Quantum Kush 38% THC?

Well at least your cops aren't as violent as ours. Just hope next time you guys get a better government than Harper's anti environmental, failed economic policies that our conservatives pitched for years and still do.

Yea , tough on crime has ended up being a disaster here. I wonder what Canada's recidivism rate is?

For instance, in Michigan it cost on average $37 k a year to incarcerate an individual. We spend more of our budget on locking up 40 K people than on the entirety of pre k through college. Tells us what priorities are important.
There's always bad apples. But for the most part I can respect our police force in this country. They usually don't enforce ridiculous laws that are a waste of their time and have no victim.

We used to walk around downtown, which has a pretty high police presence, smoking fat joints and blunts we were never stopped once sometimes walking right by police and saying hello, we thought we were so tuff cause they didn't care lol stupid kids we were. We didn't exactly look like good kids back then lol :) But they left us alone.

They knew a bunch of stoned ass teenagers weren't the ones breaking into cars and stealing shit generally. We were playing hack and munching out :)
There's always bad apples. But for the most part I can respect our police force in this country. They usually don't enforce ridiculous laws that are a waste of their time and have no victim.

We used to walk around downtown, which has a pretty high police presence, smoking fat joints and blunts we were never stopped once sometimes walking right by police and saying hello, we thought we were so tuff cause they didn't care lol stupid kids we were. We didn't exactly look like good kids back then lol :) But they left us alone.

They knew a bunch of stoned ass teenagers weren't the ones breaking into cars and stealing shit generally. We were playing hack and munching out :)

I'll never forget being 19 and drunk as fuck asking a friendly police officer where the casino was in Windsor. Shit, here you'd probably get arrested for being drunk in public or some nonsense stateside but the police officer just was friendly and told me which way to go with a "be safe" as I departed down the road to the casino
If he truly deserted he will be punished. Prisoner swaps are nothing new and it's an honor thing to bring your own back home. Again maybe that's not your thing, but it's a long dated practice.

Many of his platoon 'brothers' have been interviewed. To a man, they say he deserted. There's no honor there, TY. That's top level betrayal - first by Bergdahl, then by the POTUS for freeing 5 murderers to go kill some more.

Don't hold your breath on the trial/punishment.

Why does it matter where the beheader, or actually we know he was at least a part of it, is from? Because these people may have passports that can get them back into their home countries. That's why it matters where they came from.

I know you are not a fan of multiculturalism, but I don't wanna see Americans of any kind fucked around with.

Passports, sure. I had no idea that's what you were referring to, but.....yeah. How about 6,000 unaccounted for foreign students here? If only 1% of them are planning mayhem here....say, 6 days from now....and only a third of that 1% are successful, that's 20 events. [ see: student jihadists / Tsaranov ]

You're statement about my opinion of multiculturalism in inaccurate, btw.
Many of his platoon 'brothers' have been interviewed. To a man, they say he deserted. There's no honor there, TY. That's top level betrayal - first by Bergdahl, then by the POTUS for freeing 5 murderers to go kill some more.

Don't hold your breath on the trial/punishment.

Passports, sure. I had no idea that's what you were referring to, but.....yeah. How about 6,000 unaccounted for foreign students here? If only 1% of them are planning mayhem here....say, 6 days from now....and only a third of that 1% are successful, that's 20 events. [ see: student jihadists / Tsaranov ]

You're statement about my opinion of multiculturalism in inaccurate, btw.

The quotes by his alleged soldiers are hearsay. A military court is the only thing I will pay attention to. They are an authority, not some private grunt looking for a moment in the sun. I agree though if he deserted, let the law fall where it may. There are consequences to such actions.

Damn you really hate Obama... not sure why he must be brought up on every topic with you. No one here is thinking of him as a savior or an awesome president, then again he did fix what the Bush administration fucked up.

Sorry if I misrepresented your views, I'm just recalling what you stated about my Muslim neighbors.

