And only name calling has been at public officials, which really is calling a spade a spade from both sides.
Per you:
"dumb asses that support this shit."
"idiots clinging to "guns and religion","
"my favorite idiot voter the Jesus freaks"
Since you are so concerned, pray tell what we are to do? You've conflated several different events as well as state and non state actors, then back out of the conversation. Hardly fair since you've raised these as issues and concerns. I honestly am curious as to your thoughts, not merely concern trolling .
"Concern trolling"? Is that hipster talk for initiating conversation and challenging viewpoints?

"back out of the conversation", or chopping/trimming 2 tents? Hey, I get back to you as promptly as I can,
As to a solution, there could be several ways to go, but a sucessful solution can't be implemented if it can't be agreed upon, then supported. The lack of a strong leader with courage and vision who has the trust of the world, much less his own citizens, certainly hampers things, doesn't it? 2 more years to go. Consider that - 2 more years, and then no guarantee that - if we reach another election - that the 'new boss' won't be the 'same as the old boss' [thanks Pete Townsend].
You've lost a few plants. In one case, I recall that you were away, and a problem that could have been fixed had it been attended to in a timely manner, was lost because the window for saving it had passed.
The 'grower' tasked to save the U S garden doesn't have the skills to do it, and he's got the keys to the tent for 2 more years. Good luck to those plants, eh?
Per you: "Since you are so concerned, pray tell what we are to do? "
[Interesting wording.] For reasons mentioned in other posts, have you considered the possibility that the U S is no longer the betting favorite? Perhaps it's time to think about personal solutions, rather than believing in the continued existence of the 'beacon of freedom' as we've known it. That's what I've done. What others choose to do, or not do, is ultimately on them.