GanjaGarden On Side of Mountain in Spain ×xXMISSXx×

you did not insult me by any was just a IN person not a true hippy....I spent a few years in SE Asia in the military in the very early 70's...came home in 73...but I smoked some crazy sativa's there....looked like rag weed but curled your toes....and some crazy hash also...cough your lungs sooooo tasty....mouth was dry a a desert...had to have a pocket full of hard candies....and Visine eye drops...
:D :D :D :D Brilliant!!!! Toe-CURLING sounds deeeeeeeeeeelicious!!!!!!
I lived in AMSTERDAM from 18 till I was about 23 .... I set off with a friend to work in the south of holland... I hadn't really heard of Amsterdam and I didn't even know it was IN holland :D :D and I certainly didn't know COFFEESHOPS existed... I'd spent most of my time from 14 onwards stoned out of my tiny mind in a traveler site... so somehow we skipped working in the south and ended up in Amsterdam and I discovered Coffeeshops! My first Coffeeshop was the BABA Coffeeshop and I'll never forget going up to the guy in the cubicle and he handed me a MENU like a restaurant menu - it was red leather and SOFT and inside where pages and pages of different 'strains' which I hadn't heard of - where I''d come from : there was "WEED" and there was "HASH" and there was "SOAPBAR".......... so I just said gimme'the'best!
So he got out some WHITE WIDOW and it was unlike anything I'd ever seen it was coated with crystals beyond belief so many crystals that after he weighed it out he Tapped the box and all the glorious crystals tumbled into a pile at the bottom and he tipped and poured them into my bag of buds.... I must have had my mouth open and I think quite possibly I was Dribbling!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D After that! I don't remember much .........................................................
Hey are the girls doing....mine were very fragrant this morn...and seen big progress in bud developement...seems they are growing crazy over night.....I did a big flush the other day..I do that mid season...then begin my nute routine again after a few days after just vigorates the

Oh i was looking over the plants for any catipilllars and seen some strange leaf variations..little spots...I took some leaf samples and looked under the was a small group of mites...Grrrr....I hate them....its not bad...not a infestation...and just 1 plant...I will treat them later today before sunset..mighty waash today..then azasol tomorrow...a few treatments and should be good....its cool at nights here now so they are kinda thats a plus...

other than that the greenhouse is mites there...and bud production is off the smells first thing in the morning is so strong...can smell them 200 feet away....i was triiming some big leaves off to get sun into the center and my dogs were eating all the trimmed love them..come trim time its like christmas to them...they eat and then crash out..stoner dogs...
Hey are the girls doing....mine were very fragrant this morn...and seen big progress in bud developement...seems they are growing crazy over night.....I did a big flush the other day..I do that mid season...then begin my nute routine again after a few days after just vigorates the

Oh i was looking over the plants for any catipilllars and seen some strange leaf variations..little spots...I took some leaf samples and looked under the was a small group of mites...Grrrr....I hate them....its not bad...not a infestation...and just 1 plant...I will treat them later today before sunset..mighty waash today..then azasol tomorrow...a few treatments and should be good....its cool at nights here now so they are kinda thats a plus...

other than that the greenhouse is mites there...and bud production is off the smells first thing in the morning is so strong...can smell them 200 feet away....i was triiming some big leaves off to get sun into the center and my dogs were eating all the trimmed love them..come trim time its like christmas to them...they eat and then crash out..stoner dogs...
The Blueberry is smelling amazing and the Critical Jack is super fruity and sweet ....... the CRITICAL WIDOW is just beyond belief the BUDS had turned compact Overnight! And the Smell is just out of this world - mouth Watering!!! ..... The White Lemon is bulking up ... the Amnesia I'm still no smelling much.........
Do you normally feed yours all the time then?
I was doing Feed every 7 days but now they are HUNGRY for more so I'm on One Time Water Next Time Feed........
during veg i feed a tea one day and then organic ferts another in flower I do a tea twice a week and nutes starin the hells angel OG does not like to much nutes so I just tea it...and add micros...its funny tho ..they beg for nutes for a few weeks ..then they dont want I let them tell me what they want....but I still spray weekly with silica and add micro minerals....and some times humic acid....
during veg i feed a tea one day and then organic ferts another in flower I do a tea twice a week and nutes starin the hells angel OG does not like to much nutes so I just tea it...and add micros...its funny tho ..they beg for nutes for a few weeks ..then they dont want I let them tell me what they want....but I still spray weekly with silica and add micro minerals....and some times humic acid....

