5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

already throwing down a top dressing? They couldn't support themselves?
Bro... I left em in the shade for a day and they stretched farther than ive ever seen! Haha now I got em up on that box about 24 inches away. Ill slowly be moving them up but yea had to throw some dirt to hide those ugly ass legs!
I do believe the Ninja Turtles have thrown down the gauntlet:)
Only A-game cups will compete in this comp.No amount of show and pageantry,half naked chicks,fancy purpose made lights or sophisticated hydro setups is gonna help.

As some might know I've had a bit of bad luck with my cups the past two comp...BUT not this time!!It's on losers!!:)
.....all in good fun:)GOOD LUCK!!

I remember your unfortunate offering last round...this is looking miles better! Good on ya, m8!
^^^Well that's because he's using sippy cups this time instead of the big boi cups he attempted last time. :-)
Hey bro, don't tell anyone but these have been my secret weapon since before I lost the white caps over a year ago! I'm tired of you bugging me about it!
That one went a little yeller cuz i forgot my
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Its better now
With all the miracle grow hate around here … Can't tell if serious (pics or it didn't happen)

Would anyone like to share how much water they have given so far along with the progress picture?
This is why I'm worried about your flood cups:
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This started out as a trial of a DIRT top fed drain to waste/auto feed solo-cup rig.... I didn't realize how goddam strong those roots can be, and I forgot to check the drain holes on the bottoms of the cups... My wifey calls this my "terra-ponics" system now.... GOOD LUCK SIR!
Wow. Thats 2 weeks? What's your medium, nutes, lights, water?
How much water exactly?I'm not sure I water everyday with little to no runoff,maybe a 1/4 cup of water each.I've put one small drain hole per cup,so not to have them dry out so quick.I think mine have been drying out too quickly in the past.

Thanks bro!.....See I told y'all I got jipped last comp!The winners were deservedly so....all better looking than mine.
I'm just a sore loser;)
Mine are still in the Rapid Rooters in the cups, i think i will be putti g them in the perlite soon but I put just enough water to cover the bottom of the cup at lights on and then right before lights out I do it again...so maybe like an inch a day? This keeps the rapid rooters moist BTW and there is little to no residue when at beginning and end of 12/12.
How much water exactly?I'm not sure I water everyday with little to no runoff,maybe a 1/4 cup of water each.I've put one small drain hole per cup,so not to have them dry out so quick.I think mine have been drying out too quickly in the past.

Thanks, and also thanks for posting such an awesome series of updates. Just looked back at all of them. Do you really have no holes in your cups and did you never change how much water you gave as the plants got bigger?
Thanks, and also thanks for posting such an awesome series of updates. Just looked back at all of them. Do you really have no holes in your cups and did you never change how much water you gave as the plants got bigger?
I've put one small drain hole per cup;)

Never changed the amount because a quarter cup is about all that's necessary,only the frequency of waterings.Of course as the plant gets bigger the more waterings it needs.GL
By the way @mc130p,I am using $3 bags of potting soil from Dollar General....Does that give me the advantage or disadvantage?;)

Haha, yes a huge advantage. I'd estimate that at about 2.3 cents of DG soil per cup? Sounds like the makings of a champ to me:)
oh forgot to mention i topped then and ive watered like 3 times this week lots of holes for drainage so i can water and feed more often ;)