I knew an "illegal" student. She was in law school, and worked unbelievably hard to get to that point. She didn't know she wasn't American until she was in high school. No student loans for her, difficulty making ends met, yet she continued on to graduate law school near the top of her class. Does she deserve to not be a citizen? Do we not want people like her to be a part of our work force and society?

Here's the kicker, she was Canadian.

Eta, she was able to begin the process of becoming a citizen and believe she is one now.
The quotes by his alleged soldiers are hearsay. A military court is the only thing I will pay attention to. They are an authority, not some private grunt looking for a moment in the sun. I agree though if he deserted, let the law fall where it may. There are consequences to such actions.

Damn you really hate Obama... not sure why he must be brought up on every topic with you. No one here is thinking of him as a savior or an awesome president, then again he did fix what the Bush administration fucked up.

Sorry if I misrepresented your views, I'm just recalling what you stated about my Muslim neighbors.

I knew an "illegal" student. She was in law school, and worked unbelievably hard to get to that point. She didn't know she wasn't American until she was in high school. No student loans for her, difficulty making ends met, yet she continued on to graduate law school near the top of her class. Does she deserve to not be a citizen? Do we not want people like her to be a part of our work force and society?

Here's the kicker, she was Canadian.

Eta, she was able to begin the process of becoming a citizen and believe she is one now.

That's a lot to respond to, but w/o going in too much depth:

[1] Military units often are closer and more loyal to one another than family. When you go through real life and death experiences daily with a group of people, a 'moment in the sun' is the last thing on your mind. The trust and loyalty to one another is paramount, It's often referred to as 'honor', by the people who recognize it.

Contrast their remarks [ Bergdahl's unit ] with those who served with Tahmorosi [sic]. He's praised. And neither you - or I - have any idea of the names of any of these soldiers, do we? That's not what I'd call grunts seeking their 'moment in the sun'. I'd call it honorable men speaking honestly.

[2] When I mention Obama, I consider the mention relevant to the discussion. You're correct in concluding I am not a fan.

[3] Stating facts - that Muslim jihadists are [ wait for it ] ...Muslims - is not a condemnation of non-jihadists. The 'fact' is that in every case of Muslim terrorist acts in this country [U.S.], the perpetrator had been living as 'good' neighbors....students....army officers.... up until the day of their actions. .

Had the Tsarnarovs been your neighbors, you'd have never recognized these 'good neighbors' for what they truly were all along. Just a couple of radicals waiting for their best opportunity to massacre some innocents. That you wouldn't recognize them all along is part of it, TY, as is the liklihood that if 10 of your Muslim neighbors were suddenly revealed as conspirators in an evil plot, you'd still defend the other 10 neighbors who were not. That's a noble trait - the presumption that all are good until proven otherwise. But your enemies - and you do have them - count on just that.

Unfortunately, the truth you're waiting on might be the truth that murders you. That's somewhat overly dramatic for effect - just emphasizing the point. You wouldn't be the first American on our soil killed by someone who'd played you all along.
I have no idea why the last part of the above formatted the way it did....but it's readable to anyone that wants to make an effort...sorry, I ain't re-doing it.
That's a lot to respond to, but w/o going in too much depth:

[1] Military units often are closer and more loyal to one another than family. When you go through real life and death experiences daily with a group of people, a 'moment in the sun' is the last thing on your mind. The trust and loyalty to one another is paramount, It's often referred to as 'honor', by the people who recognize it.

Contrast their remarks [ Bergdahl's unit ] with those who served with Tahmorosi [sic]. He's praised. And neither you - or I - have any idea of the names of any of these soldiers, do we? That's not what I'd call grunts seeking their 'moment in the sun'. I'd call it honorable men speaking honestly.

[2] When I mention Obama, I consider the mention relevant to the discussion. You're correct in concluding I am not a fan.

[3] Stating facts - that Muslim jihadists are [ wait for it ] ...Muslims - is not a condemnation of non-jihadists. The 'fact' is that in every case of Muslim terrorist acts in this country [U.S.], the perpetrator had been living as 'good' neighbors....students....army officers.... up until the day of their actions. .