Yeah I find all Ladies r Unique and Different and they ALL want different things... at different times... my Critical Widows could just Eat all the time but the FCJuices seem to be happy and the CheeseMazar seem to be happy and the Caramelos are happy...
I'm just gunna Feed and Feed and Feed everything this week coz they seem like they want it......
Have u used Diamtomaceous Earth??
I am LOVING IT! It kills ALL bugs! and is basically made of silica so it makes them greener and perkier!
yes DE is good stuff..its like little spears and pierces the body and they great for catapillars...I use in the veggie garden ..but other plants are too tall to get it on them ..and YES plants love it on them,,,it helps build strong cells in plant tissue also......I just use a spray silica weekly ..helps deter mold also....
yes DE is good stuff..its like little spears and pierces the body and they great for catapillars...I use in the veggie garden ..but other plants are too tall to get it on them ..and YES plants love it on them,,,it helps build strong cells in plant tissue also......I just use a spray silica weekly ..helps deter mold also....

Yeah Baby YEAHHHHHHH the power of nature! against.... erm...... nature! :D :D :D :D
Gunna go dust D.E under some plants tonite coz I've started to notice peskyyyyy White Fly! So dehydration and extermination to them! Do you eat it? My mums been eating it! She had a cough for about a year and since eating DE its almost gone now and I've been giving it to my cat! I would eat it myself coz its good for hair and nails but I'm saving it all for the ganjeeees :D :D :D
I just went outside..WOW it humid..the air is so thick and getting hot out..its feed day today and its so humid...I HAVE TO mix up 20 gallons and ph it it an bubble it a bit....I will be drenched in sweat doing this..haha...and its only 8:21 in the noon time it will horrible outside...its funny we had no humidiy all summer which is going into fall its getting more humid...not good ..thats prime bud rot weather...may have to up the silica twice a week..and sprat some organic tea on them ....but it smells go good out there now...its like walking into a spice shop..lots of various aroma's
I just went outside..WOW it humid..the air is so thick and getting hot out..its feed day today and its so humid...I HAVE TO mix up 20 gallons and ph it it an bubble it a bit....I will be drenched in sweat doing this..haha...and its only 8:21 in the noon time it will horrible outside...its funny we had no humidiy all summer which is going into fall its getting more humid...not good ..thats prime bud rot weather...may have to up the silica twice a week..and sprat some organic tea on them ....but it smells go good out there now...its like walking into a spice shop..lots of various aroma's
Yep! I done a LOT of sweating this season! But humidity has been kind 42% this morning! so not bad!
Hopefully humidity will carry on being nice and sweet and kind to me!
The heat really does bring out the SMELLS... the blueberry smelling good this morning!
The critical JACK smelling amazing
The cheese candy swelling up nicely now!
The CheeseMazars mmmmmm nice delicate cheeseeey smell!
The White Lemons are starting to sparkle with crystal but I am still WAITING!*** for that Extra Lemony Fresh SMELL to kick in...
Aaaaaa I'm getting HARVEST - ITCH - SYNDROME! :D :D :D
I never ate it..but heard lots of good from eating is suppose to help rid any parasites in the body also along with the other advantages it gives you...

white flies can be a nuisense...try spraying some peppermint soap like a natural castile soap ..I use a organic castile soap once in awhile to deter stuff like white flies ...its called Dr Bronners castile soap..stuff is use it in the shower..with the peppermint oils in it feels like your body has built in air conditioning..its all tingly an works great on the plants
Oh another strain you may want to look at for next season....Purple maroc...its a nice starin...early finisher and so tasty...its on my next to grow buddy next door grew it..its so now...its a bud stacker also....
I never ate it..but heard lots of good from eating is suppose to help rid any parasites in the body also along with the other advantages it gives you...

white flies can be a nuisense...try spraying some peppermint soap like a natural castile soap ..I use a organic castile soap once in awhile to deter stuff like white flies ...its called Dr Bronners castile soap..stuff is use it in the shower..with the peppermint oils in it feels like your body has built in air conditioning..its all tingly an works great on the plants
Hahahahahaha I love the Peppermint TINGLE! hahahaha Will go research Castile Soap! and Purple Maroc! (off I go!)
Had a wicked storm last night..glad i had things tied up...was crazy 9 pound hammer is so bud loaded surprised no branches broke...i spent an hour tying them up before storm....all looked go this morn....had to use leaf blower to get water off the buds..they were drenched..cant have mold hit this early...they are rock very mold prone now....will spray with silica later today...

