked for you in the past? I'd really like to try some for the person I mentioned.
"So, that means that if i grew out a Cannatonic #4 that had high Cbd and took clones from it, I would have no guarantee that they would have the same numbers? That sucks!"

>1.if you had a tested clone…the clones off it would be the same

2.if you made seeds from it …either selfed or male/female [from 'cannatonic' seeds]

you would need to search through the off spring to[hopefully] get the desired cbd you are looking for

it does not show up in all individuals…

there may very well be cbd gems in there…

not sure how many you tested dr gruber…but good job on the grow

gorgeous gorgeous plant in your photo's and apparently VERY potent plant

they were grown from seeds…nobody is perfect and neither are a few seeds

**i would "test" by trying the herb from each one and see how it made me feel…**

numbers do not

mean a lot to me

and just cb[hemp] gives me a headache
Last edited:
dr gruber quote:

Medical qualities:





Still testing for anxiety.

Way above average for pain and sleep.



>thanks for this update dr gruber

pain relief for many and sleep and depression [for me] are important medi qualities

too bad that it is statistically difficult to always locate high cbd off spring from their parent
getting plants tested like you do is a great service to us all out there