Had the Tsarnarovs been your neighbors, you'd have never recognized these 'good neighbors' for what they truly were all along. Just a couple of radicals waiting for their best opportunity to massacre some innocents. That you wouldn't recognize them all along is part of it, TY, as is the liklihood that if 10 of your Muslim neighbors were suddenly revealed as conspirators in an evil plot, you'd still defend the other 10 neighbors who were not. That's a noble trait - the presumption that all are good until proven otherwise. But your enemies - and you do have them - count on just that.

Unfortunately, the truth you're waiting on might be the truth that murders you. That's somewhat overly dramatic for effect - just emphasizing the point. You wouldn't be the first American on our soil killed by someone who'd played you all along.

I know military families and don't disagree with how close they can be. You say these ones are honorable but the apparent captive wasn't. What facts are out there to confirm it? This is what hearsay is, someone saying something with no authority what so ever. We like facts, yes? What those soldiers who claim to serve with him and go on cable news does not make a claim true. Surely we can agree due process is I'm order and I'm in total agreement if he's a deserter, he should be punished. There are rules for deserters, we've had them since the founding of this country.

Obama did the right thing in getting him back. He is an American, if he broke the law, let's punish him. What precedent would be set, in a volunteer enlistment nonetheless, of we didn't attempt to bring him back?

Majority of mass shootings are white males. Who mind you are racking up quite the number of killings over the errant unhinged Muslim. Should I be as, not paranoid, but overly concerned of every young disenfranchised white male? I think not.
@Tonight You, some day, on a different forum, maybe you could explain what you meant by the last part of this comment....

Damn you really hate Obama... not sure why he must be brought up on every topic with you. No one here is thinking of him as a savior or an awesome president, then again he did fix what the Bush administration fucked up.

I have no idea, whatsoever, what you mean. Obama is Bush 2.0 on steroids. He has done nothing but double down on everything Bush did with very few exceptions.

As far as the illegal Canadian girl. I would be completely against her not being deported. If she wants to stay in America, then go through the process.
well, I feel the need to add another post, since this is now up to 672 posts... you guys amaze me, this thread should almost be re-titled, to like miscellaneous debris. Like the Primus album
What haven't we touched on now?

We should get with a mod and put a new title on this mofo.

"Seed and Strain Review Politics Thread"?

Shit, they have a grow thread in the politics section.
I know military families and don't disagree with how close they can be. You say these ones are honorable but the apparent captive wasn't. What facts are out there to confirm it?

With all due respect: when 'due process' is held, who will be brought to testify as to what happened other than the people he was working with? Is there someone else? The terrorists he surrendered to?

He wasn't lost in combat. He was on base. Then - he wasn't. No reports of terrorist kidnappers sneaking in and grabbing just the one, you know? They'd have probably blown up a few other folks as long as they were there. Like....terrorists like to do.

Why would his 'brothers in arms' all conspire to lie about him? What do you think you might know, that no one else does? Do you think he'll end up with a 'mental pass'?

[ I do. ]
I was just wathcing the boys last night for old times sake thinking about when the new season was gonna drop and woke up and the new season is on netflix this morning. I almost called into work today thats how excited I was lol
With all due respect: when 'due process' is held, who will be brought to testify as to what happened other than the people he was working with? Is there someone else? The terrorists he surrendered to?

He wasn't lost in combat. He was on base. Then - he wasn't. No reports of terrorist kidnappers sneaking in and grabbing just the one, you know? They'd have probably blown up a few other folks as long as they were there. Like....terrorists like to do.

Why would his 'brothers in arms' all conspire to lie about him? What do you think you might know, that no one else does? Do you think he'll end up with a 'mental pass'?

[ I do. ]

I don't think we are really disagreeing here. I'm simply stating the process and facts, not some dude on TV spewing shit, true or not, is how things should be dealt with.

I'm not a fan of arm chairing the judicial process. Shit, most people don't even know a damn thing about it.

Perhaps you don't trust the idea of due process, that's on you. In a civilized society, such as our own, we have rule of law. In this case it should be abided by, not ignorant conjecture.