giving them all a kelp mix today and some mag and postassium,,,and a soil injection of some bacteria and mycos.......but they sure smell good....the hammer smells so fuely right a cotton candy

Missy you taking care of them are so good looking..great will be rewarded with some great buds after...some great flavors and also nose candy with the aroma's ...I love the aroma's they have when you handle them...its like they are rewarding you with a pleasureable scent for caring for them...loll....
Had a wicked storm last night..glad i had things tied up...was crazy 9 pound hammer is so bud loaded surprised no branches broke...i spent an hour tying them up before storm....all looked go this morn....had to use leaf blower to get water off the buds..they were drenched..cant have mold hit this early...they are rock very mold prone now....will spray with silica later today...

giving them all a kelp mix today and some mag and postassium,,,and a soil injection of some bacteria and mycos.......but they sure smell good....the hammer smells so fuely right a cotton candy

Missy you taking care of them are so good looking..great will be rewarded with some great buds after...some great flavors and also nose candy with the aroma's ...I love the aroma's they have when you handle them...its like they are rewarding you with a pleasureable scent for caring for them...loll....
WoW you certainly know how to treat your ladies right! They get silica sprays...kelp... mag... pot... injections... LOL I bet they r Luvin U!
I just found my CheesexMazar cross bending at the stem - its gotta REALLY Thick stem but nevertheless it is bending under the weight of the buds... later I gotta go and stake it and tie it up! So glad Theres no wind... that wud freak me right out! in fact maybe I'll just go stake the LOT!!!!!!! Coz prevention i is always better than cure! I'll go get me some stakes! And yeah the smells are frickin amazing now especially at the end of the day when they are all warmed up! YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM awesome! Growing is SO addictive...
EeeeK Lots of Plant Bending going on! BUDS are getting FAT and the ladies are starting to lean like the tower of pizzzaaa!
.... LOL I really do have the terrible problem of my buds being too large and too heavy .... LOL I'm gunna need a lot of soft string lots and lots and lots of string............Reminder to SELF: "Buy String"............. :D :D :D
I hate when they get the gangsta lean. I staked mine flowering right now up pretty decent. I just need to get some stakes in my other greenhouse and lay trellis netting. Im was supposed like 2 weeks ago lol.

Glad you brought your grow to the outdoor forum. You will get much love here.
well i grew up in the 60's lol..yup old...was at woodstock also...and i wear patchuli time to time...especialy when hiking..keeps bugs away....I been growing a long time ..back in the days we had very little nutrients to pick emulsion...Shultz..Miracle grow and jacks classic....todays soils were unheard your own....go out in the woods and scrape off the top humus layers...and mix it with compost and a bag of potting soil I believe it was Hoffmans at the time...and a little peat moss...and they did well in that....but all was grown with bag it was hit or miss....I did grow some crazy skunks that i wish i had today...melt your face off...most starins back then smelt of skunk or hybrids...most was landrace strains...and Loong flowering...
Man you took us back a lil bit's was "the" flowering nutes in the early '80s
EeeeK Lots of Plant Bending going on! BUDS are getting FAT and the ladies are starting to lean like the tower of pizzzaaa!
pizzatower_in_rome_tour.jpg have a lot to stake up then...I had branches snap last year ..I was not up on things and did not stake up....between the bud weight and a rain ...they snapped...had to harvest the snapped ones..there was no chance of them healing back to the main stem year I used trellis netting around the plants on stakes and fed the lower branches threw them....working good so far...

to add a little humor here is something funny....

I had the gas man coming this week to deliver propane...and did not want him seeing my outdoor plants...I have a veggie garden in same area I went to the store and bought a ton of the fake flowers you make make table arrangements out of...I took green tape and taped flowers all over my plants that can be looked flowering bushes..haha....i am legal to grow..i was just afraid of rippers..even tho I have alarms and cameras..but still did not want the hassle of getting up in the middle of the night....but with the flowers all over them they just looked like a flowering bush was so cool looking but funny....after he came I took them off..I did not want them collecting water from dew at night and causeing rot.....