After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........

I'd rather not say bro. it's a bit embarrassing....a lot...I'm getting a better handle on my weight after I started openly dealing with my PTSD.....I'm healing brother...thanks for noticing.(:
I just watched the PTSD episode on hbo's vice the other night. The veterans are getting terrible care. My heart goes out to your American soldiers and their families impacted by PTS. Keep up the good fight Djj.
I just watched the PTSD episode on hbo's vice the other night. The veterans are getting terrible care. My heart goes out to your American soldiers and their families impacted by PTS. Keep up the good fight Djj.
thanks brother, I feel the love..:)
I still consider to this day, one of my greatest accomplishments was not returning from Vietnam...a junkie....and I was a medic, I had access to all the morphine I could carry..:roll:
I found Mary Jane in Vietnam, and she saved my life.....and I'm not being over dramatic here....:weed:
If someone want's to take on the task of making a t-shirt (I can help design) then I see no reason we can't get one to you. I'm just going to be so busy in the next couple of months, to set up the purchasing, printing, taking orders, and everything involved.....sigh.
I'll look into it tonight, shirts would be cool.

Im in tmb....I might have a surprise yet in store for you guys cos I wont b there !
Im in tmb....I might have a surprise yet in store for you guys cos I wont b there !
T-Shirt update.
I found as place that will print (front & back) and ship for about $12-$14 ea if we order 20+ shirts. They're printed on "Jerzees T-shirts 5.6 oz., 50/50 Heavyweight Blend T-Shirts"
sizes range from small to 5XL. We can set up a PayPal account for those who want a shirt. They can add a note with their donation: RIU ID, size, quantity.
I say similar design in the front, (grill it up) and a list of attendees on the back with a saying?
Give me your feed back.
T-Shirt update.
I found as place that will print (front & back) and ship for about $12-$14 ea if we order 20+ shirts. They're printed on "Jerzees T-shirts 5.6 oz., 50/50 Heavyweight Blend T-Shirts"
sizes range from small to 5XL. We can set up a PayPal account for those who want a shirt. They can add a note with their donation: RIU ID, size, quantity.
I say similar design in the front, (grill it up) and a list of attendees on the back with a saying?
Give me your feed back.

Count me in ....providing your harvest friends are cool with the fact I wont be coming to this pig roast .
. . . after I started openly dealing with my PTSD.....I'm healing brother...
FYI, seeing you post a few months ago that you were treating it, I got a kick in the head.

'If this guy can do it why the fuck can't I give it another try,' I thought. For once the VA had open slots, an appointment was even open for the next day!

Sometimes I get caught up in memories, treating patients and trying to mend their wounds. No longer, time to put my attentions and efforts into mending myself.

Things get better a little more everyday.

Thanks. ;)