Quantum Kush 38% THC?

I think you've done gone of the deep end homie.

For one, I don't frequent walmart let alone purchase a bag to shit in from them. I haven't shopped in a wallyworld in over 10 years. For two, I have NEVER been on foodstamps or taken a handout from our government. Third I have enough wealth to feel like I am definitely not on the bottom of the rung.

Now for a response like that you'd think I actually said even one thing that you just listed. No need to be a cunt bro.

It was facetious, not for you to take it personally. And I have no issue with welfare for those who need it, nor is anything to look down on. Fraud on the other hand I do take issue with. But things can be easily misread or I did a poor job at political humor.

Let's be clear, TY. I haven't advocated that, or anything....lol.....I've been pointing out current affairs and questioning your replies, and quite honestly, though you type a lot of words and post often, your replies are non-responsive to the questions I directly asked you.

All you've done, and continue to do, is re-state who you believe to be at fault for the state of things. I don't agree with any of it, but I don't rebutt - I question your replies.

I don't mean this as a personal insult, amigo, but you just don't get the big picture.

You can blast everyone and anyone you want....point fingers.....call names.....try to insult people who you don't agree with...waste the time you have; spin your wheels determining blame and fault....but guess what?

Another day passes. Those that want to kill you - and plan to kill you - could care less if you're a lefty, righty, or n/a. And they're another day stronger. Are we?

Is ISIS an immediate threat to my livelihood? Nope. Does that mean I don't expect the government to make sure it doesn't become one? Nope, that's the main priority of a state. I stated I think we are doing what we can do.

Since you are so concerned, pray tell what we are to do? You've conflated several different events as well as state and non state actors, then back out of the conversation. Hardly fair since you've raised these as issues and concerns. I honestly am curious as to your thoughts, not merely concern trolling . And only name calling has been at public officials, which really is calling a spade a spade from both sides.
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It was facetious, not for you to take it personally. And I have no issue with welfare for those who need it, nor is anything to look down on. Fraud on the other hand I do take issue with. But things can be easily misread or I did a poor job at political humor.

It is my fault for being dense as a rock, not yours. My apologies.

Even the new york times is talking about the dollar being dropped (advocating that it should be dropped).

To be fair, it's an op ed, not the paper. Always good to distinguish what is news and what's an opinion. But good link as it addresses part of the issue. It leaves out though how we do benefit in terms of having a monopoly on international trade, as the dollar is most frequently used and in terms of energy, severely saves us money when it comes to oil production and consumption. As much as I hate high gas prices, and they'd harm me, we should be paying closer to $7-8 a gallon.
IDK, there are some who seem to have personal vendettas but most seem pretty neutral. That seems like some personal shit since they apparently talk quite a bit.
It's the threats of violence that get me, there's just no need for that stuff, threats of any kind really.
See, I'm annoyed by both Internet shit talking and actual violence for different reasons. On the internet, anyone can define themselves however they wish. True to some degree in reality as well, but with much less constraints digitally. Plus what's the point? If you've sunk to the level of having to threaten someone on the internet, there has got to be something wrong with you, and none of it good. You either take yourself far too seriously to actually want to ruin your life as well as somebody else, are absolutely mental, or something in between the two. Often it's some napoleon complex. In real life, you certainly come across as unhinged.

To protector yourself, loved ones, violence can and should be met with opposition.
that little situation has way too many inappropriate messages from a member of staff. just about every moderator on other non cannabis forums are above it all and wouldn't even respond to nonsense and certainly wouldn't continue it. i only read one page, it was unbearable.

cool heads prevail. cant wait for an elite forum of experienced growers and breeders where you're not allowed to say that's SICK, or call anyone bro, or say that's sick bro.

Im usually on the downlow and usually down low on your mom. I remember when RIU and THCfarmer didn't want to be like ICMAG with all the flaming.

guess that's what happens when you let all the 18 year old stoner's come in.

don't mind me, i'm just trying to get my post count up so I can Pm a friend on here.
If you get pissed because someone calls you bro you need to hit the joint again dude because there are many more things in this world that should anger you before that. Its a common way to refer to someone, with no negative connotation..... there just words bro:leaf::peace::bigjoint:
And only name calling has been at public officials, which really is calling a spade a spade from both sides.

Per you:
"dumb asses that support this shit."
"idiots clinging to "guns and religion","
"my favorite idiot voter the Jesus freaks"

Since you are so concerned, pray tell what we are to do? You've conflated several different events as well as state and non state actors, then back out of the conversation. Hardly fair since you've raised these as issues and concerns. I honestly am curious as to your thoughts, not merely concern trolling .

"Concern trolling"? Is that hipster talk for initiating conversation and challenging viewpoints? :eyesmoke:
"back out of the conversation", or chopping/trimming 2 tents? Hey, I get back to you as promptly as I can, dude....lol.

As to a solution, there could be several ways to go, but a sucessful solution can't be implemented if it can't be agreed upon, then supported. The lack of a strong leader with courage and vision who has the trust of the world, much less his own citizens, certainly hampers things, doesn't it? 2 more years to go. Consider that - 2 more years, and then no guarantee that - if we reach another election - that the 'new boss' won't be the 'same as the old boss' [thanks Pete Townsend].

You've lost a few plants. In one case, I recall that you were away, and a problem that could have been fixed had it been attended to in a timely manner, was lost because the window for saving it had passed.

The 'grower' tasked to save the U S garden doesn't have the skills to do it, and he's got the keys to the tent for 2 more years. Good luck to those plants, eh?

Per you: "Since you are so concerned, pray tell what we are to do? "
[Interesting wording.] For reasons mentioned in other posts, have you considered the possibility that the U S is no longer the betting favorite? Perhaps it's time to think about personal solutions, rather than believing in the continued existence of the 'beacon of freedom' as we've known it. That's what I've done. What others choose to do, or not do, is ultimately on them.
The only motivation the State has is to maintain power. Protecting it's people is ancillary (and often enough the opposite goal of those in charge). Since I see references to it somehow being responsible for it's people and their safety and/or well being. History strongly disagrees with this assessment. Sometimes it's politically smart to be 'helpful' - but often it's not.
This is the exact reason I do not use yahoo as my news source. What a fucking joke, anyone who watches the video in entirety will quickly realize this bitch should never even have had children....

Where one gets their news matters. You have to remember, the majority of news papers/articles are written for a 6-7 grade reading level.

I don't use any TV network news, and generally use organizations from NYT, BBC, CBC, AL Jazeera, and the like. New news I'm enjoying is also coming from Vice as I'm loving their video reporting on conflicts and the strange.
This is real simple....

Anyone who is still defending Obama at this point are even worse than those who defended Bush at the same point in his Presidency. Why are they worse? Because they are hypocrits as well as being just wrong about defending the President.

There is no difference in a Dem and Rep, except for which pool of idiots they get their votes from.

Sorry if you are offended, but if you are, you should probable reaccess your political theories and see them for what they are, bullshit.
This is real simple....

Anyone who is still defending Obama at this point are even worse than those who defended Bush at the same point in his Presidency. Why are they worse? Because they are hypocrits as well as being just wrong about defending the President.

Disagree. Obama sucks, but G. W. Bush will go down as the worst president in the history of the country. Starting 2 unnecessary wars, bringing the country to the brink of depression, and then bailing out the banks is unforgivable.

There is no difference in a Dem and Rep, except for which pool of idiots they get their votes from.

Agreed. They're all lying assholes.