Some sort of stem rot?


Well-Known Member
1) PICTURE OF PLANT is attached. A close up and from a distance.
2) Growing outdoors
3) Watering schedule is usually every 4-5 days
4) Growing Medium is soilless mix with added perlite
5) Flowering at about 7 weeks. Started around week 4-5 probably.

A few times per year I get this sort of stem rot (or whatever it is). It always effects a single branch first. Usually if it happens late enough the rest of the plant is okay...but sometimes it spreads up the plant. It always seems to start at the bottom or middle...not at the top.

Any ideas? Any help is greatly appreciated and I'm happy to answer any questions to help diagnose it.


Well-Known Member
Its starving and highly stretched for outdoors. Whats ph and ppm also you dwf need more nuted nitrpgen etc I jo ur in weekn7 but you have def needed more nutes etc.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback. I'm not too concerned with the buds...I've got plenty more. Not too concerned with the 'starving' either...I'm switching to TLO and the nutrients will be completely different on future grows. These were just some 'extra' plants and I wanted to test different container sizes. I'm really just trying to figure out the cause and solution for the stem issue. This happens to about 1 in 10 plants of mine and always starts on a single branch and always has the discoloration right where the branch meets the main stem/trunk....then is works its way to other branches.

Any more help would be appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback. I'm not too concerned with the buds...I've got plenty more. Not too concerned with the 'starving' either...I'm switching to TLO and the nutrients will be completely different on future grows. These were just some 'extra' plants and I wanted to test different container sizes. I'm really just trying to figure out the cause and solution for the stem issue. This happens to about 1 in 10 plants of mine and always starts on a single branch and always has the discoloration right where the branch meets the main stem/trunk....then is works its way to other branches.

Any more help would be appreciated!!!
what anzohaze is saying and me to is we see NO rot just lack of nutes because of lockout or something


Well-Known Member
I that case why would this happen to just one branch at first? Do you see the discoloration on the you think that is caused by lock out?

I use General Organics line at their recommended dosage. I think there is something going on with the stem there and it is preventing the nutes from getting past it so it appears like a nute issue. But I can't shake the feeling that it is related to the stem it doesn't look right and always starts to do that when this occurs. Any more opinions?

Thanks for the help everyone!